Its time for fortify+movement skill to die
" :) the underline part The point is that you as a caster have other options you could do that are ranged if your so scared of something, but most stuff is telegraphed and avoidable, you have MOM, but a cyclone raider has fortify and no MOM, making the caster tankier then the melee? That isn't logical in so many ways.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" well I find with PoE you have to throw traditional logic out the window Sure in most games the caster/wizard guy if sqishy but those games are not PoE removing fortify from move skills is just a straight survivability nerf to everyone I dont see any any key!
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" That wasn't intended to get the buff in the first place and restore it to the playstyle it was meant for.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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but you end up nerfing melee as well if you kill fort+move skill
so it really fails to help melee if they do indeed do this they will really have to address damage spikiness I dont see any any key!
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" Its not a nerf to melee its an adjustment. If you give fortify a lessor more multiplier, instead of the mediocre increased damage it does now people will have no problem using it in their main links, especially if you know you can't get it with your mobility skill anymore. You seem to be completely missing the point of the whole thread.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" you could give it a more multi but I still think casters would find a way to use it even if you took it away from move skills I just think you are making a problem where there is none I dont see any any key!
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" Sadly it seem you won't be able to likely respond for 24-48 hours, but when you come back you can argue this point: While casters might find some way to get the buff, the whole point is they do nothing different now to get it in the first place, its just a support gem on a mobility skill in terms of investment, which is nothing. If you want to sit there and use vigilant strike to get fortify every 8 seconds or whatever, that is you specifically doing another action instead of casting a spell or using your mobility skill. To me you are then making a trade off and then its more logical, then just getting it for free. The issue ultimately is that movement skills are far too powerful, one way to nerf them, without stopping people from ass blasting maps in 30 seconds is to nerf the raw defense you get from it, while allowing it to provide you the natural defense of mobility naturally. I'd like them to go further with nerfs to movement skills, but that is separate in terms of this discussion.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" True, the change itself would be simple, but the effects on other stuff might not be so cut and dry. Like snipping a hole in the center of a spider web. But hey, maybe you want that spider web gone? I didn't have much time to get my thoughts in order last night since it was before bed, but I'll see what I can do today. Starting with replies to your points though: Shield Charge could certainly stand to not be seen as viable for damage. Or if it is viable for damage then its utility as mobility needs to be brought down. So a jewel that essentially turned it into Shield Bash would work. Yeah, Leap Slam hasn't truly been used for damage for quite some time. The setup I'm remembering killed Guardian of the Phoenix Maybe this one? But the one I remember specifically used it to kill Phoenix and not just for clearing... Eh, can't find it after 10 minutes of searching so oh well. Thought it was an Inquisitor though. Anyway, you're right that they don't use Fortify on a Leap Slam setup since they need the damage which Fortify doesn't grant. I'll admit that I do use Fortify on my Leap Slam though. It's my kinda blah Pillar Juggernaut so it's nothing that really screams "OMG nerf it!" And I do have a backup Vigilant Strike anyway in case I don't want to bother with the longer time to Leap to a close enemy. Yeah, if Fortify cut off after using spells even for utility then that just doesn't feel good. Plus some spells are effectively melee anyway. So if we go to my Pillar Juggernaut, the "optimum" thing to do is mainly keep flasks up, Leap Slam between packs, then Sunder until the pack is dead and continue on. The extra gem link on my Leap Slam isn't much of an investment but it's a major help in surviving. I suppose that goes into "If Fortify + fast movement skill is too powerful, is it too powerful for everyone or is it only certain builds?" Coming from the standpoint that the game is probably too fast right now at its top end, Fortify + fast movement skill is likely too powerful for everyone if Fortify's values stay the same. So if we cut Fortify + fast movement skill, what happens? People will switch to the longest-range melee skills to put it up which are Sunder and Frost Blades, Frost Blades being the faster and more weapon-versatile one so more likely. So if the player wants the buff then they need to stop for a split second to hit it and then move on, which accomplishes the intention of slowing the character down and/or forcing the player to make a choice between riskier and faster or safer and slower, if only by a fraction of a second. I could certainly live with that and it seems like it'd be better for the game. A compromise might be "Fortify has 50% Less effectiveness when used with movement skills." |
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" Not only that, but also granting some Fortify increased effect for those "melee" users that stand still"recently". And if we're at this point, in discussing further "improvements", Fortify should have some additional "benefits" for hitting an enemy in a radius of 16 around the character. @goetzjam has the impression that Fortify should help solely "melee" users, so let's remove the effect if enemies are hit by such a "melee" skill post a 45 radius, and grant some "less" effect post a 30 radius. As Fortify should not help characters that move via movement skills, let's keep it helpful for melee as in close proximity attacks, heck, even spells if they respect range requirements - as all various forms of attack, be them attacks, projectiles or spells, if they require you to "hit" your enemy in a 16 radius should be "de facto melee"... And this gripe should be a lot bigger than granting some access to an additional defensive mechanic to caster, which should be removed by rendering a severe nerf to spell damage if you used a movement skill to apply Fortify recently - which would ALWAYS make the casters consider if they need the damage or the defensive buff... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...
Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... |
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" A common misconception about melee abilities, is only the primary effect is going to give you the fortify buff, for example with frost blades you still have to be close enough to get the initial hit off, for lighting strike you have to hit with the melee portion as well. Maybe sunder has a long enough range for others to use it to gain the buff, but ultimately anyone that wants to get the buff and "do something different" would probably use vigilante strike as it has a longer duration naturally. In terms of it being a better change for the game to remove it from mobility skills, absolutely, you can't really dispute it. In terms of compromise, its absolutely not necessary to compromise in this case. Mobility gives you defense naturally, there is no reason why it should give it to you superficially. " I'm trying to focus on these things one at a time. GGG specifically said a year ago movement skills are out of control. This would help with both of those issues and if you want to tone it more further, by all means. " Spell casters and ranged builds get other benefits from being close to the enemy that they don't need the defensive bonus for being close. Ranged builds can grab point blank and get a large damage multiplier. Spell builds like freezing pulse doing more damage and having a higher freeze chance. Channeling spells have a psuedo defensive support they can use that was released this patch. If skills like BV or something still suffer they can make other adjustments going forward. Spell builds can typically pretty easily go into MOM, melee builds have a much harder time utilizing it and getting a large pool to abuse it. So can we stop trying to make this as if others NEED fortify. They don't. It wasn't intended for them in the first place and they have other defenses available for them.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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