Its time for fortify+movement skill to die
" I tend to agree with you. I don't think everything should have a cooldown, but I wouldn't mind them being slightly better then flame dash, without investment. And those that do invest more (in CDR) or future lab enchant (if the change was made) could potentially still move very quickly, but that is more another topic, then my main focus. Main focus being removal of fortify from melee mobility skills. I tend to agree that it wouldn't stop anyone that currently uses it from using the melee mobility skills, but it would remove the double dipping defensive bonus (dodging with movement) and fortify. From one simple action. What I am asking for is a simple change to better the game and I'll repeat, its a nerf to all 3 character I currently have in the Abyss league.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |