- 500k Players ? What happened ?
At present, the game lacks final content.
Design a terrible map system. It makes people feel boring. A speechless web trading system (perhaps a product of the 1990 s) The most important thing is that designers are obsessed with their own thinking. Never care about the feedback from forum players. |
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Many things I guess and it's probably different for each individual person.
For me it's: - tried the builds I wanted to try at 90+ - 1 attempt per map - unresolved optimization problems (4090 and drops to 30-40 fps in fights sometimes) - understanding that with the current development speed the game won't be ready in 6-12 months since release as it was initially promised so I'd rather sit it out until the game is in the more complete state |
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This game demotivates you. If you're occasional player you have no chance to improve your character further. I'm this kind of player and checking Alma's Currency Exchange every morning I can see that the price for divines is skyrocketing towards Mars. At the same time prices for stuff which I need for my character is trying to chase up the divine's price. At the same time running maps I get nothing because to get something I need to shove some rockets in my a...ss to catch up these prices to buy new stuff to juice up maps to POE2 standards or su... your finger and take your pathetic corner in a losers' room.
In other words, if you just play, regularly but a little, you won't progress at all. Without it, what's the deal? |
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" Are you new to Path of Exile? good to learn this early so you can decide if you want to continue. Most people don't learn this until way too late. If you don't play regularly you will fall behind the market and your progress will slow. |
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" No, I'm not a novice, I played POE1 for probably five years so I know all these "antics" of this game. But there was more stable economy there so even having the same pace of my progress I could improve my character. Not here though.... Ok, it's an early access so I will give a go this game anyway but I hope developers will step into this issue and calibrate economy more precisely. |
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Git Gud happened, no more Gud Games I guess
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There have been 100 of thousands of people leave reviews and GGG could careless. I've sent in 2 emails of which I got the response back to post in the forum. They are too busy. The endgame is trash. The spawns of the endgame mechanics are trash. Just attempted an expedition where I couldn't even place any detonators. What a joke.
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two genius game directors, that's what happened
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Some feedback as the majority owner of a software company that has IP all over the world.
The devs are not sufficiently communicating with the community. Changes are not being pushed at a reasonable speed. In early access the userbase is not being unreasonable for expecting balance changes to come at a moderately rapid pace based on data driven decisions in conjunction with community input. There's nothing to do, the game has objectively stagnated at this point, and people just aren't having fun. On a personal note I put in a support ticket 94 days ago and it still hasn't been answered. I haven't even logged in to play in over 2 weeks because all of the above became so frustrating. I don't have the amount of free time I over the holidays, but I'd have still gotten some time in. I can say with unwavering certainty that this is not how a successful company is run and will ultimately result in a dramatic loss in the potential number of users. I pop in to check in on the state of things from time to time as ARPGs are the only thing I still play. |
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Dev team made their entire player base depressed by forcing them to spend hundreds of hours watching a Grey lifeless screen while listening to the same creepy chime on repeat aka delirium fog.
Like who wouldn't want to get off the asylum bus... We are in march now.this should have been patched out in January |
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