- 500k Players ? What happened ?

Pestilence_PoE#6339 a écrit :
intersept#1235 a écrit :
Pestilence_PoE#6339 a écrit :

PoE1 low end crafting is actually possible and has a lot of options, and I am probably missing more:

Essence craft for guaranteed mod
Alt+aug for 2 desired mods.
Harvest reforge for a guaranteed mod.
Harvest swap res.
Bench craft 1 desired mod, or sacrifice 1 slot to craft 2
Fossil craft to add some determination of mods
Recomb is hella op to smash together desired mods. but temporary league mechanic

On top of that, you don’t need an infinite supply of bases to craft. If you get a piece of gear in poe2 with the wrong res you can’t even consider using it without sitting down and reconfiguring your entire gear set. There obviously has to be some gamba in the crafting or everyone would just have easy mirror tier gear. PoE1 crafting is probably confusing at this point, but the options are there for low and high end. Poe2 mirror crafting works fine, but the cost is insane. For the average player you just have nearly 100% gamble.

Not true.

Essdence craft for Guaranteed mod you have to gamble the range of the mode. min x to maximum x. Then you are gambleing the second mod on the item and the third ect.

Same goes for alt augmentation. In poe 2 you colect bases and trow them away. in Poe1 you colect alt and augmentation and deplete them. You gamble them untill you hit something on the slot machine.

Same goes for harvest. You reforge a mod for another mod BUT gamble the rang eof that mod and what it is. You recraft attack mod - You can hit variety of attack modes, gamble. If you hit the mod then you gamble the rang eof the mod.

Slot machine mechanics all over the place designed to loose your time and make you artificialy play longer.
Its gamble. You are pulling a lever.

Same goes for fossil crafting. You straight up gamble what you are foing to get. You can choose the sub-mod. but you gamble the mod you are geting and the range of the mod or modes.

Recombinator is the bigest slot machine of them all idk what you are even talking about. High levels of copium or who are you trying to convince in what here ?

You are litterally puting 3 items in a slot machine-like window. clicking a button, and hoping to get the modes of each tiem to combine into one. HOPEIUM !

Even the most deterministic part wich is the Benchcrafting in Poe1 you gamble the range of the mod you choose and thats THE MOST DETERMINISTIC.
You can hit low you can hit mid or high roll and in between.

Copium my guy, copium.

And its made on purpose. These are time wasting mechanics designed to make you play longer by wasting your time/currency/bases/entrances.

As I stated, there is always some degree of gamble to crafting, but a good design has to give you hope or allow you to manipulate the outcome. Sounds like you just don’t understand how to craft anything. I’m not going to waste my time since you seem to not even have used the recombinator.

Theres nothing good in theyr ''crafting'' designs. Not in poe1 and not inpoe2.

Its all gamble and time wasting mechanics. You can have as much copium as you want but i have 5000000 facts to prove you wrong. Or rather we dont have the 500k anymore and that proves my point. The mechanics are not good, very niche and only few people enjoy them. Gamble addicts and streamers trying to promote them as good becouse ITS THEYR JOB.

Maximum Gaslighting and Copium overdrive.
Wormabutter#4288 a écrit :
Are the poe2 bad people still crying?
What a waste of time.

Dont mind, it will stop.
Then you can play with your leftover Elite Pro Gamers and 30000 Bots.
Mission complete.
The game, even if its early access state, needs A LOT of work and could have used some more time in the oven cooking before even early access.

Also, note, that when a developer takes $$ from you in the form of cash shop, or access to the EA (as in POE2s case if you never spent $$ in POE1), I don't give them much rope to work with in regards to their early access.

SFJake#5563 a écrit :
Why are people ever surprised? ITS EARLY ACCESS.

I'm not quite sure what people like you are promising themselves by huffing that much copium. It's not like people are going to tell themselves "GOLLY GEE this game sucks but wow it's only early access, I'll LOVE to jump right back in once the 'early access' label is removed!!11!!!", no; "early access" is nothing but an excuse to handwave all the issues the product has. This isn't some 1-3 man indie production where they have to do "early access" with only part of the game ready because they can't afford developing the rest without already making money and people are paying because they love the concept or want to support those 1-3 guys; no, this is an established company that has been living off this IP for years now. So there's no reason to expect that "early access" money to somehow improve the game in crazy ways when they could have done so all the time already, with the money they already had and already made. So please stop giving me this "early access" tripe as if it meant anything in this situation.

Hell, I've seen plenty of games that got revealed months - if not years - before their release and looked like crap, and when you point out how they look like crap, people like you always kept on screaming "WELL THIS IS A BETA BUILD, THE FINISHED PRODUCT WILL LOOK GOOD, THEY'LL FIX EVERYTHING!", and how often did anyone ever fix anything in those games? Never. They looked just as bad when they released. Now let's look at this game, with a completely unsatisfying, unfun endgame loop that has like half the playerbase quit every month, do you really think this will be magically fixed once they remove the "early access" label? No, they committed to the design flaws in this game, and are seemingly proud of them, they're not going to change. No matter whether it's called "early access" or "open beta" or whatever - hell, what's the practical difference anyway? That you have to pay to play it as opposed to not having to pay for it later? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Remember when beta testers got to test for free? Remember when QA/testing was a PAID profession and people were PAID to test products? Now you can PAY to do the work of testing a product that will be given to end users for FREE, if that isn't the height of ridicule then I don't know what is.

I'll tell you what's going to happen once it's not "early access" anymore or in "season" or "league" or whatever the hell you think will change anything: a couple people will come back and check the forums to see if you still lose 5 hours of progress for something that is "to be expected" according to the very developers of the game, and piss right off again. Your player count will go up by 20% and then decrease to new lows again a week later.
Dernière édition par Blaze#1894, le 12 mars 2025 17:14:07
this is an established company that has been living off this IP for years now. So there's no reason to expect that "early access" money to somehow improve the game in crazy ways when they could have done so all the time already, with the money they already had and already made. So please stop giving me this "early access" tripe as if it meant anything in this situation.


Game will be ~same as it is now. Whether one likes it or not.
SFJake#5563 a écrit :
(again, the majority of gamers, unlike the vocal minority in ARPG forums) don't grind endgames at all (because they have a life or other games to play)

outlander19900#0213 a écrit :
Normal people finish a game then it's finished thats it. I have never returned to a game months after playing it, especially if leaving unhappy with it.

Let's not be disingenuous. This isn't your standard $70 single player RPG that you buy, play, see the credits roll, shelf and move on the next game, eagerly awaiting the next title those developers releases. This is a live service game, or whatever that's called nowadays; it's expected to monetize your playing time over a period of years. As it also has development costs years after the initial release. If you're not sure about the business model of this game, remind yourself that it's FREE (putting aside us FOMO suckers that PAID to do the test/QA work for this FREE game), so no - this isn't the normal sales/playerbase trajectory for this kind of a game. This isn't your Final Fantasy or Pokemon or Megaten or whatever where the game releases, the gamers play it and shelf it, think "wow that was a fantastic game, can't wait for the next one" and the developers move on to make the next one to release two years later, like people reading books. No, this is a game that is expected to keep a sustainable userbase over years, and ideally forever, because how are you going to feel if the game you invested 10000 hours in has the plug pulled because nobody is playing it anymore and they can't keep on employing dozens of people to pump out content for 1000 players who maybe buy a new skin for their weapons now and then?

The key difference between the "normal" or "majority" gamers and the "normal" games as you guys who seem to be puzzled by the whole proposition of this ARPG genre call it is that it's about delayed gratification. This is something that nobody wants to admit for some reason, but it's a real thing, because people are spending 10000s of hours in MMORPGs and life service games and whatnot. People LIKE the feeling of achieving something beyond immediate knee-jerk gratification. And if your game is built around that, it can keep those people engaged for decades, and it can monetize the game by continually selling them stash tabs and skins and whatnot, which is exactly the idea of this kind of game. But in PoE2 you got your level 100 ceiling when games like Diablo 3 realized how stupid that is a decade ago, and to prevent the people from reaching it too quickly you got this "punishment for thing that are to be expected" nonsense, and then incase you still reach the low level ceiling too quickly, there's "seasons" or "ladders" or "leagues" where you can start over again, and again, and again. Which is something that worked 20 years ago, but as gaming is not a kid's hobby anymore, this stops working because people don't have the time to start over and over again in ONE game when there's tons of other games, and tons of other hobbies, and a lot more to do in life than catering to hobbies.

Hell - I don't know what you guys think you got for defending flaws in a game that you would like to persist for decades, and ideally forever... what are you expecting to happen? Do you think suddenly everyone will say "oh wow SFJake#5563 you're right, this was the best game all along" and then you'll happily play this game forever? Or do you think the 3000 people playing this game in a couple of months will sustain it, and then you can all hold hands and dance in your ideal game together? Or do you guys think that once they remove the "early access" label, a million gamers will happily rush back to play the game they didn't want to play the day before, because they added 4 new legendary items, made towers juiceable and made a new graphic for essences? Get real.
Dernière édition par Blaze#1894, le 12 mars 2025 14:32:29
What Happened?
GGG double-downed on catering to speed-running tr00nz
This is not a free game.

Full release game sell straight away and within a year no sales as game is finished and people move on.most normal full paid games become free after a year or so via variousl game passes or just generally free. This free game will remain paid for longer than a normal £70 full release game.

I dont see how anyone could possible not see that this is not even close to being free. Its a trick on words to trick people not capable of critical thought.
Dernière édition par outlander19900#0213, le 12 mars 2025 17:13:20
This game will be mobbed when full release happens.

I have put in about 120 hours so far with taking it easy as I am waiting for full release before dumping in more time. Cant imagine I am the only one.

Huge spike when the hunt patch hits.
Dernière édition par Utukka#5444, le 12 mars 2025 17:39:45
I quit because the game has become super stale and GGG keeps showing that they don't care about making a good game and only cares about how many new microtransactions they can fit in each update. This is supposed to be in a testing phase, but they are treating it like this is a complete game with more content to come. Thanks Blizz.... I mean GGG.

I had a group of us that started the game together. ZERO still play and as far as I know, zero have any intentions of coming back to play. I sunk over 600 hours into the game, just to see them say they aren't going to give any spoilers or updates to those of us who spend loads of time and money on the game. Why were they not going to tell us anything or address any issues, ohhh because they wanted to have an excuse to bring back people THAT ALREADY QUIT THEIR GAME! Fuck everyone who had stayed and was continuing to play and throw money at them, nope let's cater to those who are already playing something else. What a smack in the face to read that sentence from them!

Then there is the issue of what they say. "we are going to focus on POE 2, sorry POE 1 people". Very next update was a massive POE 1 update and event. I do not care that they put out anything for POE 1, I am just angry that they say 1 thing and then do something else.

My ultimate FU you GGG was that stupid "race" event. What a joke of an event and a pure FU to the player base! GGG is no longer Grinding Gear Games, they are just a sister to Blizzard and Activision. FU GGG!


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