[3.15] 1h Impale Cyclone Slayer. Cheap league starter and strong endgame farmer. No required items.
Hitting a bit of a wall when it comes to wave 20 of the simulacrum. Any suggestions on increasing my survivability?
Current stats are Armour: 5348 base Evasion: 1078 base Life: 6201 Ele Resist: All 76 Chaos Resist: 26 See Pastebin below: https://pastebin.com/xUJncWRd " |
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" Blood Rage from Paradoxica is overriding you Blood Rage from gem. Chest could use Attacks have +# to critical strike chance - very important. And you have no chaos res whatsoever; that's a bummer. But your body armour needs an upgrade to provide crit chance. |
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Fantastic Guide!
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" Swapped out the Paradoxia for a 170PDPS one, but damn those chests are expensive! Also I've got chaos resists that have me up to +26% chaos resist on random pieces. Finding new equip that has the chaos resists along with everything else I need has been a slow process. Do I really need to 75% my chaos resist to handle simulacrum? |
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"[/quote] Blood Rage from Paradoxica is overriding you Blood Rage from gem. Chest could use Attacks have +# to critical strike chance - very important. And you have no chaos res whatsoever; that's a bummer. But your body armour needs an upgrade to provide crit chance.[/quote] Swapped out the Paradoxia for a 170PDPS one, but damn those chests are expensive! Also I've got chaos resists that have me up to +26% chaos resist on random pieces. Finding new equip that has the chaos resists along with everything else I need has been a slow process. Do I really need to 75% my chaos resist to handle simulacrum? [/quote] This is what im using i clear wave 20 simu pretty easily , occasionally if i get like brittle and maim or something i have some trouble or if i get two bosses and a bad mod but 90 % of the time i can clear all 20 waves . Dernière édition par Artaniz#4006, le 16 avr. 2020 17:35:59
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hi @Dex2644
do you have any suggestions to turn this character into absolute boss killer? this was my leauge starter and now i have a self-temp hh character for mapping. i already got super late game items in cyclone and i was capable of doing uber elder and sirus a8 deathless but i want more :) |
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Thx for the guide,I think I`m almost done with this legue,still need to gain 36 achievements
I`ve bought HH yesterday and this one is the first for me,and I must say it worth all the money,all that grinding,now I clean maps like a rocket,almost nothing can stop me! But there is one problem:I have like 5k armour without flask/12.5k when fighting(+some mods from rare mobs)I need to upgrade the armour,any advices?My gear above:
Dernière édition par DEADM00N#0355, le 17 avr. 2020 09:22:04
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" I think you might be able to find a much better chest with double influence (I like crit more than explode personally), with more health and armor. Mine was not expensive at all, by your standards. Congrats on HH :) Dernière édition par hivesteel#5791, le 17 avr. 2020 10:53:22
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Well, the recent patch has once again made the game unplayable for my machine, like at the beginning of the league, so I guess I’m done. I won’t really get into that, but hey if you have any ideas feel free to check my support ticket: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2793077
I really enjoyed playing this build, I got farther than any other league before, clearing all content, and learned a lot from the people in this thread, many have been kind and helpful. I wanted to give back a little bit. I want to share my opinion of the build. I’m pretty new and learned a lot this league as I reached the end game and tried many variants of this build. I guess this is aimed towards newer players at my level, who might want to get a realistic outlook from this build. General thoughts: - I think this build is probably difficult to use in this league. You’re a melee range glass cannon, accept this fact early on. Using champions might help when your gear is bad, but won’t make the world of a difference in the late game. As you gear up, slayer ascendency pulls ahead. You just want to kill everything before it touches you, and slayer is better at doing that. Adding defensive layers to the core of this build seems hard, sacrificing a lot of damage for few defensives and it doesn’t seem worth it. - You can do everything with this build, eventually. T16 juiced up 5 delirium layers, it’s all doable. Bosses, doable very early. But again, you can’t get hit. You have to learn the boss fights. Uber elder bosses feel like they have the health of white mobs, I’m not kidding. But with the invisibility phases and portal phases, you have to understand the mechanics well if you want to beat them consistently. It goes for Sirus too and the various Delve bosses. - - I’ve killed all of them, but not on my first attempt, I had to figure out precisely how they worked. - In a sense, this is a braindead build. You hold the cyclone and win. Use your totem when you feel like it. You won’t be getting carpal tunnel from this build (love that personally). The difficulty comes that you’re so squishy so you have to be careful and alert at all time. Vaal Molten Shield helps, but not much (still better than Immortal Call). - It’s probably not a lvl 100 build. To those who have done it, I applaud you, I don’t have the patience. I want to go fast, loot as I go, go deep in delirium. I wanna do all map mods even if they are deadly. But with this build: you leap slam into a group of mobs as a lag spike hits? Dead; you miss any death effect through the thick delirium fog? Dead; Minotaur decides to instantly dive and resurface without signs or warnings? Instantly Dead. You can’t find that last Chimera smoke through the fog. bye exp. There’s so much shit in this game that I just can’t catch consistently, there’s shit everywhere. The performance of the game is so bad despite my high end PC. I’ve gotten a lot better but with the amount of lag/FPS spike/crash related deaths this league, I’m not improving fast enough to reach level 100. If you’re careful, only mapping maps you carefully checked the mods of, and not going crazy in Delirium, it might be possible, but way too slow and frustrating for me. You can’t deep delve consistently either, which is such amazing currency. Next, here is my gear and POB: https://pastebin.com/hsMk0ceT (idk which buttons to press to get the big dps number in PoB, sorry):
I want to share what I thought of the gear progression and how I would do it if I restarted from scratch. - I see a lot of people here with really bad chest armor, basically just for the -15. I don’t get that, I used a defense piece early on and the extra survivability was so nice. I used Belly of the Beast, plenty of other options, but extra gore is so cool in this build. Ring/Amulet -3 channeling cost and/or Lucidity is so not a big deal, you won’t be using Tenacity anyway on your early amulet. Wait till you can afford a nice double influence chest imo, it shouldn’t be your priority. -6 is even enough if you get Enlighten lvl3 for your auras and hold up on using precision. You’ll have a decent pool and leach, though no regen maps might be annoying. - That being said, if you land yourself a really good Amulet, don’t wait up on Tenacity, it is so huge, and golden oils aren’t even that expensive anymore. I waited too long for it and it felt like such a huge upgrade even with late game gear. - I like crit chest over explode chest after trying both, though both are nice. Maps aren’t really a problem for this build, especially with Devastator from Large Cluster Jewels. I used “Feed the Fury” for a while which gave nice leech and was great quality of life early on, but Devastator is amazing. Can’t have both sadly. - The biggest double digit exalt cost upgrade you can get, imo, is Bottled Faith. It’s simply amazing for this build and an absolute necessity early on. It gave me amazing consistency in late game maps and bossing without any of the good gear. Once you have a decent set of rares, maybe Scaeva/Paradoxica and a 6L chest (not necessarily -15 one), save for Bottled Faith. Bottled Faith -> Double Influence 6-Link -> Saviour is how I’d progress in terms of those really expensive core items. - About Paradoxica, save yourself some exalts and get one like mine. The flat attack speed one is better overall, but really when there are no unique/rares around, you don’t need that attack speed to demolish them. - I think Paradoxica is replaceable, if I kept playing this build I’d get a high dps foil instead and get chance for double damage from Lethal Pride, I’m pretty sure that would be a lot better. Saviour is so fun though, it’s so good in Delirium because there’s always trash behind you that took too long to spawn and your clones take care of them naturally. Also ridiculous boss damage. They also tell you where bosses are when the teleport offscreen which is pretty cool. So fun. - Awakened Gem’s are nice of course, but I didn’t see a huge difference from them. Even when I got brutality super early. Lvl 21 cyclone is really nice though, so is 21/20 or 20/23 Impale (basically same and cheap). 21/23 is such a small difference in PoB, I never bothered. I waited too long for Assassin’s Mark ring, it’s really strong. Damage and survivability. - I don’t know why I don’t see more Steel Ring’s around, they are kind of ridiculous with this build IMO. They were such a huge upgrade over my previous set, Diamond Rings, even with implicit stats being very similar. Get an onslaught abyssal jewel early on, it is very nice to free up that flask spot and easy to proc. You need the proper defenses flasks in this build, it’s basically our only layer. In terms of stuff I wish I’d still be motivated to farm for: definitely tailwind boots first, - Reaching level 100 and using more cluster jewels. At my level, after trying all of them, I don’t even think medium clusters are worth it, I just use Large -> Small with Adrenaline (which is amazing). I could be wrong, OP’s approach is interesting, but I saw so little damage difference from it. Little survivability difference from the hex one. High end foils, - 2 useful watcher’s eye effects. Helm with similar stats and added fortify effect. It’s not great but you have to get dex/int from somewhere in this build, one or more pieces of gear will suffer, inevitably. - Voices could be used of course... My disappointments with this build: - It really, really does need investment. That isn’t to say its a bad starter build, it does work early on. But “10ex all contents” is click bait. The progression is smooth and natural, but to do well consistently in the end game you need very high investment. Say “get good” all you want, some stuff you ain’t dodging 100% of the time. This build has no room for error. - It doesn’t deal with Delve well. It’s my first league with delve and was my favorite part of the game for a while. I made so much money Delving. But now I hate it because this build doesn’t deal with it well past depth 300-400. You die too quickly for it, and with the janky light mechanics some random enemy that’s somehow still in the dark and not hittable will one-shot you with a projectile you don't see. You can still do very well with good gear around depth 300, but deaths will still happen beyond your control. Leap slam doesn’t work well in there either. I used to just spend my sulphite after leveling but obviously that doesn’t work after a certain point. I just KNOW if I go in the mines I’m condemning my exp progress, which sucks. - Glass cannon. Feel free to tell me I’m bad, but it’s hard to not die on the end game bosses when literally anything one shots you. I don’t understand any real way to add defensive layers to this build, you can only really double down on damage to take content faster and learn to dodge. It’s fine for most content but there are a few boss fights who take the approach of filling the screen with mid-damage stuff that you can hardly react to or dodge. I hate that lazy design, and it’s the weakness of this build for sure. Again with all the performance issues this league, it’s tough to be playing a melee glass cannon. - I haven’t tried it, but some cyclone variants (facebreaker or wtv) just seem better? More DPS and more survivability. I might be wrong, I tried all the dual wield variants, not the facebreakers. Still, this was the most fun I had with this game thanks for this very fun build. That’s my 2-cents, thank you for reading and thanks again to all who helped me have a really fun league! If you have any questions or suggestions on things I should try, let me know :) |
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Any idea how to increase DPS ? Is better use 2 jewelled foil ? I have around 9 EX. THANKS
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