Its time for fortify+movement skill to die
" Ideally your moving pack to pack fast enough with enough duration so even if your melee you never lost your buff from the last pack. " There isn't an easy way to give users this sort of information. In addition, mobility is defense, again why would you need to "double dip" on getting additional defense while your using it to avoid shit. " Movement speed requires more of an investment then shield charge+fortify+faster attacks, so while its possibly to use mobility from speed, it at least isn't giving you fortify as well. " Thematically sure, but at the end of the day that isn't something that should happen across the board because armor is only useful up until a certain point. How do you balance a high evasion chest vs a high armor chest. Arguably the high evasion chest is going to be overall more mitigation but the armor chest is more reliable against a barrage of stuff. " I liked it better when it worked off of mana regen, perhaps it was too strong, but it was more unique then AA currently is. " Don't feel like repeating what I said above. Furthermore, much like I mentioned above, how do you communicate this. Just say "half effectiveness on movement skills", except cyclone\flicker? " Vaal spark you mean, self casting spark volt was very strong, but at the same time later double dipping builds were way stronger then volt was. And with poison requiring more node commitments it would be far more balanced. Ultimately when it comes to skills that have the potential to convert, historically they seem to be pretty damn broken with how well they can scale. Look at all of these stat sticks that can work for ek\glacial cascade, reave, ect. Look at some of these watcher's eyes (although I really like these) Furthermore, volt was broken in perandus, you know when they decided to drop the rarity of it and also give people free uniques by just collecting gold that had no cost to the player. In terms of the suicide golem build, xD thats pretty funny when you think about it. But setting it to do 0 damage when your dead likely wasn't that crazy of a change to make. However, if you think that these are comparable to shield charge+fortify+faster attacks ruining the game I just don't even. It gives defensive bonuses to characters that were never intended to get it. It limits weapon choices by making melee ones much better then wands, it widens the gap between actual melee builds and ones that just abuse the cheese mechanics. Shield charge\wb is what enabled vaal spark, vaal FB and almost all of the top clearspeed builds to reign. " But all they need to do is something so that people stop getting a benefit they were never intended to get.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" ROFL My highest level character is a support that abuses the fortify buff, among other things. It has nothing to do with cost of something, it has to do with it being broken as fuck.
Has more stuff, just wanted to show a couple things. " There are many reasons to use all sorts of weapons, aside from only a wand on a caster, even if GGG removed fortify from working on shield charge, they would still want to use daggers\scepters\ect just so they can move around easier. Take EK nova for example, sure you charge in, hit something and then freeze\shock everything on the screen. That isn't really putting yourself in the same situation as a melee character, now is it? Just because you hit some trash on the way. What about shield charging thru a boss to get to the other side when they do some attack, like malachai with his aoe spam. Someone already pointed out fortify is just icing on top of the cake. But I believe all movement skills should be equally as bad as each other for the most part. Useable, but not broken, what puts shield charge\fortify into stupid territory is not only fortify but the cost of how it works. People complain about lightning warp, but honestly in a 4 link its actually not that bad. Assuming your build doesn't take any skill duration on the tree. Maybe GGG should make it so that skills linked with less duration ignore increased duration modifiers.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" Ideally, maybe. The reality unfortunately doesn't align always to that ideal scenario. Right, because it's difficult to remove the Fortify buff if you constantly spam the movement skill. Or just tag even a hidden description, like "the buff requires you to hit an enemy with a different melee attack post using a movement skill"... Yep, just like Champion's Ascendancy always provides Fortify no matter what, movement speed investments require more involvement, and it's great that Fortify isn't tagged to a set MS limit... Funny, I thought that GGG already balanced high armour vs high evasion via just that, armour works more consistent, and you ALWAYS die if you get hit on an evasion based character, presuming you either have insufficient buffer or you get "unlucky" versus a "barrage of hits"... Regardless, armour should make you ALWAYS feel more "tanky", and evasion/dodge should make you feel more successful if your gameplay is skillplay based... There is nothing wrong in stating just that openly, and hidden the "increased Fortify effect if you continuously apply the buff", not to mention that due to their mechanics, neither Cyclone or Flicker Strike should get the buff - Cyclone already has stun immunity, and Flicker is still the best clearing option on a heavily invested "melee" build, until the bosses at least, and due to their advanced mobility, they shouldn't actually "double dip", right? And all those Vaal skills, and even golem interaction is what allowed undesired completion of game content in a smaller than optimal time frame, with 0 danger presented to the players. Using Fortify might make casters more "tanky", but they also ALWAYS get more closer to the danger and more prone to deaths. And that simply places the interaction of Fortify + MS on a lesser priority place for GGG, regardless of our opinions... And GGG needs to get more involved regarding balance, regarding the trade system status, various technical problems/optimisations etc. etc. Why do they always prefer to put these on pause and focus solely on bringing new "@#&/" is above me - yes, I know that PoE has surprisingly bad player retention over time, and that they're content with interest spikes, but this might not always pay dividends, and later, their combined efforts to address all the lacklustre aspects will be in vain... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...
Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... |
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" The issue with that is the map mods really. Roll a map with 2 added damage as XX or YY and the evasion character suddenly becomes tankier in terms of mitigation then the armor does, because armor is only negating the phys portion of the damage, while evading is mitigating the attack and therefore the ele portion as well. " Wrong, cyclone is literally "the" melee skill, while it isn't a name lock skill it absolutely should get fortify because they've nerfed the aoe so much that there is no way your not on top of the mob to kill it. Reave can clear a whole screen with its buff, but cyclone can't even hit many things because its aoe is so tinny. Yes cyclone gets stun immunity, because the skill would be unplayable otherwise. Furthermore, stun immunity a concern in this day and age? Hello pantheon? Stun avoidance enchant, ect. Apparently some people are reporting getting stunned out of it anyway, idk how that is possible, but that is a separate issue. As a trade off cyclone has absolutely garbage single target, at least reave can use bladefury or something. In terms of flicker, its uncontrollable movement, for the most part it might not be necessary, but idk why it wouldn't be able to get fortify, it at least isn't being used to trivialize encounters. " Yet we see people playing tons of builds now that "run" (aka shield charge) thru content at as fast if not faster pace then before, all because the unchecked nature of shield charge=fortify+faster attacks, the same combination that was used to cheese vaal skills, the same combination that has plagued this game for years. The golem thing was funny, but on a side note, they also should be tagged in grace period, its a bit silly to zone in, have the golem aggro something and as soon as you move die to a queue up attack. " It is not just caters, its minion builds, support builds or anyone that would otherwise benefit by using a bright beak or melee weapon of any sort, but not actually do a melee attack. People aren't getting closer to get the buff, they arent specifically going out of their way or putting themselves in danger to get it, they are getting it "by chance" or as icing on the top. If they removed fortify from movement skills, people would still use them, probably still as much as they do now, the simply wouldn't gain the "cherry on top" which is what the whole sad part of this discussion is. " GGG only gets a few chances every once and a while for balance stuff outside of their team and alpha. In terms of trade system status, idk what you are expecting, GGG released their trade site and asked for feedback, they likely have no intention on adding anything else or an AH if that is what you want. They have to release new content, new skills, new supports, it draws in old players, keeps the game more interesting, they have been trying to revist at least something every expansion in order to address somethings, but they always run out of time. This expansion was to better address some rare item diversity to uniques as well as address some of the issues with the atlas being too flat. Now there is a reason to do other stuff, just maybe not as much as people wanted. Next patch will address some AC classes. 3.0 addressed unique flask being too powerful and some other stuff.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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Change Fortify to grant damage reduction as a function of melee dps dealt recently, up to 20%. Tune it so casters get little benefit while even 1h RT builds easily caps out at 20%. Why Fortify wasn't like this from the beginning boggles the mind.
Pants of Textile
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They need to make it more specific then to melee, and give something else to casters to survive the big hits but not be able to exploit. this game balance is complete mess to begin with anyway.
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" Ideally casters could use a mechanic like AA, but not in its current state they won't.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" And that is why an Armour + Evasion character is the way to go in PoE, no matter which is more pregnant, as they complement themselves very well. Well, if they made Cyclone a "moar" namelocking melee skill, then adding Fortify to it is common sense, just as blocking Fortify from it for enemies hit by the AoE post a 40 radius would be normal... As long as Fortify + any movement skill requires you to HIT a monster - it's not available on Lightning Warp, right - any other build that just uses that, is getting into the radius of the enemy DIRECTLY. So obtaining Fortify makes sense. It would also make a lot more sense to remove the buff as soon as you cast any other skill tagged with "spell", with maybe the exception of those on CWDT... Ideally, any other build would have a different specific buff - melee gets Fortify, ranged should get something related to evasion and cast should get some decoys that hinder enemy movement - so you would have some real diversity regarding mitigation options... I'm an "old" player getting older, the "shinny new stuff" doesn't seem more appealing to me no matter how "opie-op" it is. I can manage "beating" all the game content. The trick is to make me "enjoy" repeating that. And sadly GGG goes the wrong way about it - progression is made irrelevant post level 90, bosses don't have rewards except a few specific end game encounters, the technical side isn't as stable as it should be on each expansion release, various QoL features are missing in action, "melee" gets "repaired" by becoming AoE/ranged etc. etc.. Heck, trade should just get asynchronous options, as I do want to be allowed to trade with persons on a global timescale without altering my REAL life timetable. Just as I would love to be able to "play" the game more, instead of the "market" due to the same reasons. Until next patch, the only really interesting thing for me remains hunting for Oni Goroshi on one character at a time... That's how sad the status of PoE became... A husk of a promise... The shadow of the game that might still be a "labor of love", but still a tiny hidden pearl that might never reach it's true potential... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...
Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... |
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I can't believe that people are trying to defend Fortify Support in its current state (which is the same since its introduction in 2.0).
That Support Gem is a fucking cancer. It made the game an absolute nightmare to balance. Why do you think the damage of the monsters skyrocket since 2.0? Not just because of the existence of VP, but also because of this gem. Everyone can benefit of a flat 20% damage reduction, even the non melee characters. The Fortify buff was studied to only help melee characters. But with the introduction of the support gem that can be linked with all skills, this buff had become avaible for all types of builds. That means that the damage of the new content is always balanced taking on account that every character has 100% fortify buff uptime (same with flasks bonuses). Have you wondered why the latest introudced bosses (Shaper and Elder) deal damage over time? Thats because dots ignore the fortify buff. Fortify should be erased, except from Champion: it should be an exclusive buff to the Champion ascendancy. (sorry for bad english) Dernière édition par Serge91#5363, le 27 déc. 2017 05:55:07
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" I think you bring up a fairly good point (before going all crazy about removing it completely) about how these new fights have introduced DOT mechanics, and dot mechanics are basically some of the more deadly ones to melee characters now. I "suppose" melee can have high life regen and therefore mitigate the DOT better then some, but that isn't exactly completely true, for example slayers now take VP after the nerf of their bonuses, which means if they aren't leeching they are taking significant damage. I don't think fortify should be erased, I think GGG made it clear that at least one other class should benefit from it (jug) by giving him the increased effect of fortify, although one could argue that GGG removing that from champion was a mistake anyway. I'm mostly concerned with the removal of it from shield charge, WB and leap slam and giving people some slight incentive to use it on their main links, if they wish to increased defenses, but not necessarily be the best offensive link. One could argue that people would work around this buy having a support use vigilant strike and the threshold jewel, maybe but that at least requires them to sacrifice a jewel slot, gem slot and go out of their way to gain the benefit.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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