The Abyss Supporter Packs!

Well that's moved the goal posts. Extremely audacious of GGG considering the characters still look like 4$$, and it's the end of 2017!
Both imp and lich packs are 50 eur? I guess this is a bug, becouse ubgrade button for next war supporter packs are gone too.
The 3.1 expansion is so good, shut up and take my money!
Why is the price now in Euro?

Why don't I get a discount as I bought a pack of USD 20 a couple of days ago?

Why did you even change the system?

GGG, this is terrible.
i purchaced 2x 200 points and a 100 point which is 50 dollars total, i purchaced them after november 17th which means they should be counted toward the abyss support packs, that is not the case. and i can only see the prices in euros not dollars anymore. i know that 20% of the pack must be payed for when the pack is purchaced, but still 2x 200 points (40 bucks) or 200+100 (30 bucks at least) should be counted toward the abyss packs too. fix this please, i wont make a purchace until this is fixed.....
Gosen a écrit :
Tr3Angel a écrit :
Un4seenMaji a écrit :
This game been ruined by these so called support packs, overpriced, takes away from the immersion of the game and they still not made unique look proper, there is not much in game you can even find that looks good at all because they just want force people to buy these so called support packs; word support used to manipulate people.

The price of these things for a bit of pixels is way over-top and is sign of the greed of this generation, sadly the cost has been peoples souls. They make a game that has more truth in it that they may realise, or perhaps they do realise...

You sound like a salty 50 years old vegan. It's 60$ per pack, literally less than 9 hours at work unless you're working at mc donalds.

Not everywhere man, only the few richest countries, most people have to work 2 or more days for 60$.

If you have to work 2 days for 60$ you shouldn't play games all day and complain about prices in the first place because no matter what it's always going to be too expensive.
Still can't upgrade from the 200 points I bought for map tab anticipating abyss packs to release, so I guess I'll just not buy a pack.
Still cant Upgrade. Bex said its fixed. Actually its not.
Imp looks pretty decent to be honest!Is it me or have the packs got more expensive?I am always a supporter but you used to get an discount for re-supporting and i am pretty sure packs were cheaper!Don't understand the logic behind NOT appreciating earlier supports!Wont be supporting this situation for sure!


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