The Abyss Supporter Packs!

60 USD each? You havin a laugh...
Is it possible to "upgrade" regular buys of points as well? Just bought 300 Points yesterday, today the abyss support is released. I would love to "upgrade" if it's possible.

If so I am effected from the missing option as well (€€€).
Everything the Euro touches gets messed up somehow.. :)
Please we NEED a SHIELD design to match this theme. Current shield skins are joke except one or two exceptions.
GGG Patch Notes: "Fixed a bug where players actually wanted to play the game"
I've got some older purchases on which the Upgrade option (€) seems to almost work.
I can click upgrade but upon confirming it's asking for the full price.

However, newer purchases (made through steam) I cannot upgrade.
Tr3Angel a écrit :
Un4seenMaji a écrit :
This game been ruined by these so called support packs, overpriced, takes away from the immersion of the game and they still not made unique look proper, there is not much in game you can even find that looks good at all because they just want force people to buy these so called support packs; word support used to manipulate people.

The price of these things for a bit of pixels is way over-top and is sign of the greed of this generation, sadly the cost has been peoples souls. They make a game that has more truth in it that they may realise, or perhaps they do realise...

You sound like a salty 50 years old vegan. It's 60$ per pack, literally less than 9 hours at work unless you're working at mc donalds.

Not everywhere man, only the few richest countries, most people have to work 2 or more days for 60$.
Dernière édition par Gosen, le 15 déc. 2017 05:24:29
I can't upgrade my seeker supporter pack to next tier and now i can't upgrade this packs from previous points purchases... please FIX IT

If you penalize the purchase through Steam, you should notify about it...
Dernière édition par Sutanu, le 15 déc. 2017 05:31:55
hunTShoo a écrit :
Is it possible to "upgrade" regular buys of points as well? Just bought 300 Points yesterday, today the abyss support is released. I would love to "upgrade" if it's possible.

If so I am effected from the missing option as well (€€€).

Same here. No Upgrade button for me :(
Guess I will pass here.
I like armor packs that still give the impression that a human being is inside ;)

Not my kind of thing this time.
Maybe next league again.


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