The Abyss Supporter Packs!

Still no possible Upgrade in EUR :(
Looks like... more purple. MARIE SCHRADER, IS THAT YOU?
It's kinda obvious that the Imp was originally designed to be a stepping stone supporter pack, and the Lich was designed to be the ultimate. However somewhere along the line someone at GGG thought it was a good idea to pull the portal from Lich, put it on Imp, and make them both top tier league supporter packs even though Imp is definitely not.

I was planning on buying the ultimate, that would also include the stepping stone, not sure if I'm going to this time. This cash grab on the league packs is making me feel uncomfortable about investing my money in GGG's future.

Very nice indeed!
These are cool. Not really my style though, but the glowy undead theme is nice
Compared to previous supporter packs, this is an improvement in both price and quality. They look very cool and they are relatively cheap.
Cool Euro Prices (good ones)

But no upgrade Option ... fix it wana buy one.
Un4seenMaji a écrit :
This game been ruined by these so called support packs, overpriced, takes away from the immersion of the game and they still not made unique look proper, there is not much in game you can even find that looks good at all because they just want force people to buy these so called support packs; word support used to manipulate people.

Care to explain? Who exactly is forcing you to buy these packs? EA ---------> that way. Can you explain what will happen to your gameplay if you don't buy these packs? Oh, that's right. Nothing.

Un4seenMaji a écrit :
The price of these things for a bit of pixels is way over-top and is sign of the greed of this generation, sadly the cost has been peoples souls. They make a game that has more truth in it that they may realise, or perhaps they do realise...

Drama queen much? If you don't like the design and/or you can't afford it - then don't buy it, simple as that. You can be a little bit more grateful that there is still a game company that consistently provides us with constant and massive content updates and impeccable support FOR HALF A DECADE AND FOR FUCKING FREE so even a salty annoying freeloader like yourself can enjoy to the fullest. If you can't afford it or don't want to buy it you can at least stop bitching about it because it obviously doesn't concern you and your wallet. I would've given the money I invested in this game anyway through Patreon, Kickstarter, PayPal or any other form of donation without hesitation and without expecting anything in return. Because I want to. Because I value what GGG is doing and I'm well aware that if I want them to keep doing it and for me to keep enjoying it like I have been doing for 5 years, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Getting some shiny pixels is just a bonus which is the appreciation the devs have for the support that the community provides.
AsbelFar a écrit :
Bex_GGG a écrit :
The issue with upgrading should be fixed now. Sorry for the wait!

No it's not fixed. Upgrade button WAS present on WFTA packs before the update. Now it's gone and is not present on abyss packs either.

FYI, for me it ain't fixed either.
Darn Euro's.. gimme USD, or BTC.
after update abbys supporter pack i can't upgrade seeker supporter to sholar supporter, why?


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