[3.11] Hollow Palm Cyclone Glad–4M DPS 5.5k Life Max Block–up to 9M DPS

Arcayn13 a écrit :
felipesallum a écrit :
Hi, i'm liking the build so far but i'd like some opinions about my tree and gear. I'm not going for the split personality build in the near future and i want to fit 2x large clusters + some small clusters maybe blessed or fetle, not sure. Any suggestions i'd appreciate, my profile is public, ChegaDeCovidXIX.

Anyway https://pastebin.com/MHEf6ex8

Here's a PoB for level 90 with your current gear: https://pastebin.com/atRPXfkB

You really need to level up a bunch before doing 2 clusters is at all viable. You need to hit the fundalmentals first before you try to trick your tree out with clusters. As of now you are way too heavily overindexed into damage.

You also need to cap res on just gear. Needing to use res nodes if you are just using 2/3 rares is fine. You're using 4 rares and skipping cyclopean coil, it's inexcusable to not be res capped on 4 rares, and the way you are currently doing it makes minimal sense in my opinion. You're using a rare helmet with 12% dex and no res, and making up for it with a rare res belt. A cyclopean coil with 120 life and 18% ALL attributes is way better in all ways for this build than a res belt, and it also is better ON ITS OWN than the res belt and the helmet you have right now combined. Drop the helmet and the belt and replace it with coil and no helmet and the build is equal or better lol. Drop the vuln ring. If you can't run a proper tree with it, it isn't worth it.

Here's an updated PoB: https://pastebin.com/P2ZZUDTN

It leaves you 5 points short of lvl 90, but those last 5 points are to grab a medium channeling damage cluster with enduring focus and rapid infusion to fill the final jewel socket on the cluster.

hey Arcayn13, followed some of the changes you suggested, build is solid and killed sirius al7 even though i suck balls. i was wondering if you or anyone could guide me once again to possible upgrades regarding my build. Also, i have like 70ex to invest, is it worth going split personality jewels? would i have to change a lot of my gear? thanks in advance!

edit: here's a PoB link https://pastebin.com/EWP9wN0M
Dernière édition par felipesallum, le 18 avr. 2020 20:48:49
felipesallum a écrit :
Arcayn13 a écrit :
felipesallum a écrit :
Hi, i'm liking the build so far but i'd like some opinions about my tree and gear. I'm not going for the split personality build in the near future and i want to fit 2x large clusters + some small clusters maybe blessed or fetle, not sure. Any suggestions i'd appreciate, my profile is public, ChegaDeCovidXIX.

Anyway https://pastebin.com/MHEf6ex8

Here's a PoB for level 90 with your current gear: https://pastebin.com/atRPXfkB

You really need to level up a bunch before doing 2 clusters is at all viable. You need to hit the fundalmentals first before you try to trick your tree out with clusters. As of now you are way too heavily overindexed into damage.

You also need to cap res on just gear. Needing to use res nodes if you are just using 2/3 rares is fine. You're using 4 rares and skipping cyclopean coil, it's inexcusable to not be res capped on 4 rares, and the way you are currently doing it makes minimal sense in my opinion. You're using a rare helmet with 12% dex and no res, and making up for it with a rare res belt. A cyclopean coil with 120 life and 18% ALL attributes is way better in all ways for this build than a res belt, and it also is better ON ITS OWN than the res belt and the helmet you have right now combined. Drop the helmet and the belt and replace it with coil and no helmet and the build is equal or better lol. Drop the vuln ring. If you can't run a proper tree with it, it isn't worth it.

Here's an updated PoB: https://pastebin.com/P2ZZUDTN

It leaves you 5 points short of lvl 90, but those last 5 points are to grab a medium channeling damage cluster with enduring focus and rapid infusion to fill the final jewel socket on the cluster.

hey Arcayn13, followed some of the changes you suggested, build is solid and killed sirius al7 even though i suck balls. i was wondering if you or anyone could guide me once again to possible upgrades regarding my build. Also, i have like 70ex to invest, is it worth going split personality jewels? would i have to change a lot of my gear? thanks in advance!

edit: here's a PoB link https://pastebin.com/EWP9wN0M

Honestly I don't know how you could even begin to spend 70 ex without Split personalities. Check out Echo and Kreedz's PoBs in the main post. I'd recommend getting splits and duplicating one of their trees. There's a chance you may need slightly more res on gear, but should be fine as long as your current tree doesn't over index into res.
Dernière édition par Arcayn13, le 19 avr. 2020 02:33:11
Hi guys,

First time trying to push a build into the T14s-16s, because this build is just so fun and fast, and dancing dervish looks so cool.

My POB is appended: https://pastebin.com/8yhYb1sW

Could I get some advice on where I can go from here in terms of the passive skill tree and gear choices?

Some specific issues I've experienced are:

1. I find myself a bit too squishy and getting one shot now and then. I'm targeting completing the life nodes on the top left of the duelist tree, but that'll bring HP up to around 4,800 at best.

2. I have slight mana issues, especially on maps that affect my mana flask regen. Should I replace wildwrap with a rare astral plate with -15 to channeling to resolve my mana issues?

3. Should I replace immortal call + CWDT with a vaal ancestral warchief + faster attacks / maim combination?

Thanks in advance all.

hey all, i am trying to make this build achieve full dodge + block (with violent retaliation at 10blocks)..

here what i have achieved till now, any thoughts or tips are welcome!!

pob in boss mode:
Dernière édition par stred_, le 19 avr. 2020 05:36:25
malebranche a écrit :
Sefr123Czech a écrit :
Any ideas what to improve ? I was skipped last time.


Thanks !

You're looking pretty good overall - you've got more invested than I do right now, but it looks like you've made a few different prioritization decisions to prioritize certain aspects over others. First thing I notice is your Lightning Res isn't capped. That's really dangerous, and I think it's worth spending some time on itemization to solve.

The Inspired Learning looks good where it is for now. I tried placing it to the left of Golem's Blood - if you consider that you'll get that jewel socket in the next two levels anyway, you save 2 points by grabbing Revelry and Adamant, but you also lose dps and all-res and there's not great ways to get that amount of dps back from 1 or 2 more points. Though if you take some of my other suggestions this might be worth investigating again.

The biggest DPS upgrade before split personalities that I see for you would be a vulnerability on hit ring. That change alone (at the lowest level vuln you can get on a ring) adds 800k DPS against Simul and 200k+ against Shaper. It's going to increase resistance pressure on your gear, though - that said, dropping the dex roll from a gear piece can get you double the resists for the same price. Vuln is worth much more than a dex roll or two, so it's a good tradeoff, and would let you maybe drop some res on the tree and cap that Lightning Res.

Regarding defensive changes, there's two good options that stand out and both give some offensive power too. You could add Flesh and Stone by adding a medium cluster with Master of Command. Or you could add a medium cluster with Enduring Focus for endurance charge generation, probably coupled with Rapid Infusion though don't sleep on Stoic Focus with the block chance as it'll be much cheaper and pretty tanky.

Thank you for your response!
I think that jewel slot above Herbalism is best for Inspired Learning with this version of the tree. I managed to upgrade just rings so now I have vulnerability on hit and capped resistances.

I have problem with lack of skill points to use medium cluster jewel but i think i can use atleast one node. This can be solved with leveling up but i am probably not going for lvl 94+.

I don't consider adding flesh and stone for now, although it is nice damage boost. That would require to get 4 red sockets on Garuhkan's Flight.
hi guys, how would you adapt this tree (https://pastebin.com/0DUMhnYP) with only 97 points? i have the budget for the split personality version but i just lvled a duelist and i'm only lvl 85 right now ^^

Thx. I took a look into those split personality trees and some other variants. It just seems like too much trouble for some improvement. Is it too much difference between split variant and non-split tree? i have around 1200 dex right now, how much more would i get going 6x split personality jewels? thanks to anyone who may answer them!
When I switched to split personality initially I was underwhelmed by the jump in dps but if you tweak gear and really invest into it I am sitting at 1620 dex with room for growth and over 1.5mil tooltip dps at 6k life. Very worth it if you can afford to do more than just slot in 6 dex and str splits.
durzothorne a écrit :
When I switched to split personality initially I was underwhelmed by the jump in dps but if you tweak gear and really invest into it I am sitting at 1620 dex with room for growth and over 1.5mil tooltip dps at 6k life. Very worth it if you can afford to do more than just slot in 6 dex and str splits.

The biggest dps gains i could find weren't necessarily going splits (im at 9.2mil dps with no splits) but instead investing in the uber clusters. Deep Cuts stacking and Deadly Repartee meant more points could be invested in damage nodes, rather than block. I've been watching the cluster jewels for a while now and they start at 10ex.... you need 3.

To justify the cost of going splits, around 10 ex, you need them supported by 30ex of clusters and a 25ex watchers eye.

My goal is 10mil dps without splits(max block/res/5.5k life), we're close!
Hey y'all just a heads up: after you update the PoB fork you're going to need to remove all the custom split personality jewels, and replace them with the normal ones. They are adding support for the jewels, and the modified ones will now result in double counting of the added stats. On the plus side, there's no need to spend 20 minutes counting passives to figure out your PoB lol.


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