[3.12] Aziire's Earthshatter Juggernaut - Screenwide Slamming! | League Starter

Just reached maps, I know I'm only lvl 74 with 5k life and my gear has no 6link but I deal so little damage and feel super squishy. The damage is really terrible, Earthshatter tooltip says 42k. Not really what I expected to be honest, especially with Marohi Erqi. What am I missing here, besides the things I mentioned? Even Vaal Area bosses kill me lol

edit: Here is the pob link if anyone wants to take a closer look at current gear and tree.

Dernière édition par MillenniumDH, le 23 juin 2020 15:13:39
How are you dying with that gear? are you shattering properly? I have yet to die once and i am doing t9 maps and dont have final ascendancys. Make sure your life is atleast 4800 and check the tree

I also would recommend enduring cry for survivablity it makes a big difference
With 6l erqi with pulverise, what gem i should put instead of pulverise gem?
thorpownsu a écrit :
How are you dying with that gear? are you shattering properly? I have yet to die once and i am doing t9 maps and dont have final ascendancys. Make sure your life is atleast 4800 and check the tree

I also would recommend enduring cry for survivablity it makes a big difference

What is the "proper shattering"? Got 5.1k life. Also using enduring cry together with intimidating and seismic cry as you can see on the boots.

Doing t12-13 maps atm and bosses are rippy no matter the mods.
I've looked at your PoB, but I can't see how you could not kill everything easily. I've run around with not even capped resistances till lvl 80 and still all bosses just ... died.

The only reason I see is that you are not shattering correctly. Meaning you should not use your warcries to cry before you hit, you use them after your initial hit to explode your fissures. Then another hit, another cry - and normally nothing lives after that.

(There is certainly an even better way to play it, prepping with crys, using leap slam to explode your fissures or something similar I assume, but I've found it to be easiest to hit - cry - hit - cry while moving from pack to pack. Sometimes you can save the cry as everything is dead after the initial hit.)

Edit: For bosses of course, prepare by using Seismic and Intimidating once, than hit with weapon, than explode fissures with intimidating or seismic and restart with hit - cry - hit - cry
Dernière édition par Serdoa, le 23 juin 2020 16:30:50
Serdoa a écrit :
Meaning you should not use your warcries to cry before you hit, you use them after your initial hit to explode your fissures. Then another hit, another cry - and normally nothing lives after that.

I've not been paying a lot of attention to new skills, but it seems that 'shatter' effect on skills is a new mechanic. I literally discovered how it worked by using Leap Slam, so this is an extremely helpful description for those of us who don't get into all the details.

P.S. I'm sure it's in the build guide, but after playing PoE for so many years, I tend to skip over stuff and just download the POB for builds that look fun and don't cost a lot.
Hey Aziire, love playing your build, just reached maps and so far it's great.

Just wanted to point out that you should update/change your flask setup - after switching in Brutality, Atziri's Promise is useless (can't deal extra chaos damage).
IGN Umpfdidumpf
Watermel0wned a écrit :
Gave this build a try this season and I would like to share my impressions so far.

When leveling I tried doing it with Earthquake first but once I really compared EQ and Earthshatter, Earthshatter took the cake - by far. The skill has way more POW to it and you really feel the heavy impact of that gigantic smash.

Thats a cool thing and all but as it turns out its also pretty bad in some situations. Doing Atziri for example is pretty shitty with this build. You take pretty long to wind up your attack (1-2sec) and that is valuable time in these fights. I died way too often because of that cause I was caught in this super long attack animation. The other thing that was "meh" is the fact that at Atziri you basically cant use your shouts most of the time. If you do during her split phase, you're dead. To make matters worse, if you want to do damage without shouts, you have to hit the target multiple times but then you have the problem with the windup again and thats even worse when you're fighting her during split phase.

On maps though this build was fun. You jump into a pack, you smack it once and everything is dead. Still not nearly as fast as some fotm builds but still. Pretty decent build overall.

I had the same issues, I did a complete revamp of the build. I swapped to Axe, berserker and focused on the AoE clear speed from the spikes and I believe it way outshines the hammer.

Better boss dps by a long way, you can swap out gems if you want to land all 5 spikes which is more damage then your main spike damage, then you combo in Infernal Cry (Combust) the Combust allows you to stack support gems so you can scale the damage right up to help with single hit dps. But honestly once I swapped everything over I live longer I clear faster and I felt I had higher boss dps.
quick question regarding optimal shatter useage;

how many shatters should you cast before using cry/slam? is once enough? because i've noticed if you do 3 shatters then cry/slam there's a biggere eruption
Any word yet on if each of the 5 spikes can hit a target? What I mean by this is, if you detonated all 15, can all 15 hit a boss or just three? Should we be using Conc Effect to maximize boss dps?


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