Responses to the 3.1.0 Patch Notes

Mmmm. I think... I think I'm probably going to give this league a pass. Maybe I'll spend some time cleaning up the mess I have from four leagues in Standard. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just play other games for awhile. Its hardly the end of the world to miss a league and if the game seems like it's getting its' shit together in the future it's super easy to come back.

Cheers all and have a great holiday season.
typecast a écrit :
Brightbeak? Bloodseeker?

Why is Bisco's still in the game? That's an item that shouldn't have gone out in its state after the IIQ nerfs of 2013/2014.

Please stfu, its quite hard to atlas progress without any biscos.
IGN: NetflixAndFuck
Bazkur98 a écrit :
Make total sense to me, as a programmer and project manager myself I completely understand why you have to cut things and move them to another phase. Its just the way things have to go sometimes.

As far as patch notes being "too long" I prefer them that long and thought they were broken out really well.

this. so much this. :>
looking forward to breach 2.0
new Flask UI

Bring back the flask boobies! /s
I honestly do not understand why people are freaking out. The nerfs seems fine, nothing mindblowing what so ever. OP shit needs to be managed. In fact I have not been this hyped since... well... Fall of Oriath. Abyss and the Elder looks cool.

GGG you are doing a awesome job! Every big patch brings so much to do, so much to experience. Thank you!
I enjoyed the way you guys presented the material. I have looked forward to checking the site and subreddit for new info!

I also think people are being way to critical with the nerf/buff as always and look forward to the upcoming changes in 3.2. Take your time!
POE 2 hype.
I realy like your work. The patchnotes and buff or nerfs are small at the first seen but after we see the new items they will have a purpose.

I mean GGG is the developer that brings new content every 3months and every yeah a huge expansion. If you dont like what they are doing go and play Diablo 3 where everything stays the same for over 5years now and will stay the same for more years.

Keep up the good work and let the reddit people cry.
Are the mobs in abyss able to be converted with dominating blow or is it again perandus, beyond, breach, invasion, *insert almost every other league mechanic* where the skill doesnt work with it?
Chris, why do you have only 3 challenges? ;)
Can't wait for abyss packs / tabss :D
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.


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