Responses to the 3.1.0 Patch Notes

Timeslayer a écrit :
Looks like basically people are incredibly fucking ungrateful.

It's a free-to-play game and you've been pushing new or updated content for years.

So many people come here to offer nothing more than criticism for the sake of criticism. You can't please them all, and you won't.

I personally think it was released in a manner that works for me. I like organization and theme. But I'm not everyone.

Anyway, thanks!

That's generally false.
The game is F2P in general vision, but the packs which is selling are not, nor the skins, and effects, and we are not speaking about the other "stuff" yet which is connected.
The developers is constantly turning the wave of the players and builds into direction of "wish-to-buy this or that", this is what the nerfs are. They are shiking the hook and waiting the fish to bite.

And NO I am never here for "just criticism". And the criticism at it's very own is practically the best feedback which one person can receive.
It's completely other thing that they have stop listening to the right peoples which think about the majority's good, but they have focused their attention into their minorities of selfish best-buyers.

And thus that this release "works for you" means nothing less, nothing more that you are just forcing the flaming more. Since obviously this is the result.
Indi game developer, passionate gamer, 22 year of programming, 32 years of playing RPG's started with books and board games.

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Just wanted to chip in, that Im super hyped for Abyss league!!

I personally agree with the decision to focus on "fixing" endgame first, instead of having another temp league with the old atlas setup.

I really hope it turns out to be as neat as I expect!

Keep up the good work :)
git67 a écrit :
To be honest I don't think most of the community really have any idea of what goes into developing a game of this scale.

Also in the same way people read the notes and think that they know how the meta is going to be affected so early on.

You guys have done a great job, I'm really looking forward to the new league.

and your communication to the community about these things is outstanding, even more so as you get so much negative feedback all the time.
Lots of changes, little time, some things got pushed .. quite alright .. just keep going forward and making the game great
Big Zlick
Dernière édition par ZlickX, le 9 oct. 2023 15:05:00
Chris a écrit :
Buffing stuff isn't just a matter of typing a bigger number into a box, but often involves re-creating content from the ground up, like with Lightning Tendrils.

Am I Seriously supposed pity the workload you legally demand via monopoly greed? Coder entitlement is over 9000. I'd code some of these changes myself if I had mod tools. You don't get to lock everyone else out, cash checks, and then whine about work load without being a huge hypocrite.

Chris a écrit :
From what I overhear in the office, the new Abyss Jewels are "outrageously powerful for summoners" and can roll "so much crazy shit".

Proof you never play your own game and rely exclusively on the word of influence peddlers.

Chris a écrit :
Do you feel this approach was worse than holding back information to bolster the patch notes with crazy reveals?

Do both? Put the data in both places with the patch notes functioning as final notice plus recap.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
All well deserved nerfs. Range buffs on some melee skills are nice. Now waiting for some changes to the asendancy classes. Maybe there is more to PoE life than Zerker and Slayer? Maybe allow ascendant to pick 3 asendancy classes instead of 2 but make it so they have to be from different classes.
I'm super hyped for Abyss just like I am for any new league, none of the nerfs effect anything I would normally play during a league and even if they did I would work around them like I would in any league.

I admit I was hoping there would have been a little more, it would seem whatever builds I played last league would still be just as viable this league.

Sunder, Wild Strike, Reave, Tornado Shot, Spectral Throw are just some of the builds I would usually play.
Innomen a écrit :
Chris a écrit :
Buffing stuff isn't just a matter of typing a bigger number into a box, but often involves re-creating content from the ground up, like with Lightning Tendrils.

Am I Seriously supposed pity the workload you legally demand via monopoly greed? Coder entitlement is over 9000. I'd code some of these changes myself if I had mod tools. You don't get to lock everyone else out, cash checks, and then whine about work load without being a huge hypocrite.

You do understand that coding is maybe 20% of the work required to balance something the way GGG does balance? Do you know how many combinations can be made between only 1 skill and the support gems, unique items and the skill tree that all have to be taken into account when balancing something. The remaking of something is hard work because you have to keep the good part while improving the bad part and then considering is the good part at just the right point in between "overpowered" and "I am never gonna play this." You can still leave some of the negative part to balance the overpower part. If you want a ARPG where the only thing that changes are numbers and it's called "balance that the people want" try Diablo 3.

Cheers to GGG about not being afraid of push every single player out of meta and push them into trying and discovering new ways.
The patch notes being "underwhelming" is a good thing. What it is important is that the content introduced in 3.1 is NOT underwhelming. I'm hyped for this release just as much as for 3.0. Can't wait to climb the Atlas progression again and discover all the new stuff!

All in all the patch changes are ok. The XP nerf was probably unnecessary or top racer retention should be done in a different manner, but I personally don't care, since I never was going for lvl 100.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness


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