[3.0] COLD CHAMPION SIEGE BALLISTA GUIDE - DPS... plenty - Meme Ballistas - Video(s) Inside

Not exactly sure where to head with the skill tree. It goes straight up from 32 to 85. :(
Don't know which order I should go in.
Great build! Really having fun with it in PHC. Balistas are beasts (still leveling tho).

Currently farming some XP before doing Malachai + N and C labs and this is one of the fastest clear speed builds I have played. I play without Herald atm because it gives little dps increase and I prefer bigger mana pool as my regen is bad.

@Swag_Master_Alan - After 32 I went for life nodes everywhere except Scion Life rectangle (got only the big node) as damage with tabula is pretty sweet. After that I went for shadow area and now will take some crit nodes and will go for Acro.
Hope that helps.

Thanks for the build!
Thanks very much Waba - I have decided to not actually play it but thanks for thinking outside the box with this one and not trying to go phys like everyone else :) Will definitely play it next league - Also point to note is Vaal Lightning trap with increased duration would probably make insane work of the more difficult resistance bosses if you feel you need it :O
Just reached lvl 81 and since a level or 5 ago, reached 600 dex as well.

my god, I am offscreening so many mobs, that sometimes my lootfilter playes that "doing" sound, i am need to run around in large circles to see what dropped outside my view. I love it!

Still got plenty of levels to go. I am even still only using a 5-link Belly, and steamrolling through all the maps. I love this build.

gems are now slowly ticking in at lvl 18-19 (no quality either), and my tooltip DPS is at 32K. with the 5 link (no inc- crit) my crit chance is around 55%, my chance to hit at 91%. Enough to kill up to T12 maps with no problem.

Of course, bosses require some kiting, but then again, with 4 "decoy" ballistas and a Golem, I am not getting hit very often.

current gear:


Once I get a bit more dex from the tree, I can drop those godawful boots and maybe also some nice ele gloves once I get my 6-link in.

thanks waba, will run this build for a long time to come.

Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG!
Tagging for next character
Swag_Master_Alan a écrit :
Not exactly sure where to head with the skill tree. It goes straight up from 32 to 85. :(
Don't know which order I should go in.

Added a level 67 tree for ya.
Thanks for sharing the build.

Leveling it up now :) lv62 (7100 dps with auras - no charges)

but im using faster attacks in place of increased critical strikes, with critical strikes i get like -1000dps, probably it will scale better later ?

Also please can you post what is your ballista dps with just auras (no charges) so i can understand the numbers better.

Thanks in advance.
IGN: Summonium
Tried Atziri with the build.
Vaals and trio is a park walk but cound't kill split phase and had to quit.

Anyways build is quite good suitable for HC. Can only recommend.
Say if your chest piece(Queen of the Forest) only has 4 links at the moment, which gems would you recommend to use for now with siege ballista?

Also, same question for the frenzy set up. :)
Dernière édition par Pudgypinkpanda, le 26 avr. 2016 15:30:36
I've got this boot enchantment so far:

I think 90% crit isn't so bad, perhaps the lightning damage is a bit stronger.

Head I got

in the 4th try, so I use now the Ice golem. No way running a few hundred times the labby to get a ballista enchantment.


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