[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11

Hey man, having a lot of fun with this build. I am having a lot of mana issues though. What do you recommend for solving that issue? - Mana rings?

mekro2 a écrit :
Hey man, having a lot of fun with this build. I am having a lot of mana issues though. What do you recommend for solving that issue? - Mana rings?


Ah, you're in the same boat I was in. Without the claw node conversion using lioneyes you won't have the mana leech needed I think. I just grabbed a few mana leech nodes from the bottom tree area and I was good to go.
How on earth do you generate frenzy charges with this build?! What am I missing....
MidgetLove a écrit :
Zykor, you really must have no life to troll the forums. I had to buy gear because I have 5 ex worth of gear? You must be new if you are unable to farm, I know people with mirrors already.

Its always the person who hasn't supported GG at all that talks the trash.

You have five challenges completed, four when you first posted (Most of which acquired during Acts)
You've killed 99 map bosses total.
You're still running on a Lv.18 Ice Shot. Shows your true progress,
Anything that isn't unique is shit statted. You have no idea how to gear up rares.
You don't understand the purpose of stacking flat ele and its effect on the reason why Scourge arrow is better than Barrage for single target. (It's explained within this thread, which you'd know about if you didn't rush to RMT your build into its final stage instead of playing it)

6L Death's Opus, 6L Hyrri's Ire, Hyrri's Demise, Ice Shot +AOE Starkonja's, Taming Ring, Lioneye's Fall, Green Nightmare etc. You don't get these items by having 4-5 challenges three to four days into the league with 99 total map boss kills and 0 Delve progression. You have literally not played the vast majority of the content you'd be required to go through in order to gather the kind of currency required to obtain a quarter of the gear you have, let alone all of them and six linked. Also, 5 ex? Perhaps you'd know your gear's purchase value if you actually had to farm for the currency. You RMT'd, copied the build, didn't play it, didn't get to experience it or understand it and here we are.

You also haven't even done Uber lab yet and have a total of 99 map bosses killed. "Farmed" my ass you were lv 78 with that gear. Your progression is shown publicly on your profile and challenges. Unlike you I actually play the game, how is not spending hundreds/thousands of dollars on a free video game something you felt relevant as an insult to win an argument? Proves my point further in the sense that you clearly piss away money for in-game gear. You haven't farmed. It's one thing to RMT and keep quiet about it, it's another thing to go aggro and splurt a whole lot of bullshit. Ever heard about the proverb which goes a little like "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones"?

Take this L.

(Also not sure why you're trying to use "Must be new" as an insult when my account is older, reached higher Lvl, more challenges, more maps run, played more hours and more active on forums than you while you've never even run Pale Council & completed only 1 breach domain in your account's lifetime but /shrug)
Dernière édition par Zykor, le 19 déc. 2019 02:02:39
nice analysis zykor :P

For Mana leech, you can always go for
1. Duelist Area (0.4% Life and Mana Leech) OR
2. Ranger Area bottom right first small node of Essence Sap (0.4% mana leech)
Dernière édition par duabijitelur, le 19 déc. 2019 02:30:14
I grabbed 2 mana lech nodes and i was able to throw out my mana pot. One question though, regarding Point Blank shot ? Does the damage go under 100% for long range ?

I love staying far away from mobs but sometimes GGG likes to trap you in a small room with bosses so ...yeah ? Can i spec in both long range from Deadeye and point blank from the base tree without any of them doing damage to my dps ?
SynixProcessing a écrit :
Victtorius a écrit :
I'm enjoying your build so far :)
Here's my gear

As you can see, I'm still only on one 6link, so here's my question. Barrage vs slower projectiles for single target? Barrage support doesn't work in any of Pobs, so I'm not sure which is higher damage.

I'd go with either Slower Proj or Cold Pen. Barrage support turned out to be wank

Wank in what way? To me it barrage seems marginally better, mainly because your arrows are not in a big cone, so you don't have to be in point blank range to hit with all arrows... Unless I'm missing something? Maybe something with chaining? Because at longer ranges you just waste more arrows if a target isn't big.

Or is the barrage less damage that drastic that even with best accuracy and more additional arrows it's worse support?

Didn't try the pen or slower proj. yet, gonna farm it now.
Damn OP.
How in the hell you've got so much currency in day 3? Already on most expensive key items, tamming, ire, dying sun, bow jewel :O

edit:im an idiot, it's your standard char LULW
Dernière édition par zuuuuo, le 19 déc. 2019 07:23:18
Dub88 a écrit :
How on earth do you generate frenzy charges with this build?! What am I missing....

I'm wondering that too, unless this build doesn't?

Right now I run ice bite, but when I replace it with chain, and no ice bite for bossing too of course, then what? So many frenzy nodes on the tree also, isn't it waste of points?
Dub88 a écrit :
How on earth do you generate frenzy charges with this build?! What am I missing....

I'm wondering that too, unless this build doesn't?

Right now I run ice bite, but when I replace it with chain, and no ice bite for bossing too of course, then what? So many frenzy nodes on the tree also, isn't it waste of points?
//Oh nevermind, it's from Green nightmare jewel!
Dernière édition par Victtorius, le 19 déc. 2019 04:00:31


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