Do any POE 1 players LIKE the changes in POE 2? All systems are just worse :/
I can deal with PoE 2 league mechanics being unbalanced/to weak/whatever. Same goes for Classes/Skills... It's EA.
WASD is awesome. But honestly: I don't want to deal with the PoE 2 Atlas. The map looks pretty for the first few minutes but once that is gone, there is just nothing redeeming left. On top you get the blandest Atlastree imagineable. The stuff you actually want isn't even on it but gated behind bosses. I extra don't want to deal with the Towers. The Atlas is bad enough, the Towers turn it from annoying to horrible. No, 10000 more tilesets or whatever won't fix them. They are a plain bad idea, there is nothing that could safe them as long as they remain extra clumsy sextants. Put in the PoE 1 Atlas and this game would immediatly be MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more enjoyable, maybe even more enjoyable than PoE 1 once some more stuff is added and tuned (mechanics, skills, classes...). The Atlas-Tree in PoE 1 is probably the greatest thing to ever come to ARPG's and somehow this bs was put in instead and now they try to fix it with bandaid after bandaid? Just scrap it. Just get rid of it. Steal it from PoE 1 or try something else entirely new. Anything but this bs. On another note: Player scaling is totally out of whack. Player power, while on the low side for the first ~2 acts, rapidly grows out of control and we are back to exploding entire screens in no time (which isn't the vision?). This can be solved and are problems I imagine EA is supposed to fix but yeah... Dernière édition par aDoreMe#3888, le 7 mars 2025 09:29:38
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" PoE1 has a total amount of 519 Skill Gems. PoE2 has a total amount of 261 Skill Gems. Now, PoE1 is nearly 15 years old and had many Skill Gems added over the time, while in PoE2, we only have HALF the Skill Gems because of the 6 missing classes and other sources that add more skills. If we doubled the 261 (roughly what we can expect on full release), it would be PoE1 with 519 and PoE2 with 522 PoE2. PoE1 has a total amount of 209 Support Gems. PoE2 has a total amount of 206 Support Gems. Again, PoE2 isn't even on the full release version and with the next 0.2.0 update - PoE2 has more Support Gems than PoE1. Furthermore, the optimization of a game is ALWAYS the last step in development before the full release (1.0.0) of any game. It's easier on console because consoles of the same type share the same shader, but PoE is a PC and console game, thus it's not optimized at this point. You know, "Early Access" should be a "hint" that this will be the case. If you dislike PoE2 - fine. But don't make shit up, instead, offer real arguments. |
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Archnemisis mods are a mistake
One portal is a mistake Non telegraphed on death effects are a mistake so 99.9% of them(fat boy excluded) Souleater .. that fact that this exists, might as well be advertising stupidity. Every mod i see that i can't understand its effect is a mistake. Grasp of the dumb Having mob danger described to the player via floating text above a moving mob. In a click to move game .... jesus ... mistake. And to be blunt , if i cant see the path to victory. Im quitting right away. No sitting around just waiting for the dice to allow me to progress. If the path isn't there ..bye.. No crafting ... bye once again ... hey lets use dice to prolong player retention .. how long will it take to roll a 1 out of 10,000 ... that's gotta be at least 2 weeks right .. PoE is becoming a B tier mobile game . When do we get the chance to buy a unicorn ... oh oh I know , when can i pay to bypass the issues you put in the game... cant wait for that... I want the blue unicorn ---squeeeeee Dernière édition par LewtDeezNuts#1011, le 7 mars 2025 09:56:27
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" This is my biggest issue -- why is there a layout at all? who cares if I can go somewhere else, I don't want to go "anywhere" I want to put in the map I want to do, with the content I want to do, and then do that map AND that content. I don't ever want to EVER do a single map I don't want to do, I do not EVER want to run i79 level maps EVER. I do not EVER want to have to go into towers and RNG hope the things within range that are 90% worthless become only 50% worthless. It's crazy limiting, it's bullying from the developers, it's antagonistic, it's antithetical to what we as ARPG players and POE players EXPECT. It's literally insane they are FORCING me to do ANY content I don't want to do. I would never ever ever do almost every single map they have, and until this mapping style goes away, i can't see myself enjoying mapping. It's a bad, limiting, horrible system meant to drag the game on, keep us from target farming, keep us from enjoying. I do not want to "eat my vegetables", GGG can sincerely go to hell for trying to tell me what to do. I want to play the game the way I want to, full stop. |
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" Exactly.. exactly, for fucks sake, someone understands. Why can't GGG read this until they learn? " Also exactly -- it cannot be fixed, it can only be scrapped. The idea is horrible unless they let me skip ANY SINGLE MAP I don't ever want to do. I want to put in the map I want to do, and do that map, with that content. Anything less than that is hostile to the playerbase. " Exactly as well... Jonathan even told us "Hey, we were having a really hard time trying to make this great tree, then we realized, what if we just don't try at all?" Verbatim that's what he told us. They had the bright idea to just "give up" because the good thing they were creating was too hard. When you're creating something, if it just comes together it's shit. If it took tons of work, arguments, concessions, changes... Then you were actually making something good, of note, of quality... yet GGG staff is unaware that good things come from struggle, so they decided to just ... not try at all. Because in the words of the literally people in charge of GGG -- "it was hard" Dernière édition par Rakie1337#5746, le 7 mars 2025 10:08:26
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On Expedition - the characters basically break the fourth wall in-game to tell you that this isn't their final form and you can expect more updates in the future!
I bet Gwennen, Tujen and Dannig have Rog-crafting as a placeholder for whatever they're ultimately intended to do. The same goes for crafting in general. To me it's fairly obvious that more crafting is coming. Maybe Gwennen, Tujen and Dannig will be involved in that! The entire "middle" of the crafting spectrum is missing. We have the "weak", very random crafting in place - aug/exalt/chaos spamming. (Hopefully they bring back alts too.) We have "strong", nearly deterministic crafting in place - the high-end omens are functionally at about the same power level as PoE1 Hinekora's locks, letting you deterministically craft very good items, which is why they have to be super rare. In between those are "guided random" crafting methods, ones that fill the same role as fossils, harvest-crafting, beast-crafting, meta-crafting and recombination in PoE1. The GGG designers have plenty of experience, don't actually hate the players, and aren't actually trying to make a bad game - they surely understand that "guided random" crafting is an essential part of PoE's crafting system. It's just tricky to do well. They want PoE2 to be more accessible, so the crafting systems shouldn't be opaque and rely on obscure techniques and third-party tools to use effectively, which means things like PoE1 fossils are out. And they want to make sure the crafting systems give players an appropriate level of power - not too little, not too much. So it kinda makes sense to put the low-end random crafting and high-budget targeted crafting into the game first, to see how people use those in practice, and then fill in crafting from the middle. Also, look at how they're bringing over the flavors and themes from PoE1, and a lot of the mechanics, but not necessarily keeping them matched - like how catalysts come from Breach instead of Ultimatum, and anoints come from Delirium distillates instead of Blight oils. I suspect this pattern will continue. And there's a lot of mechanics and flavors that will probably be in 1.0, but aren't yet accounted for. Speculation: divination cards would make a lot of sense as the basis for a guided semi-random crafting system, where you combine cards together to change an item, similar to fossils. It makes sense thematically (you're using divination cards to see the future), it gets usage out of a ton of existing assets, it gives the designers and artists a place to visually cue the players about what each card does, and if done right it lets us enjoy all the awesome art on div cards while crafting! |
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" I feel and appreciate everything you said, but wanted to point this out specifically as what i'm going to say is the crux of the problem The problem is GGG is "happy" with the STATE of crafting, this means they want us crafting with thoughts and prayers -- I don't care how many new things they add, that will always be bad if their designs are 100% based on pure RNG randomness. That is hostile to the player and antithetical to fun. The crafting bench additionally is NOT convoluted. You get what you pay for. There are no steps. Select craft. Apply craft. I'm not talking about beast crafting, i'm not talking about fractured bases, i'm not talking about awakened orbs. I'm talking about the absolute baseline of the game needing the basic crafting bench from POE 1 -- full stop, no more, no less. Dernière édition par Rakie1337#5746, le 7 mars 2025 10:40:07
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" Absolutely. I’m a bit baffled as to why they are so against the crafting bench for poe2. Being able to add 1 desired mod, at a fairly low tier, makes gearing feel a lot better and allows you to adjust when you get a new piece. I guess the rune crap is supposed to somewhat take care of that? But it kind of just sucks |
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Like I said many times, the End game seems really out of place and the should have waited before releasing any end game content.
POE 1 started by having only act 1 and they polished afteward act by act until they were satisfied. Act 1 - 3 on normal in POE 2 are quite fun, even if they are bit unbalanced. They have a good foundation to build around. GGG, scrap the end game and start anew. You can't fix what is broken to begin with. Stop focusing on end game for updates. They need to focus on the core mechanics before worrying for the 0.5% of players who are level 90+. |
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" I've got multiple 95 characters, multiple top tier 1%'er gear and trust me -- they are NOT focused on shit for me. I am the player you're talking about, i feel more disenfranchised than MOST of you guys. I am the 1%'er every single league. Poe 1, poe 2, poe 5, it won't matter. As a top tier player who crushes all content and gets gigachad gear every single league? They aren't doing anything for me whatsoever, and they sure as shit aren't focused on making me happy. They are focused on slowing me down. See in POE 1 not that long ago, we would 100% the game in like 3-5 days. Then be bored for 1-3 weeks, Then quit for 1-2 months until the next league drops. That was the perfect cycle. I want this shit 100%'ed and to be bored to fucking tears by week 1, so by week 2 i'm done, and by month 3 I have something new to do. I do not ever want to be hooked up like the matrix. I want to beat this game so bad and so hard it's essentially a hate crime, then walk the fuck away after week 1/2 -- AFTER doing all content in the game. GGG is not capable of making more than 1 weeks worth of content for a league. And their motive is now to drag it out so they don't have to try, just by giving us less every single time. Dernière édition par Rakie1337#5746, le 7 mars 2025 12:17:28
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