Exp loss on death topics are getting out of hand.

iMirageX#4580 a écrit :

TLDR of the vid: Path of exile 2 is not meant replace path of exile 1, its meant to be a different game.

This forum section of POE 2 EA has been so obnoxiously cancer to say the least. People making non stop threads about - 10% exp loss on death, rarity and other stuff requesting for the game to be toned down. - 10% exp exist for a reason and it does not matter if you think its archaic system or not. Why are you forcing the game to change to suit you when you can go play some other game? Let's be perfectly honest here, POE 2 has way less, YES, WAY LESS one shot situation compared to the astronomically, plenty of situation you can be one shot in POE 1. If you are getting one shot by some random mobs, you, yes, you and your build may have a problem.

Usually, I am neutral when it comes to removal of - 10% exp loss on death topics but these threads in POE 2 is getting out of hand. If your reason is, I don't have x y and z time to learn, grind or -10 % exp loss is a slap to GGG's player base or -10% exp loss on death does not make any sense then go out, take a breather, come back if you think if its worth it.

To those saying this isn't hardcore, and if I want to get punished then I would play hardcore. Hardcore does not have -10% exp since death is the end and that is fundamentally, extremely different from softcore. Softcore -10% exp is the DEFAULT penalty for dying, there is no, nada, server that does not have -10% exp loss on death.

Different builds will have different weaknesses but asking the game to be easier just to suit you is just too selfish when even in EA, there are a lot of ways to circumvent this.

FYI, lvl95 and still having fun.

This is early access. If your intention is to shut down feedback I don't agree. Also I mean every feedback. I am 100% sure that ggg has all the means to aggregate the feedback in all the modern ways and they can handle even the least constructive posts without any issues.

The game will not die out because there is penalty on death, but might if people that care about it won't be able to voice their opinions, even if wrong or not smart. All the good will towards this rather poor product that poe 2 currently is relies on the premise that ggg is a decent, listening to the community developer. A lot of what is in poe 1 happened through community feedback and that drives this game more than the game itself (poe 1 and poe 2 are not very good games objectively, they do have pretty poor competition in their genre)

About death penalty:
1. Every game has some penalty for failing, that I think we can all agree on. The difference is just what the penalty is.
2. A lot of games punish the failure by just simply requiring you to redo the challenge. It is punishment of time. You "wasted" (I don't consider it wasting time as long as the challenge is fun) time and have to repeat. This is 1st layer of punishment
3. A lot of games punish failure by not giving you back what you have used to undergo the challenge (keys, consumables etc). This is 2nd layer of punishment.
4. Some games give you penalty to your character development, like losing "souls", losing experience, losing items, durability etc. Most of those give you a chance to redo the challenge to get back what you lost by succeeding in the challenge that you have failed. That is 3rd layer of punishment
5. Poe 2 also takes away the challenge itself as a punishment. This is 4th layer of punishment.

I don't know many games that have all 4 layers of punishment (besides of course hardcore titles, but those are for adrenaline junkies and are their own genre by themselves) and by all means it's just an observation, I am not judging. If I won't have fun in Poe 2 I will just go to other titles. I want just the developers to know why, so they can decide whether their "vision" is worth the player loss.

Why I personally don't like those 4 layers of punishment?

1. I like to play games that challenge me and give me tons of options to choose how to tackle them even thou I am not super skilled (I am pretty old;)).
2. I really like to experience things myself - the 40 challenges done are not bought beside some stupid few, I killed ubers myself (100s of divs on keys and maps burned) and run over 100 of 250q+ t17 myself. I have a build that's worth over a mirror and it's my build, not someone's else (I do use in it some opie meta templates). I try to craft the gear myself and for the most of the league I was almost ssf, only 4 of the items I wear now are bought.
3. I like learning through trial and error. Go head on, experience, fail, adapt, go again, experience, fail, get better.. repeat until I succeed.

This is why I hate those penalties and if they will be in poe 2 to stay i will not play it anymore. Especially the 4th layer is exactly against everything I am for.

I don't want to check tens of external sources of information about a boss to learn its patterns and whether my build is good enough. I want to go there get my head bashed, change my build, play better and challenge it again until I succeed. Poe 1 is already on the verge of being too harsh in me experiencing the game. I have to farm a lot of currency to even experience the content. Than I will suffer 10% exp loss, that I will not recover, for doing what a gamer should do - experience, learn and have fun. Than I am met with 6 portals to lose the challenge on top. I understand it's for the well being of the economy, the same economy that is well for 4 days of every league and than it's broken for the next 3 months. I hate it in poe 1 and it made me not play the game regularly.

In poe 2 right now not only they take that boss away from me, but also I have no clue what boss I will experience. I have zero choice on the matter. This is not only unfun for me, it is unacceptable in the long run.

The reality is that the death penalties make the game worse. Gamers don't experience the game, they buy completions and/or sell keys/maps instead of running them. They don't test their builds, they choose whatever is broken, because it will make them succeed. They stay for hours in external entities to check whether something works or not. They level their characters through the most boring and stupid content in the game. It destroys build diversity, destroys experience, destroys fun from challenging yourself. All for the sake of economy that never ever worked well besides few first days and a stupid notion that people will do only dps builds. Well they are doing 5 top meta now.. and they obliterate screens before they see enemies.

None of the above is players fault, the developers made the game this way. It is their construction. People will always find a way around problems and on game designers lies the notion to change it. It is ggg's design and their failure.

With harsher penalties this will only get worse. No one will try anything because failure is not 15 minutes its hours of lost time on top of even more resources than in poe 1. How is that good?

Akedomo#3573 a écrit :

I expected no less from you honestly.

The moment someone tells you you're acting poorly, you turn it around and blame someone else.

Everyone else is wrong, and you're always, right. Right?

Just think about that for a moment. You must be the smartest most intelligent person in the world. Amazing. Thanks for gracing us with your presence.

Right, right right right ;

So "I'm blaming someone else"
When I ask people
To stop blaming the game for their own failures.


Who am I blaming exactly ? Please enlighten me because I don't get it.

Or is it just your brain refusing to understand/accept what I said ?
Went out, took a breather, came back and I still think XP loss on death must be removed from the game.
I totally agree with the Anduvriel#4240 post. That's the point, I've spent 200hours playing with my monk and I reached 91 lvl, done T18 bosses for unlocking their points and now I'm in a point that invest time making Maps and dying and loosing all the EXP invested it's the worst feeling ever felt playing a game.
Then I quited the game and I'm waiting if they will change the EXP loss. If not, 200 hours invested in a 30$ game feels worth... but I can't understand what's the point of loosing EXP in a game.
It's simple. Nobody likes EXP loss and it doesn't make sense these days.
You want a bigger player base and to earn more money?
Then EXP loss on death MUST be removed from the game by the time it's released, or players will simply stop and not play any more in the endgame, which will lead to them leaving the game and not investing any more money in the shop.
Is that what GGG or Tencent wants? Certainly not.
So follow the 1% who like it and don't bring in any money, or remove it and follow the 99% of players who bring in money.
The decision from an economic point of view doesn't arise.
EXP loss has to go in the final release!
PhalasSP#5996 a écrit :
It's simple. Nobody likes EXP loss and it doesn't make sense these days.
You want a bigger player base and to earn more money?
Then EXP loss on death MUST be removed from the game by the time it's released, or players will simply stop and not play any more in the endgame, which will lead to them leaving the game and not investing any more money in the shop.
Is that what GGG or Tencent wants? Certainly not.
So follow the 1% who like it and don't bring in any money, or remove it and follow the 99% of players who bring in money.
The decision from an economic point of view doesn't arise.
EXP loss has to go in the final release!

The EXP loss doesn't bother me as much as instantly dying by a white mob which freezes you instantly.

I've died in this game from more stupid shit than in any other game. Not even bosses don't kill you like that out of the blue.

I've lost 10% exp twice in a row at lvl 91 because of these mobs, basically impossible to prevent it or anticipate it.

At this point, with the current so called "crafting system" waystone drops, divine drops based just on rarity, the game becomes pointless and I will give it a break.
Vinsdvalh#0247 a écrit :
iMirageX#4580 a écrit :

Mate, READ, "When did I use the term cancer to quote someone else's post?" do you comprehend what is the context of cancer in my post? Meaning the forum section per se not "comments". This is a very simple read and comprehend part of the thread, is that so hard to do?

Man you're so dishonest let me enlarge your quote :
"This forum section of POE 2 EA has been so obnoxiously cancer to say the least. People making non stop threads about - 10% exp loss on death, rarity and other stuff requesting for the game to be toned down. - 10% exp exist for a reason and it does not matter if you think its archaic system or not."

So no you didn't say cancer after clicking on the quote button, but you're literally refering to everybody making a complaint thread about 10% exp loss on death, which is far beyond quoting one single person. So, no, you didn't say "cancer" after clicking the quote button you said it after making a thread, very important point to focus on.

iMirageX#4580 a écrit :

This is what happens when you "assume" and I take it, you do it frequently. I mean why are you even here? Your "assumption" is wrong, your read on the context is wrong, your argument and your replies are borderline "upset". What did you even contribute to the discussion? THIS is a thread I started and you are making something out of nothing. I will ask again, are you even okay?

You're the one making something out of nothing calling on people making threads. Is this your home ? Do we need your approval to make a thread ? If there's two persons giving the same feedback on first page, are you gonna make another thread saying it's cancer ?

Yeah sure, keep assuming and twisting the context of someone else's post, that's where you're good at right?
joakinjkm#5415 a écrit :
I totally agree with the Anduvriel#4240 post. That's the point, I've spent 200hours playing with my monk and I reached 91 lvl, done T18 bosses for unlocking their points and now I'm in a point that invest time making Maps and dying and loosing all the EXP invested it's the worst feeling ever felt playing a game.
Then I quited the game and I'm waiting if they will change the EXP loss. If not, 200 hours invested in a 30$ game feels worth... but I can't understand what's the point of loosing EXP in a game.

So if you haven't read what I posted, exp loss has multiple implications and the most prominent is keeping builds diverse. If exp loss was remove and together with 1 portal on death, then the only thing that will matter is "DPS". If there is no consequences when you die, why build defense? You see how POE 2 will turn into a shallow game if that happens.

What people are seeing right now is just the immediate and do not think "what will this do when this is implemented?". The reasoning "then make another server", isn't really "feasible" unless GGG makes a POE 2 "Softcore (easy)" server, that is "if".
PhalasSP#5996 a écrit :
It's simple. Nobody likes EXP loss and it doesn't make sense these days.
You want a bigger player base and to earn more money?
Then EXP loss on death MUST be removed from the game by the time it's released, or players will simply stop and not play any more in the endgame, which will lead to them leaving the game and not investing any more money in the shop.
Is that what GGG or Tencent wants? Certainly not.
So follow the 1% who like it and don't bring in any money, or remove it and follow the 99% of players who bring in money.
The decision from an economic point of view doesn't arise.
EXP loss has to go in the final release!

1%? 99%? where is your actual number?
It does matter what we think of it. Everyone who is playing early access paid for this game, and we all have a right to express our opinion. It's not invalidated because you don't agree with it.

And many people's opinion is that there is no justifiable reason to take a penalty for work we have already completed. I'm playing because I don't give up easily, but I will be with many others who will quit this game if GGG doesn't get more innovate with ways to penalize players, especially since innovation is something they claim to take pride in.

And that's fine. We'll quit if GGG doesn't make changes, and you can keep playing if you don't have a problem with it. Neither of us are wrong for feeling how we feel, but we absolutely have a right to express our opinion for a game we paid for at a time when feedback is exactly what GGG is supposed to get.


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