Announcing Ruthless
" Item filters are useful for more than just filtering out bad items. You really don't want to lose something valuable because it dropped off screen. This is why racers use custom filters to add map icons and sounds for things like portal scrolls and BBG items in early acts. For that reason serious players will always use item filters even if virtually nothing drops. So if your only reason for not having a default filter is that it's not necessary, well, I would personally reconsider. Of course if that's more of a feature than a bug so to speak then carry on I guess. |
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I had never posted on the forum before. I am not a great player. But I love the idea of this game mode, it will make the campaign so much more fun. And campaign is the most fun part of a game already.
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This is my first post ever (despite playing since 2013) and I just wanted to confirm that Chris and the other head devs know exactly what they're doing and the direction of Ruthless shows just how depthful their knowledge of what made D2 magical and interesting is.
Bravo, I have never been this excited for any feature as much as this. Dernière édition par Hufer#7854, le 2 nov. 2022 05:53:00
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Man this looks insane and fascinating. I especially am curious about how the Movement / Influence / Flask changes will shift the way the game is played. Really excited for this to release and give it a go. Hope I get into the Alpha but well see c:
Hope the filter line just means that normal league filters will be hindered. As someone above mentioned they help with know if something valuable has dropped (especially off screen) and I hope this doesn't mean it will require added work. Cant really make a filter myself without filterblade xD Also not too sure on the Flask changes. Theoretically Portals would already be valuable with the scarcity of items and currency and I think off first impression the added walk to an NPC would just be tedious. I could be wrong however and maybe said scarcity would also just limit how often or how reliant you are on flasks. Rejuv Totem time ? Omg I haven't even considered Mana. This is gonna be wild :D |
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just sitting here to watch this game mode die. Who even thought that's what majority of poe players want...
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It's not what the majority want. It's what a specific few want, and it's actually pretty cool. It's likely not for me (I might try it out here and there), but I hope those who are into it enjoy it!
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Good. Now plz undo all the "vision" changes and put them all into Ruthless.
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Two questions:
Will there anything be done against logout macros? Because as it stands now, with the much lower overall player power, it will probably get abused a lot more often. It will super easy to avoid/ignore problematic enemies this way and with no cost. It can even be used to better cheese bosses - the post only said that bosses will regain health on player death. I'm in favor of escaping to town via a Portal Scroll if something gets too hard, but I feel like logout macros fundamentally go against the spirit of "Ruthless". In almost all cases it's as good as a portal scroll, especially with the reduced loot, but it's also an instant life saver (and honestly, simply "lame"). Also, will the progress of the "Alpha Test" that will start soon/the "Beta Test" during the 3.20 release stay? It was mentioned that mid-league adjustments for the "Beta" will most likely happen, but I'm not sure if something like a wipe is planned if fundamental problems get discovered. I have the same question about the "Alpha". Considering the giant time investment of Ruthless, I'm currently wondering if I should apply if the progress gets wiped afterwards. Will the progress we made during the "Alpha" stay? Dernière édition par ChanceWolf#0332, le 2 nov. 2022 07:45:21
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Is Ruthless available on consoles?
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OK Gems cannot be purchased. but we can take gems from quests, except siosa quest?
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