Announcing Ruthless
I'm loving this league
just answer me a doubt: at the end of the league will we have a ruthless standard league? |
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There are some compelling ideas here, but for the most part, this reads like a niche beyond the concept of niches. I'll try to address why I think that.
The idea that items are these rare, awesome upgrades is a good one. Great even. However, make the items extremely scarce, weak, and little-to-no player agency in them? That makes no sense. That's not increasing difficulty, that's just grinding and grinding and grinding. Grinding is fine and good, this is a grinder after all, but don't mistake grind and difficulty. It just takes longer. You didn't overcome anything. And you're even more slave to RNG than you were before. Gross. However, since the idea is sound, there are other routes that actually accomplish this goal. One is simply making item drops (very) rare, sure, but they're also very high chance to actually matter. So when an item drops, it's actually exciting. Not... you rarely see an item that you are regularly disappointed by. Where's the fun in that? People like going through junk? Granted, this takes a ton more work to actually design, but you know, that's the job, right? Then, you know, actually work on things to make the game harder. The campaign is so easy that I dread having to play it to get to something fun. It was (kind of) fun the first time, and that's it. Maps are really cool. Let players start there or make the campaign actually have teeth and interest. All you've done is make it take somehow even longer to get somewhere interesting. Was intrigued by the idea of a "hard mode" but this is massively disappointing and, I feel, misguided. If you want "scarcity" mode, by all means, I'm sure some people enjoy that. But for this to be what you consider "hard mode" is... bizarre, to say the least. |
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I've played PoE for 1600 hours and there are people who have played much more. But I can say that I know by now how it works.
I used to call this game "Path of Trade", now it has become "Path of redundant systems". Everything they propose as "new" is actually a "reskin" of what I've already seen, more or less. I'm proud and happy to have uninstalled it, good luck to those who love each other enough to play it again. Dernière édition par Babonzo#0016, le 28 déc. 2022 05:50:40
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wasn't going to but after reading this I'm definitely going too give this a go ..... grate work GGG!!!!
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Amazing mod. I love it. Now I can feel the progression and no more stupid rushing with movement skills. Also playing acts doesn't feel meaningless.
However, I think instead of removing movement skills, it is better nerfing cooldown so they will be used to escape from danger instead of rushing the map. Also removing crafting bench is good, drops matter now. I think we need a different balancing for this mod, crit damage from mobs should be decreased for example so playing melee character will be more viable. Also for HC, auto quit should be removed, instead it should take 2-3 seconds before quit. I hope you keep improve and support this mod. Also some players act like they are forced to play this mod. If you don't like just shut up and skip this mod. Edit: Lastly, please make better endgame maps. Design of the maps are not so good and polished right now. Dernière édition par QtMex#2265, le 28 janv. 2023 10:39:21
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Thanks GGG that you came back to your roots! I am a Beta player and i quit the game after it was way 2 easy because you coul buy a 6L chest for some chaos orbs.
My stash if full with kaoms and tonns of expensive gear, but that is exactly, what kills a game, because you lose any progression and after the addiction stops you simply quit the game. Now i am back after 5years and even brought an old friend in to the game and we both just love ruthless! And that cripparian came back to the game just shows once more how good the mod is! I hope that ruthless is also a majure part in poe2. And ps chris willson, you lied to me several years ago, when i asked you, if path of exile 2 is in developenet :P kind ragards, keep up the amazin work! no power to the weak! ING Infuriateground
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GGG You have removed the movement speed of Onslaught, you have forgotten Haste and other sources.
Science of Life
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Can you add "regret orb" at the vendor? maybe for 4 chance orbs?
It's so annoying to have to start a new character when you don't have enough respect at mid-end game, and no one is selling regrets because they are only drop. |
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This is what made me download the game again and I played more than 10 years ago I think when the game was way slower and not as zoomy. Every single change here sounds amazing!
Seems like I can finally play this game without caring about seasonal resets because there's finally a slower mode that allows slower progression that lasts more than 3 months. I also noticed at least a few other commenters that seem to have come back after many years. Thank you so much! I hope you continue to support this mode even though I'd have been perfectly happy with just a mode with heavily reduced item drops lol |
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This mode looks epic, can't wait to try it! The current game is way too ridiculous in speed of progression and speed of play for my tastes. Haven't played since Sentinel. Thanks for taking your precious personal time to make this mode! Cheers! o/
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