An Overview of Upcoming Changes

All of this not nearly enough
Nice! I'd prefer not to tune harvest to be too strong, it feels rather fine currently.
Been playing Pohx`s build and playing 3.19 was so fun. It didn`t even felt the drop loot problem. Been dropping Divines since day 2 of league start and today I dropped 3 divines, 2 coming from tane`s lab.

The main problems for me was Harvest lacked in league start, but later was fixed, but reforge was kind of important for late league and some of the other recipes was nice to have around like the 5-link one.

Beyond feels like a waste of effort IF, big IF, you only are after tainted currency. There is still the juicing methods that actually worked for me though, so it isn`t completely useless like some rogue exiles that feel like they are now way worse than archnemesis rares since they drop way less loot.

While it is good to nerf Lightning Mirage, there is plenty of other skills that lack balance and/or visibility like that green ball of poison goo that follows you arround till it drops on top of the char. That, in some maps, are almost impossible to see if not already about to be on top of you. They should be a more neon green like the Magma balls that follow you arround from Magma Barrier mobs.

Kalandra Lakes are awful to walk around. Shield charge is annoying in those kinds of places but Frost Blinking isn`t happenning because of its long CD. The rewards of the Tablets also lack interest. It cannot compare with maps, at least so far. Also, there is a bigger gap in player skills when it comes to making the tablets. I`ve managed to make a some 13-14s but my friends just gave up in trying because it felt like it was so based on luck to them.

Eldritch bosses takes too long to fight them again. It should be on top 20 maps, with a small chance (4-8%) of his invitation dropping sooner. That would be more fair and balanced. Of course, it would make sense of lowering its rare unique loot table to counter that ease of access. I guess Ashes of the Stars could be 1.8% loot chance?

Heist rogues takes too long open doors, even with investement. They should be quicker so it can be a better mapping alternative.

Running lab is by far the worse thing I still have to do in the game. And I still need my helmet enchant.

Now, there is plenty to compliment devs in this league.

Even if harvest felt meh at league start. The new system a way big improvement over the old one.

The new trading QoL is really welcoming specially for players with many tabs with many items.

Archnemesis mods, even with its flaws, with the implementation of the loot system feels was better than it was, specially since GGG also nerfed its damages and defenses.

I havent used harvest yet...
Maybe iam not a hardcore gamer
The other mechanic was more acessible
'Stay ou of the shadows'
Signed in Blood
return all harvest recipes
Good post, but GGG, the state of loot is so messed up that everyone is doing heist or legion for the chests since they haven't been ruined yet. Is this what you had in mind? I can't imagine it is and if your solution is to gut these chests instead of fixing the loot, I (along with many others) will die on the inside. The loot situation deserves much more than just a passing line, no offense. I miss actually finding items instead of flasks, jewels, fractured items and thousands of whetstones and scraps. I get that they all can't be winners, but the drops feel disheartening for lack of a better word.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.

Always test you game fully before release, and never ghost fix your game, those two pillars made our game solid.

Stay in the light.
I don't know why you are clinging o archnemesis so much. Everyone found it antifun and ever since its forced addition it brought only problems by the ton. 2nd league with them and they still ust pose problems and annoyance.

Harvest might as well have been deleted. This vestige was completely worthless to keep. Literally everything that was worth focusing on it was removed. If youdidn't want people to use it at all you could have just deleted tehwhole thing.

The divine change is absolutely insane. A forced change of a currency's value because "we feel like it" is just undermining trust.

Overall I am happy about the buffs, but this is just getting back some that was taken away.
You call it improvements.
Players call it nerfs.


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