Oh shot i forgot about the Double totem, i was using only one, doing t10 yellows Just Fine with cyclone, i manager to get 3 ex and farrul/surrender are same price around 3.5ex, what should i Go First? Thanks
Posté parAkagami2023#4844le 19 sept. 2020 23:22:12
Isso_nao_vai_presta a écrit :
Oh shot i forgot about the Double totem, i was using only one, doing t10 yellows Just Fine with cyclone, i manager to get 3 ex and farrul/surrender are same price around 3.5ex, what should i Go First? Thanks
if you want more tankiness, go Surrender. if you want to use flicker and more dps in general, get farrul's.
Posté parBlazer780#1337le 20 sept. 2020 00:16:57Banni(e)
Greetings, all! I'm currently leveling with Flicker Strike (using a Lakishu's blade) and finding myself having some mana issues. Does anyone have a recommendation for how to do that? In the past, I've usually allocated a mana leech node somewhere in the tree, but it doesn't look like the build guide paths anywhere near one of those.
Posté parmookie990#7539le 20 sept. 2020 00:38:51
mookie990 a écrit :
Greetings, all! I'm currently leveling with Flicker Strike (using a Lakishu's blade) and finding myself having some mana issues. Does anyone have a recommendation for how to do that? In the past, I've usually allocated a mana leech node somewhere in the tree, but it doesn't look like the build guide paths anywhere near one of those.
i'm using a praxis ring in red maps, so i recomend it
Posté parAkagami2023#4844le 20 sept. 2020 01:26:54
mookie990 a écrit :
Greetings, all! I'm currently leveling with Flicker Strike (using a Lakishu's blade) and finding myself having some mana issues. Does anyone have a recommendation for how to do that? In the past, I've usually allocated a mana leech node somewhere in the tree, but it doesn't look like the build guide paths anywhere near one of those.
it does, just get the first node before Spirit Void Node on the tree. you can also use Praxis rings to reduce mana cost. and you have Clarity aura too if thing went down hill.
Posté parBlazer780#1337le 20 sept. 2020 02:11:39Banni(e)
Thanks for the replies. I'll give Praxis a shot. Not a huge fan of the cost for pathing to Spirit Void, but I somehow totally missed that Essence Sap is super close on the right side of the tree (probably because that side of my tree is currently underdeveloped due to me rushing Tribal Fury). I'll probably allocate that if I still have issues.
Posté parmookie990#7539le 20 sept. 2020 04:49:48
mookie990 a écrit :
Greetings, all! I'm currently leveling with Flicker Strike (using a Lakishu's blade) and finding myself having some mana issues. Does anyone have a recommendation for how to do that? In the past, I've usually allocated a mana leech node somewhere in the tree, but it doesn't look like the build guide paths anywhere near one of those.
How can you level this as flicker? How do you generate charges?
Blazer780 a écrit :
the league starter version is already cyclone and it will work with cheap gear just fine. you can check it out. the cyclone min-maxed is just another variant of the original flicker min-maxed
Thank you!
Posté parDawnBlue#3929le 20 sept. 2020 08:28:48
ShatteredEssence a écrit :
mookie990 a écrit :
Greetings, all! I'm currently leveling with Flicker Strike (using a Lakishu's blade) and finding myself having some mana issues. Does anyone have a recommendation for how to do that? In the past, I've usually allocated a mana leech node somewhere in the tree, but it doesn't look like the build guide paths anywhere near one of those.
How can you level this as flicker? How do you generate charges?
you can't. that's why you start with another skill and switch later.
Posté parBlazer780#1337le 20 sept. 2020 12:54:59Banni(e)
vaal moltenshell and summon ice golem doesnt work with cast when damage taken (support). I guess u wanted to trigger the moltenshell when hit right? but it doesnt work so what skills do u recommend using on shield? im a new player pls help
Posté pardownf2p#4335le 20 sept. 2020 14:06:33