[BIG UPDATE, +VIDEOS!] [3.25] LACERMAN 2 BUILD (Fast ClearSpeed + EZ to Play + All Content + Tanky)
After hearing this is going to be the last league that we'll get updates I had to leave my 2 cents.
after not playing for 2 years, I came back looking for some good builds. I found a different Lacerate build at first, I liked the skills but it was a single wield/shield version which had terrible damage. I then found the Lacerman build, after switching over I loved the way it played. Very simple, 1 button kill build, super fast (literally zooming across maps). The amount of times I had to wait for my friends to catch up while mapping is too high :p. But what was really the icing on the cake was the help from PegasusRider himself. Getting replies usually within a day, taking the time to check your build from start to finish. Giving you the exact changes needed to improve it. This game is for many people a complicated experience and we're bound to forget a small detail here and there which would make or break a build. Having the creator of the build help you out on correcting your faults is a huge plus. Played the build for 2 leagues in a row as it was just way too fast in clearing. The only downside was the slow bossing (which becomes better after getting in the high high numbers of ex). Unfortunately, the scaling is just not the same as for the meta builds. That is solely to blame on GGG themselves. Together with PegasusRider we've found some ways to improve/change the build. Ways to self craft some of the gear, the easiest way to access items etc... So for whoever still wants an easy build with clearing at the speed of light, this will always be a good build. It's also very beginner friendly as you can't really "screw" the build up unless you're not following the guide. And even then you can find the answers here in the comments. All in all, I'd like to thank PegasusRider for taking the time (almost every day) to help people improve their builds. You will not see many people do the same, and you shouldn't take it for granted. I hope everyone continues to enjoy the build, and hopefully GGG makes it better (somehow). Many thanks again! " Sad to hear you didn't have such a good experience. BF/BB has insane damage, but is less tanky and less mobile. I have played 2 different BF/BB builds and they're much slower than Lacerman, not to mention a lot less tankier. Unless you're not correctly using your skills, you should almost never die with this build :p |
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nice build!, too fast to clean maps.. but i can't with sirus a4.. :(
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"chaos res helps really a lot. Ofc you will not tank 100% death mechanics like maze fail (btw it is possible to 100% safe get out even without leap and %speed on boots), but when youll be able to facetank hes basic beams (not DIE one) and couple of corridor blasts it will just be piece of cake, especially with Violent Retailation on the tree. Dernière édition par Kagarrash#2193, le 21 mai 2021 04:53:40
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" U are right, i changed outmach for violent retaliation (we have frenzys and enducances anyway so..) and i think feels better overall and will be better bor bossing (will see Sirus ) Also i dropped unwavering stance because i never got stunned (sometimes in ultimatum, not more than half a sec); really i dont feel any diferences taking or not this node; but fortify nodes gives us power+defense, i think is better take 5 points in fortify and drop unwavering. For kagarrash; like Iver said chaos res help a lot in sirus, otherwise if u miss jump or run near chaos ur life goes to 0 in seconds, also try to lacerate and move a bit, at least during first trys, it takes a lot of time killing him, but u can do it with 0 deaths, just be patient, u cant oneshoot him so, attack and move all time. Dernière édition par ultranemia#3960, le 21 mai 2021 09:57:47
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Just 40/40 this league on this char only
Great build, thanks a lot again. Hope everyone else playing it also has a lot of fun :) Praise Bisco the Doge <3 Dernière édition par Whiskeys#1798, le 23 mai 2021 10:16:40
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Yesterday Lacerman build became 2 years old! 22nd May was the day it all started, and also it is time to announce the end of it after 2 years of existence. I'm giving a long break to PoE, also build is getting close to its expiry date. Maven expansion was a heavy hit to the build(and also to many clear speed oriented builds) introducing Maven and Maven arena. Then I increased tankiness with increasing block by ascendancies and it turned out to be effective defensively, but still needed high investment to overcome Maven fight and Feared-Hidden. Meaning DPS needed to increase as well. Then I increased it as high as I could, it's good enough but a little on the lower side for those content, so I'm thinking it's time to end it. Overall it was a fun journey for me, hope it was like that for you too. In these 2 years, we kept growing and became a community and the build became better and better each league, which is thanks to you Lacermen as many improvement ideas came from you along the way. Here's a summary of what happened in these 2 years;
It all started with Sunderman build on 22 May 2019 with the release of this 28-minute video and a guide on forums, here. Sunderman wasn't good at the start, it used to say "Cannot kill Uber Elder" in Cons. I also got banned from sharing a flask macro made specifically for the build(I didn't know it's forbidden):) Funny times. Then things started to improve. In 3.8, Cannot Kill Uber Elder was removed from Cons, instead it had an AUL kill screenshot in the Pros part of the Pros and Cons section, here. There it made into a blog post called "POE 3.8 Most Popular Gladiator Builds - Top 5 Friendly Budget", here. It also made into a player called Razunter's list of melee builds, here(removed). Then later following in 3.9 here(removed) and 3.10 here(removed). In 3.9, it fully switched to impale and started to become what it is today. First Minotaur video came out that time, here. Thread started to become very active, build started to become powerful. 1 month into league, 26th League Lab ladder record came from EasyKun097. Sadly all ladder links are deleted but his post is here. In the screenshot he's 35th but then he later improved it to 26th that day. In 3.10, after some improvements, I released another video showcasing both gears, and this time Minotaur kill time was half compared to the previous, here. Meta Gear DPS was 4.62m and life was 6.7k back then with %29-0 Attack-Spell block. By that time, around each 3 of 4 Sunder players were playing Sunderman build(I can't find the fucking screenshot). Sunderman became the flagship of Sunder builds. Around that time, someone wanted to buy the build and I didn't sell it. Actually looks like I didn't even respond, how rude of me, here. Then in 3.11, Sunder got a big change and Sunder's distance on high attack speed and Multistrike was reduced like a joke, here. That day I either had to end it or had to do something. I thought of change.org first, then I thought "I" had to change something instead. At the 7th hour of the league, Lacerman build was ready and posted. It had only a Lacerate gem change and a new video, which is the Minotaur video on this thread, here. Then in 14 days, the build was fully adapted to Lacerate without big changes but going pure phys. with Brutality and some more changes. Compared to Sunderman, it was a total blast with more DPS and wider Aoe. Harvest(3.11) league went pretty good and smooth. On the 6th day of Heist(3.12) league, 16th League Lab Ladder record came from logitewty. Again ladder links are deleted by GGG and I talked to logitewty, we both don't have a screenshot but we have his post and video of the run. Also, Catarina video on Xbox from demonardvarks came that time, here. Also in Heist(3.12), we were picked amongst the top 5 heist starter builds on expertgamereviews.com, here. Also Razunter kept on picking us for his top melee builds, 3.12(removed), 3.13(removed) and 3.14 as 6th best melee build. It's also the league Al-Hezmin kill video is added, here. It was loved so much, the average view percentage was %103.5, and it was at %113 when Al-Hezmin died at 0:13(it only took 4 seconds to kill him), meaning people mostly watched it more than once and fully, here. In 3.13, Lacerman got its place amongst the top viewed Duelist builds when time after release and views are considered, here(All best ones in one screenshot). Also, our small community got 4 more videos. Sirus videos, a Maven kill video, and The Twisted. People were helping each other, messages were raining and we totally became a community! But there was a problem. Echoes of The Atlas expansion. Maven and Feared/Hidden was hard to do for us. At that time I made the block change, we increased %29-%0 Attack-Spell block to %51-%51 using Versatile Combatant and an explody chest which made us tankier and Maven and Sirus A9 videos came afterward. Then Multiple Totems change came which increased DPS. With these increases, it became so good that if there weren't Maven and her arena, I was planning to change the name of the build to Lacerman 2. But GGG decided to go bossier and slower as a result with Echoes of the Atlas, there was nothing I could do but try for one more league. In Ultimatum League(3.14), we were the most popular build for a time on poebuilds.cc around the league launch date which is the busiest time for build searching, here. The thread got 42k views in 4 days at launch time, here. Also, it was pretty active on poe.ninja despite that popular Lacerate build and Whiskeys was the first Lacerator and 11th Gladiator to level to 100 with Lacerman build, here. Also, we hit 873345 views and 1231 messages at the moment. Shortly after launch, I increased block to %71-%71 while clearing and improved bossing by adding Anomalous Blood Rage. We were awesome in Ultimatums, but still wasn't enough. Maven fight and Maven arena fights The Hidden and The Feared still require too much investment. This is unacceptable for me and thus I'm ending the build. I will keep on supporting it until the end of this league, make a Pob update when the next league arrives for people wanting to enjoy it one more time, and end it there. This game is changing rapidly and together we stood for 2 solid years, but sadly time has come to end it. I want to thank to everybody who's been in Lacerman community, especially people who helped to improve it with their ideas and people who helped each other which will stay amongst the pages of both threads. Currently I'm not planning to make another build in the future, I'm planning to take a break from Poe, but who knows what will happen. I might come back with another build:) EDITS (13.05.2023): ■ Added a new video showing a 42k view increase in 4 days in the thread on Ultimatum(3.14) league launch. ■ Added view statistics for 4-second Al-Hezmin kill video which was loved so much! ■ Added screenshot for the first try of EasyKun097's lab ladder record to Sunderman build part where he is 35th, but later on moved to 26th that day. ■ Razunter removed most of his top melee builds pages, only 3.14 one remains. I left the links as is and typed (removed) next to them so you won't have to waste time clicking them. 2023 ADDITIONS: ■ In honor of all the past Lacermen, 2 submissions have been dropping in Voidborn Reliquary for more than a year! They were your items, fellow Lacermen, gathered one by one and then painted to reflect the green color of Lacerate skill gems.. Verdant Soul Taker with the message: You've been blessed by the soul of the Lacerman who once wielded this.. Verdant Belly of the Beast with the message: You've been blessed by the soul of the Lacerman who once wore this.. ![]() ■ Old Pobs for Some Nostalgia: Here are portable old Path of Building versions showing exactly how Lacerman and Sunderman build was at the end of their final leagues. These Pobs are not updateable and uploaded for some nostalgia, to remember how the build was back in the day. Lacerman Build with Leagues 3.14 and 3.13: https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/pb5ohw4pyzt4zud/PathOfBuildingCommunity_Portable_2.1.0_for_Lacerman_build.zip Sunderman Build with Leagues 3.10 and 3.9: https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/b09enqq25vhif99/PathOfBuildingCommunity_Portable_1.4.169.1_for_Sunderman_build.zip Thank you for your support! " Here I'm putting this to remind why I didn't go with Violent Retaliation and went with Anomalous Blood Rage + Outmatch and Outlast. " We have Frenzy charges anyway that's right, but we don't have Outmatch and Outlast ascendancy's "10% more Physical Damage while at maximum Frenzy Charges". Here wording more is multiplicative whereas wording increased on Violent retaliation is additive and this is what makes this difference. With Anomalous Blood Rage, we can hit max Frenzy charges on majority of the bosses which brings much more improvement(%27 DPS increase) compared to Violent Retaliation's (%9.6 DPS increase). This is explained in details in the previous message. " Actually we talked about this but I want to reply still so people can get information about it. I first want to thank you for your kind words! Firstly this build is not a Meta build and BF/BB is almost impossible with 100c. At the time of this post, you had 4.45m DPS and 6.2k life. DPS is half of Meta Gear, and we can hit 15m DPS, which means you can go more than 3 times of what you have. Ultimatum video we have at the moment has around 1m lower DPS than you have and total cost of it is a little lower than 15ex+gems. I don't agree that bossing is "terrible", I want to share 2 posts on this thread when build was much weaker than now: here(3.12) and here(3.13). Berserk is actually removed from buffs as it creates unequality between Required Gear and Meta Gears, but here my DPS understanding is highest possible and my adjustments are made for it. For Iron Reflexes, I think it's still better not to get stunned as it can kill us even in a very short time. Same goes for we have 1 magic utility flask and it has freeze immunity but not curse, which surprises some people but I think curse hurts, freeze kills. Kinda same here. You seem to have some nice sounding ideas but I need to check and test them before making an update. At this moment I can't promise an update as I'm ending the build. But many thanks for many ideas my friend! I also need to say you did pretty well according to your experiences with the build with the stats you have, and I'm also thinking you will start to like the build a lot once you hit Meta Gear DPS. Until that point, feel free to hit me up with questions here. " Hi. Thanks for your nice words! Actually don't get me wrong but you had much more DPS than needed to take down Sirus on A8-9 deathless when I checked yesterday. Now you seem to be rerolling. "but i think this builds its about clearspeed". True, that is intended. I think we all spend around %95 of the time clearing compared to endgame bossing, so I made the build clear speed oriented. But Maven and Maven arena performances especially with low to mid cost aren't intended. Anything up to Sirus is intended. Maven and Maven arena(especially The Feared, The Hidden) performances on mid to high gear are the reasons I'm ending the build. Otherwise it can take down any boss other than deep-delve bosses and Sirus is easy for the build after getting comfortable with fight mechanics. But bossing performance vs. investment is completely subjective and I can agree that our endgame bossing is not really fast. We cover this up with our fast clear speed. " I would like to help, but I can't even see a Gladiator in Ultimatum league amongst your characters. Maybe you rerolled and deleted it. Anyways if you have questions, I'm always here to help. " Congratz for 40/40! 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝: /view-thread/2875553 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭❜𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥: https://ironhideout.net 🪽 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝: /view-thread/3483665 𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 (𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝❢): /view-thread/3263906 | 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝: pegasusrider 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟓-𝟔-𝟕-𝟗-𝟏𝟐 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟑: /view-thread/3519150 Dernière édition par PegasusRideR#6012, le 12 août 2024 04:45:20
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" Ty for reply. Yep, i rerolled ascendency, i try a champion now.. I lacked a little more investigation maybe, for more defensive techniques... but your build is awesome, it's very fast, congrats! cya |
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I noticed in the meta gear section you have Divergent Lacerate socketed. Is that a better choice than normal Fortify?
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I realized I forgot to reply to 2 messages, sorry for that. Here are that 2 and a new message.
" Strike range doesn't help, it's only there for increased Melee Damage. Damage while leeching gives better increase but we're mostly not leeching, that's why I recommend using increased Melee Damage or Global Physical Damage one if you have an empty suffix instead. I don't think the difference is worth taking the leech one. " I want to thank you again for helping out improving the build, writing crafting infos together and also helping out people around the time you played. It was nice to have you on board my friend! " Yes, in Pob it shows less DPS, but %5 Overwhelm Physical Damage Reduction is much better than %10 increased Attack Damage which is on standard quality Fortify. 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝: /view-thread/2875553
𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭❜𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥: https://ironhideout.net 🪽 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝: /view-thread/3483665 𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 (𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝❢): /view-thread/3263906 | 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝: pegasusrider 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝟓-𝟔-𝟕-𝟗-𝟏𝟐 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟑: /view-thread/3519150 |
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Hi, first of all, thanks for the guide. Very detailed and well written :) Could you help me to understand, what is my gear upgrade priority and how to improve dps? I've about 1 million dps which is kinda low compared to your required gear setup. It takes a lot of time to even kill rare mobs sometimes :(
https://pastebin.com/z1cbJCqV P.S Steel ring is nice to have for sure and I'll be working on them, but I coudn't find good steel rings with dex/int and open prefix/suffix for less than 4-5 ex |
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