[3.16 UPDATED] - Bergerbrush's Impale Cyclone Champion - League Starter & Beginner Friendly!
![]() I am not able to keep up with Questions in this thread and therefor redirect all my questions to my Twitch Stream instead. I stream Fulltime and swinging by the channel helps me keep up Guides such as this and provide new ones as well. ![]() READ THE UPDATE SECTION TO SEE IF I HAVE ADDED ANYTHING SINCE YOU LAST SAW THE BUILD 3.16 UPDATES
Update #1 - Basicly GGG has heavily nerfed claw builds and on top of that removed all channeling nodes + some other nodes we were using so this build is quite nerfed sadly. A positive with the changes to the skill tree is that we now have even more MAX ELE RES available and with some of the new masteries we can now use a lot of auras again and don't even need Enlighten gems anymore. Also we will use Rage from now on and Nightblade which will increase clearspeed/movement speed a lot! So here are the new PoB's for the build... as I said... sadly very low damage due to Claws being completely destroyed for now. (GGG are changing how claws work in PoE 2 so rip claws arleady as they prepare *sad*) Mid Investment Version: https://pastebin.com/BcjEyYuM High investment version = https://pastebin.com/XpvqDVZb Pros and Cons
+ All content Viable + Easy to Play, Spin to Win! + Instant Life Leech feels super nice + Strong single target even with a tighter budget + League Starting Viable + Handle deep Delirium Mobs well + Can Delve Deep and Easy + AFK Facetank 80% of the Game + In depth Guide & SSF Viable + Min-Max to destroy Content + Slayer Version for Better Map Clear(Less Single Target DPS) - Can not Facetank certain Bosses - Medium Map Clear Speed - Struggle in no Leech Maps - Can not do Physical Reflect Maps - Stat Requirements annoying to get - Low damage during "Mob's cannot be Taunted" maps READ THIS INFORMATION SPOILER BEFORE LOOKING THROUGH THE GUIDE Information about this Guide
If you are a NEW player to Path of Exile or it is your first time playing a Melee Character I suggest you look in the "New Players Guide" section. This will contain a detailed guide about everything you need to know From starting in Act 1 to endgame mapping. This version has a different Skill Tree and a Budget Version of the Gear we use. If you are a EXPERIENCED Path of Exile player or know your way around a Melee Character I suggest you look in the "Experienced Player Guide" This will contain a somewhat detailed guide for this build of how to build this character and a Semi Budget/Semi Expensive Gear section. It also has 2 different Skill Tree's to choose from depending on how much currency you have and how experienced you are. If you are somewhat of an EXPERT in Path of Exile I suggest you look in the "Expert Player Guide" This will contain the TL;DR version of the build with a MIN-MAX version of the gear and the Skill Tree optimized for high dps and life to really squeeze out the most of this build. For the people reading the "New Players Guide" and the "Experienced Player Guide" if you at any point feel like you've reached the characters current peak then feel free to go to the next section and look what upgrades you can do for your character. Videos & Build Showcase
![]() A8 Drox Kill Showcase in 3.9 Metamorph League ![]() Shaper Slam & Facetank Showcase in 3.9 Metamorph League 20/20 Wave Simulacrum Showcase in 3.10 Delirium League Simulacrum Build Guide 3.9 Build Guide League Starting & Leveling Guide Video League Start & Leveling Guide Here is a Playlist of Helpful Videos & Tips in Path of Exile Playlist of Tips & Tricks New Players Guide
Welcome to the New Players Guide of my Facetanking Impale Cyclone Champion Build! I made this version for newer players to understand why we make certain choices and what different mechanics means for this Build. All information necessary to go from Level 1 to reach Endgame will be heavily detailed in this version. Let's start very simple by talking about some general information about the character! Information
What can I expect from this Build? First I want to clarify that this build is very easy to make and a good build to start with if you are new to the game, making a new character or its league start. But that does not mean you will completely destroy endgame bosses within a few days of playing. It will require some investments to easily kill most Endgame bosses. And the title says Facetank but that does not mean you can AFK-RIGHT CLICK every boss in the game. 20% of the game still requires any build in the game to move around/dodge and interact with mechanics. This build heavily relies on the Instant Leech from the Bloodseeker Hellion's Paw that we use in our Offhand. The Bloodseeker has the "Life Leech from Hits with this Weapon is instant" Which means that the 2.8% Life Leech is instantly regained on our character as HP. But what does this mean? It means that for us to be leeching so much HP we MUST BE ATTACKING SOMETHING. If we are not attacking something we are not leeching. So if you are far away from mobs, or they are dashing around the room and doing ranged damage. You can still die! Some mechanics from certain bosses makes it so that we can not just straight up AFK-Facetank them. BUT most bosses in the game we actually can. I am very new to the game. Can I easily follow this Guide? I will do my best to make the New Player Guide as comprehensible as possible. I will go into detail about Leveling, Leveling Skill Trees, Leveling Gem Setup, Ascendancies and Building the character for Endgame. I will try my best to provide videos regarding certain things throughout this Guide as well. Leveling Guide
Below you will find 4 Sections with explanations regarding what Leveling Items are useful for leveling, what Gems/Skills are good for leveling, Skill Trees to follow during your leveling stages and what Ascendancy Skill Points we take. Leveling Gear Act 1-10
BODY ARMOR | Tabula Rasa is one of the best leveling items in the game. All the sockets are linked and all the sockets are White. Which means that you can put any Skill Gem in any of the sockets. This makes it easy for us to swap around different Skill/Support Gems and also use a 6-Link for heavy damage while leveling. If you can not afford or acquire a Tabula Rasa then try to find a 3-Link for the early acts and try finding a 4-Link as early as you can. If you do not understand the Skill Gem/Link system in the game I suggest looking at Engineering Eternity's Beginner video regarding Gems and Sockets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isrXLCLbm_M WEAPONS | Here I have listed a few good leveling Weapons for the Acts to use in this build. One very important thing when you level a Melee Character is to keep upgrading your Weapons throughout the Acts. What we mainly look for on any weapon is Physical Damage. You can see at the top of each weapon how much Physical Damage it has, and the higher number the better. It also needs to be said though that some weapons have Attack Speed, Elemental damage and other helpful mods. These are also good to have on your weapons. Later in the Gem Setup Section I will explain about Brutality Support though and how that neglects any Elemental Damage we do when we equip Brutality. If you can not acquire any of these weapons or other good Unique Weapons I suggest trying to loot Rare Weapons with High Damage. HELMETS | The three Unique Helmets listed here are all pretty good for leveling. The best one is the first one listed "Goldrim Leather Cap" because of its +% To All Elemental Resistances. This is a defensively great item and helps us against Elemental Damage in the Acts. Specially after our first encounter with Kitava at the end of Act 5. After that encounter Kitava lowers our resistances and makes us more vulnerable to Elemental Damage. If you can not acquire these Helmets I suggest trying to loot Rare Helmets with Resists and Life. BOOTS | There isn't really that many great boots for leveling. What you are mainly looking for on a pair of boots during leveling is Movement Speed. I suggest a very generic pair of Unique Boots here that can be used at level 1, gives 20% Movement Speed and also gives us the modifier "Cannot be Frozen" which can be very helpful while leveling. If you can not acquire these boots I suggest trying to loot Rare Boots with Movement Speed, Life and any Resists. GLOVES | Here are two pretty good gloves for leveling with. First one can be used at level 1 and generates Frenzy, Endurance and Power Charges (Different charges gives different buffs, all very helpful!) If you can not acquire these Unique Gloves I suggest trying to loot Rare Gloves with Life, Resists and if you can any form of damage! (Physical Damage to Attacks is a great one) BELTS | The Meginords is incredibly for early leveling. It gives life, great amount of damage and a bit of Cold Resists. Later on you should try to either pick up a Belt of the Deceiver though as that Belt is incredible for this build, specially early on and as a Budget Version. It a bit of life, all resists and the damage is incredible with Intimidate to nearby enemies. Intimidate causes nearby enemies to take 10% Increased Attack Damage. RINGS | Blackheart is super nice for early leveling as it gives damage and life. The Praxis Paua ring is absolutely lovely for leveling because it lowers the Mana Cost of our Skills so we don't have to struggle with Mana as much and using Mana Flasks too much. Le Heup of all Ring is extremely good as it gives damage, Attributes to help us use different Gems and then it also gives all resists. It works great for using 1 or 2 maybe paired with a Praxis all the way up to Maps even. If you can't acquire any of these uniques I suggest trying to loot a Rare Ring with Life, Resists and any form of damage! (Physical Damage to Attacks is incredible) AMULETS | There isn't much great options for Amulets. I would personally use a Karui Ward at level 5 for its Movement Speed and then swap to a Extractor Mentis at 16 because it gives us Onslaught(20% Attack Speed + 20% Movement Speed) and also gives us Unholy Might(30% Physical Damage as Extra Chaos damage) If you can't acquire any of these uniques I suggest trying to loot a Rare Amulet with Life, Resists and any form of damage! (Physical Damage to Attacks is incredible) FLASKS ACT 1-4 | Your Flask setup during the first couple of acts should be LIFE - LIFE - MANA - MANA - QUICKSILVER Remember to upgrade your flasks through out the acts though! It is very unwise for example to have a Small Life Flask at the end of Act 1. FLASKS ACT 4-10 | Your flask setup after a couple of acts you can pick up a Onslaught flask instead of a 2nd Mana Flask and keep upgrading your Life/Mana Flasks overall as well! Skills for Leveling Act 1-10
All these Gems listed here are "Level 1" But you wanna keep leveling your Gems during the acts. Because higher leveled gems adds more damage. Damage Skills Level 1 Setup: Level 4 Setup: Level 8 Setup: Once you hit Level 28 you have the choice to either use Bladestorm Setup if you are leveling with Swords. Or you can use the Cyclone Setup already. But I must say that Cyclone doesn't really work too well until around Level 40 when we have our first Ascendancy Skill Points and can use better Gems. IMPORTANT Leveling with Bladestorm requires only Swords or Axes as your WEAPONS. You can not swap to Claws and still use Bladestorm as your Damage Skill. If you wish to swap to Claws then use the Cyclone Setup instead. Level 28 Bladestorm Setup 3 Red 1 Green: Level 28 Bladestorm Setup 2 Red 2 Green: If you swap over to Cyclone make sure to have #4 Skill Tree finished for the Forceful Skewering Impale nodes. Level 40 Cyclone: Movement Skills Important to keep in mind is that Leap Slam requires Swords/Axes/Maces for it to work. If you swap over to using Claws at any point. You will need to use Dash or Whirling Blades Link Leap Slam with Faster Attacks to Leap Slam quicker at the expense of Mana Cost. Important to keep in mind is that Whirling Blades requires Daggers/Claws/One Handed Swords for it to work. Link Whirling Blades with Faster Attacks to Whirling Blades quicker at the expense of Mana Cost. Auras It is important that you stop leveling Precision at Level 4. We will use a level 4 Precision for our HIGH-ENDGAME setup. To stop Leveling a Gem you right click the Gem on the right side once it is ready to level up instead of Left Clicking as you usually do to level up a Gem. Flesh and Stone should be linked with Maim. It makes it so when you use Sand Stance you also Maim enemies. Also when you use Blood and Sand & or Flesh and Stone. You can alternate between Blood and Sand Stance. I suggest Sand Stance for clearing packs of mobs and Blood Stance for Single Target/Bosses. Other Utility Skills Indisponible PRE-ENDGAME 5-Links 5 Link Bladestorm: 5 Link Cyclone: or swap out Melee Physical for If you want more AoE/Map Clear. It's a DPS loss but Pulverise makes our Cyclone much bigger which can feel really nice for map clearing. 6-Link with Tabula Frost Blades Level 1-28: WRITE HERE - NOT DONE YET Bladestorm Level 28-68: WRITE HERE - NOT DONE YET Cyclone 28-68: WRITE HERE NOT DONE YET Skill Tree's for Act 1-10
Act 1 - Level 12 Act 1 Skill Tree Act 2 - Level 22 Act 2 Skill Tree For the Bandits Quest in Act 2 I suggest you Save Alira. Alira gives us: +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier (Which means Damage for our Build) +15% to all Elemental Resistances (Which means we balance Resists much easier) 5 Mana Regenerated per second (Nothing special but Mana Reg is kinda nice) If you want to you can also Kill all Bandits, BUT that makes it harder to build the character for endgame because we need more Resists on Gear. Kill all Bandits gives us: 2 Extra Skill Points (We can use these in the skill tree for more life/damage) Act 3 - Level 32 Act 3 Skill Tree Remember to do the First Labyrinth at the end of Act 3 when your character is around level 33~ You want to choose "Master of Metal" with your first Ascendancy Skill Points. If you do not know what the Labyrinth/Ascendancy system is I direct you to a quick video I made that explains the Labyrinth, Ascendancies and the Trials. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnF3sGYgcQU&t= Act 4 - Level 40 Act 4 Skill Tree Act 5 - Level 45 Act 5 Skill Tree Act 6 - Level 50 Act 6 Skill Tree Act 7 - Level 54 Act 7 Skill Tree Remember to do the Second Labyrinth at the end of Act 7 when your character is around level 55~ You want to choose "Conqueror" with your second Ascendancy Skill Points. Act 8 - Level 60 Act 8 Skill Tree Act 9 - Level 64 Act 9 Skill Tree Act 10 - Level 68 Act 10 Skill Tree Remember to do the Third Labyrinth in Act 10 when your character is around level 66~68 Do this preferably before you finish Act 10 Kitava so you don't have to balance Resists before doing your Third Labyrinth! You want to choose "Worthy Foe" with your third Ascendancy Skill Points. Finished Skill Tree - 68+ in Maps Finished Skill Tree Remember that you are gonna put a considerable amount of Skill Points into Cluster Jewels. Look at the "Cluster Jewel" section that can be found after the "Gear" section to figure out what Cluster Jewels you wanna try and use. You don't have to get the best "Combos" or the "Top Tier" ones straight away. Just get decent ones and start building on that! To equip a Cluster Jewel you drag it into the "Jewel Socket" in the Skill Tree that can be found in the Corners of the Skill Tree. Ascendancy Choices
Video of Labyrinth & Trials Explanation 1st / Normal Labyrinth: Master of Metal 2nd / Cruel Labyrinth: Conqueror 3rd / Merciless Labyrinth: Worthy Foe 4th / Eternal Labyrinth: Unstoppable Hero ![]() IMPORTANT Try not to use the Abyssus helmet when you do Labyrinth Trials or Labyrinth overall. The traps will do insane damage to you. The build has enough damage to handle Uber Lab without it. Building for Endgame - Finished Act 10
Congratulations you made it past Act 10 Kitava! The first thing we need to do is to start working on upgrading our gear to balance our Resists, Life and Damage! It is extremely important that you get enough Resists to be Resist Capped! (75% Cold, Lightning and Fire Resists) Here is a Video explaining Resistances and How to Prepare for Maps! And Here is a Quick Video regarding the new Atlas Skill Tree's Gear
An important thing to learn is how to trade with other players in Path of Exile first of all. Which is a pretty weird trading system. I will link an old video of mine that is a Beginner Tutorial on how to buy items from other players that can help you start acquiring your gear in order to start Mapping properly! As said right before this, it is important to "cap your resists" to 75 before attempting to do maps. Also try to get a decent amount of life on your gear as well. Beginner Guide: How to trade Video If you want to see any Gear right now, go to the Gear Section in the "Experienced Player Guide" section. It works just as fine with this Skill Tree and for this Section. It is just a bit more expensive gear overall. But I haven't had time to update this section yet. Gem Links
IMPORTANT You want to keep almost all Gems except specific ones at Level 20 and 20% Quality. I will explain in this Gem Section what Gems you want to have at 20% Quality and what gems not to have 20. Often in Path of Exile you do want most Gems Level 20 and 20% Though. You always want any gems in your damage setup to be Level 20 and 20% Quality. If you do not know how to Quality your gems there is a great trick to get level 20% Quality on Gems. You take a Level 20 Gem with 0% Quality and sell the TOGETHER WITH 1 GEMCUTTERS PRISM. The NPC will then trade you back the Gem at Level 1 but with 20% Quality. You then Level up the gem to 20 again and you have a 20/20 Gem. 5-Link 6-Link Auras #1 Dread Banner you want Level 20/20% and Blood and Sand Level 6. Precision you wanna keep at level 4 only. Auras #2 You want to keep your Flesh and Stone linked with Maim. You want both of them at level 20, quality doesn't matter. Herald of Purity you want at level 20 and 20% Quality. Movement Skills You want these 3 Gems Linked together. Level or Quality doesn't really matter that much. 4-Link Totem for Extra Damage Indisponible If you can try to Pick up a Vaal Ancestral Warchief. The Vaal version of the Skill gem that you can get by Corrupting a Ancestral Warchief Gem or looted in Vaal Side Areas. You can't quality a gem once its corrupted so just get Vaal Ancestral Warchief to level 20. The other gems in this setup you want to level to 20 and 20% quality. Cast when Damage Taken Setup You specifically want to keep Cast when damage Taken at level 2 and Molten Shell at level 11. Cast when Damage Taken is a very unique Gem that will trigger a linked skill when you take a certain amount of damage. The higher you level up the Skill the higher damage you need to take for it to trigger. We therefor want a pretty low level on it. We also link it with Molten Shell that triggers a Buff that absorb some damage that we take during its active time. Other Utilities We activate Blood Rage before we are about to kill packs of mobs. Blood Rage is an active Buff that generates Frenzy Charges (Frenzy Charges gives Damage) It also gives Attack Speed and Life Leech. Blood Rage will refresh the Buff everytime that we kill a monster. So you don't have to reactivate it that often yourself. But we want to reactivate it during Bossfights to keep the buff up. Handling Cyclone Mana Cost
Option #1 - Mana Leech The easiest way to do this for now is to have any amount of "Attack Damage leeched as mana %" on a gear piece or in your skill tree. Once you reach Act9+ and accumulate some DPS it will keep you at full mana as long as you are leeching/attacking. In order to "Attack Damage leeched as mana%" to be viable we need a decent mana pool to work with, and therefor we need to keep using Herald of Purity instead of Pride. We will change this setup once we get -Mana cost on our Cyclone. Option #2 - Channelling Skills have -3 to Total Mana Cost If you are able to we can craft the "Channelling Skills have -3 to Total Mana Cost" on our Rings and Amulet. If you have both rings and the amulet crafted it will completely remove the mana cost for Cyclone and you can start focusing on using Pride if you have a Enlighten Gem for the Pride/Flesh and Stone setup. Remember though that this is much harder to acquire due to leaving out other viable crafting options on our Jewellery such as Resists, Life and any form of Damage. Option #3 - Acquiring the -15 Total Mana Cost Armour Once you actually acquire such an armour you can neglect all the other information given in this section and play the build as it is supposed to be played. Cluster Jewels
All right you made it to where you wanna implement these so called "Cluster Jewels" into your character! So lets get down to some general information about these Cluster Jewels and how they work! I will make a Clip here on how to equip cluster jewels and how to use them etc. Clip showing how to Search for Jewels on Trade Website Cluster Jewels is a new concept added in the 3.10 Delirium League that allows us to expand our Skill Tree by using certain Jewels that have special Skill Nodes on them. You have a Large, Medium and Small Cluster Jewels that adds a certain amount of passive skills and nodes. IMPORTANT - ALL THE NODES LISTED HERE ARE USABLE MORE THAN ONCE! aka YOU CAN POTENTIALLY HAVE 3 DIFFERENT CLUSTER JEWELS WITH PRECISE FOCUS FOR MEGA DAMAGE. What Cluster Jewel Nodes do I want?
I will be listing these as "Best -> To Worst" but remember that if the Node is listed then it is still WORTH PLAYING. If you don't see a Node listed in this list then it is NOT WORTH PLAYING. Large Cluster Jewel Nodes
Wind Up -> Deadly Repartee -> Martial Prowess/Smite the Weak -> Combat Rhytm -> Iron Breaker -> Fuel The Fight -> Master the Fundamentals Medium Cluster Jewel Nodes
IMPORTANT I suggest getting 1 Enduring Focus and then do what ever you want with the rest. Also remember that if you don't have a Medium Cluster Jewel to use but you have the Jewel Socket skilled in your skill tree you can use normal Jewels in that Socket as well. Enduring Focus -> Precise Focus -> Rapid Infusion -> Provocateur -> Basics of Pain -> Precise Commander -> Quick Getaway -> Pressure Points Small Cluster Jewel Nodes
Also remember that if you don't have a Small Cluster Jewel to use but you have the Jewel Socket skilled in your skill tree you can use normal Jewels in that Socket as well. For the Small Jewel Nodes its mostly worth it to just use a Normal Jewel or specifically Fettle if you want more HP. But a Normal Jewel can give both Life and Damage without using an extra Skill Point as well. Fettle/Normal Jewel -> Natural Vigor -> Wall of Muscle Pantheon
The Pantheon is unlocked after Act 6 when you start defeating certain bosses in the Acts. It is a little mini "Skill Tree" where you can select 1 Major Skill and 1 Minor Skill. By clicking "Y" in game you can open your Pantheon and select which ones you want. I suggest these different Skills depending on your playstyle. Major: Soul of Solaris - for single target/bossing. %Physical Damage Reduction helps to balance out the Abyssus. Soul of Lunaris - for mapping. Extra clear speed and defenses with %Physical Damage reduction and %Movement Speed. Minor: Soul of Gruthkul mainly for the %Physical Damage Reduction. Otherwise Soul of Shakari for defenses against Chaos Damage and Poison. Very useful for Al-Hezmin maps/bossfight. Path of Building
UPDATED FOR 3.13 Ritual League! Fork Path of Building with Leveling Skill Tree's https://pastebin.com/xES5LPR9 Contains Leveling Skill Gem's and all Leveling Skill Tree's & Also recently added Early League Gear in another Gear Setup. Dernière édition par Bergerbrush#2560, le 26 oct. 2021 16:53:38 Dernier bump le 29 déc. 2021 15:49:53
Ce post contient des objets qui sont actuellement indisponibles.
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Experienced Player Guide
IMPORTANT If you have been playing the "New Player Guide" version and are now switching over to this. That Skill Tree is still 100% optimal and works fine with the Gear & Gem Links and everything else from this Section! It is only if you want to play the Min-Max Version(EXPENSIVE AF) that you should actually change your Skill Tree if you are coming from the "New Player Guide" section. Information
So what Bosses can't we facetank? Bosses such as Sirus, Al-Hezmin, Uber Elder, a bit of Shaper and some instances of the Guardians we actually have to interact with Mechanics. Depending on how defensively you have built your character and how much HP you have. You can still get one shot. And bosses like Sirus moves around a lot and drops degen on the ground which kind of counter our Character. That is where we try to push as much damage as possible to more easily Phase these bosses and be rid of the encounter faster. Al-Hezmin if you can't insta kill him will also have an annoying phase where he jumps around the room and shoots ranged abilities at you. The main problem I had with Uber Elder last league was actaully that I phased them so quick with the high dps and I was not prepared for it. When Shaper/Elder PHASE they become immune to damage. And then we can't leech from them and thats when we die if we try to facetank mechanics/incoming damage. Abyssus is making me die alot, can I change helmet? Yes absolutely, I state 3 other great helmets for use in this guide if you wanna play more defensively at the expense of dps. The Map Clear Speed is pretty slow, can it get better? Yes, if you want to you can add Melee Strike Range crafts on your gear, Area of Effect on Cluster Jewels, Movement Speed on Cluster Jewels. And a really good trick is to trying to have a way to gain Onslaught. I currently have a Abyssal Jewel with Onslaught on kill and it is great for map clearing! Remember that usually we sacrifice DPS for AoE though. As you do very much if you play the Slayer version of this build. Skill Trees
Skill Tree for Level 95 Most Skill points will go into the Cluster Jewel, and we will use a Thread of Hope Jewel later to get "Swift Skewering" and "Panopticon" Skill Tree ~ Level 95 Gem Links
Cheap/Starter Version
Vaal Cyclone isn't specifically needed. A Normal 20/20 Cyclone is perfect as well! 5 Link 6 Link Auras Keep Precision at Level 4. We will use it at level 4 later when we acquire more money and go for the Expensive Gem setup. Auras #2 Make sure Flesh and Stone-Maim is linked. Movement Skills 4-Link Totem for Extra Single Target DPS Indisponible Use Vaal Ancestral Warchief to help with Map Clearing. Specially useful for clearing inside the Delirium. Cast When Damage Taken Setup Utility You want to level Blood Rage to level 20 and 20% Quality. It doesn't show here yet but I will fix that when I can. Expensive Version
First of all I wanna say, I don't suggest this combination of Gems unless you have a -15 Socketed Attacks Mana Armour or are using -3 Channeling Cost of Skills Using this Setup is the best setup for Single Target damage but reserves an extreme portion of our mana and we need to make Cyclone manacost free in order to play this setup. Vaal Cyclone isn't specifically needed. A Normal 20/20 Cyclone is perfect as well! 5 Link 6 Link Auras Auras #2 Why have 2 Aura Setups? All these Auras gives us an incredible damage boost. Sadly therefor we are required to have 2 Enlighten Gems to fix our reserved mana from casting all these Auras. I personally link Flesh and Stone with Maim and therefor increase the damage we do with Flesh and Stone and increase our overall DPS. Dread Banner increases our Impale Effect which increase our overall DPS. Movement Skills Whirling Blades for fast movement around Maps or Dash and Second wind for Dashing over Objects/Uphill/Downhill And another alternative is also to have Whirling Blades Setup and also use Flame Dash to Dash over Objects/Uphill/Downhill 4-Link Totem for Extra Single Target DPS Indisponible Use Vaal Ancestral Warchief to help with Map Clearing. Specially useful for clearing inside the Delirium. Cast when damage taken Setup & Extra Blood Rage is leveled up to higher so it doesn't need to be procced by Cast when damage taken. Gear
IMPORTANT This Build struggle to get enough Intelligence. If you can you should try to pair any Rare items here with Intelligence. I myself usually try to squeeze in some Intelligence on my belt or boots perhaps. If you have a hard time finding Intelligence on gear then skill +30 Intelligence nodes in your skill tree in the meanwhile. - Main Hand Weapon - CHEAP~EXPENSIVE PRICE CHEAP - The Wasp Nest is actually really good for DPS and extremely cheap. If you want to try out this build or wanna use it as a league starter then the Wasp Nest is still very viable. I payed 3 exalts for my Rare Claw and only gained from 4.5m DPS to 5m DPS. Which isn't that much for such an expensive weapon. EXPENSIVE - If you wanna push it though, a high pDPS Rare Claw is what you are looking for as your main weapon. High pDPS means physical damage per second... AKA a weapon that deals high amounts of damage. Mine has 410pDPS 6% Critical Strike Chance and 1.82 Attacks Per Second. Try to get something similar or even better if you can. - Offhand Weapon - CHEAP - Bloodseeker Hellion's Paw is what gives us our instant life leech and provides a decent amount of damage as well with a very cheap item. This makes it great as a league starting item and even end game. - Body Armour - MEDIUM~EXPENSIVE Price - This Rare armour is a bit overkill as it has extremely high Life and Resists. But yeah you get the point. Use Either a 6-Linked Rare Armour with Life & Resists as a cheaper option. A medium prized option is a Belly of the Beast, it gives a good amount of HP to increase our health pool which is always good and it helps balance resists decently. IMPORTANT If you have more money to spend then Socketed Attacks have -15 Total Mana Cost modifier is a nice Quality of Life. It isn't 100% needed to play this Build. Mana Leech/-3 Channeling Cost on Jewellery works fine! The -15 Armour allows for more smooth gameplay, higher DPS because we can craft better things on Jewellery and allows for the Pride Gem setup! - Helmet - MEDIUM Price - We have 3 different options for helmets this League. Starkonja's is CHEAP and pretty good because it gives us Dexterity to help with our Stat Requirements. It also provides a nice damage boost and is pretty damn good defensively as it adds a good amount of evasion and Life. Devoto's Devotion is a tad more expensive but is very good overall. It also gives Dexterity to help with our Stat Requirements, a decent amount of damage with the High Attack Speed. Both Armour and Evasion and the 2 best things...Chaos Resistance and MOVEMENT SPEED! This is a very good Helmet for overall Map Clearing as the Movement Speed makes us go much faster with Cyclone. Abyssus is the top tier helmet for overall damage on almost any Physical Build. The high Flat Physical Damage it adds along with the Critical Strike Multiplier is insane. The Abyssus can literally give a MILLION DPS itself endgame when we have overall good gear to scale this with. It also gives All Stats to help us with Stat Requirements and also a decent amount of Armour. But it also has its obvious flaws with the %Increased Physical Damage Taken mod. So therefor you want a low %Increased Phys Dmg Taken as possible, preferably 40%. - Amulet - MEDIUM Price - Life & Resists amulet mainly and if you can, physical damage to attacks or critical strike multiplier will add lots of damage to this build. ANNOINT Annointing "Claws of the Hawk" (Violet, Black, Opalscent) is pretty cheap and gives a LARGE damage increase and gives a chance to Blind Enemies on Critical Strikes to give us another defensive layer. Clip of me Explaining how to Annoint your Amulet - Rings - MEDIUM~EXPENSIVE Price - Here you can see two different Steel Rings that each of them has an extra damage mod, resists and life! These aren't too expensive but still really great! Steel Ring's is a great Base Ring for this Build. It adds so much Physical Damage to Attacks and if you can have any other damage on your rings then thats great too! For example, More Physical Damage to Attacks, Attack Speed, Global Critical Strike Multiplier. Also if you need get some Resists and get LIFE! - Gloves - MEDIUM Price - Mainly what you are looking for are Spiked Gloves with Life, Resists and either some flat physical damage to attacks or Attack speed. I have both because I managed to find a good pair that had an open prexif to craft on. - Belt - MEDIUM Price - I use the belt slot to increase my Intelligence as much as possible. I spam used Spite Essences til I had a good enough belt that I can use. Life, Resists and that high Intelligence is what you want. - Boots - MEDIUM Price - Life, Resists and Movement Speed boots is fine. - Flasks - A FLASK WITH CRITICAL STRIKE CHANCE DURING FLASK EFFECT IS EXTREMELY GOOD FOR DPS! It actually increased my DPS by 400k! If you want this Craft get a Prefix only on the Flask and ask me on Stream for the craft. I have a free Crafting Service with almost every Craft in the game. Other than that I suggest Anti Bleed, Anti Freeze and perhaps Anti Burn/Anti Shock. It's important to have 1 Diamond Flask and I would strongly suggest a Basalt Flask as well for more defenses. Also the Lion's Roar gives an annoying Knockback but it is EXTREMELY good for DPS as well! - Jewels - Anything with %Life, Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Multiplier and Attack Speed will be your best friend in jewels. - Thread of Hope - Thread of Hope is a Unique Jewel dropped by the endgame boss Sirus. We are specifically looking for one that has as low -%elemental resists as possible while also being "Only Affects Passives in LARGE RING" We want to slot it in this Specific Jewel Slot and then get the Passive Skill Tree points "Panopticon" and "Swift Skewering" ![]() Cluster Jewels
Video explaining how Cluster Jewels work & How to use them! What Cluster Jewel Nodes do I want?
I will be listing these as "Best -> To Worst" but remember that if the Node is listed then it is still WORTH PLAYING. If you don't see a Node listed in this list then it is NOT WORTH PLAYING. Large Cluster Jewel Nodes
Wind Up -> Deadly Repartee -> Martial Prowess/Smite the Weak -> Combat Rhytm -> Iron Breaker -> Fuel The Fight -> Master the Fundamentals Medium Cluster Jewel Nodes
IMPORTANT I suggest getting 1 Enduring Focus and then do what ever you want with the rest. Also remember that if you don't have a Medium Cluster Jewel to use but you have the Jewel Socket skilled in your skill tree you can use normal Jewels in that Socket as well. Enduring Focus -> Precise Focus -> Rapid Infusion -> Provocateur -> Basics of Pain -> Precise Commander -> Quick Getaway -> Pressure Points Small Cluster Jewel Nodes
Also remember that if you don't have a Small Cluster Jewel to use but you have the Jewel Socket skilled in your skill tree you can use normal Jewels in that Socket as well. For the Small Jewel Nodes its mostly worth it to just use a Normal Jewel or specifically Fettle if you want more HP. But a Normal Jewel can give both Life and Damage without using an extra Skill Point as well. Fettle/Normal Jewel -> Natural Vigor -> Wall of Muscle Information about good Cluster Jewels
So a lot more information has been released about these Cluster Jewels and we now know more about making Good Cluster Jewels and what combinations are good. The first thing I wanna say is that the lower the "Added Passives" are the better. Large Cluster Jewels have between 8-12 Added Passives. So 8-9 is the best obviously. Medium Cluster Jewels have between 4-6 Added Passives. 4-5 is the best. Small Cluster Jewels have between 2-3 Added Passives. 2 is the best. Another thing to keep in mind as well is that in order to roll certain things on items in this game, sometimes the item needs a certain item level. And the same thing goes for these Cluster Jewels. If you have a Cluster Jewel with Minimum Item Level 75 then it can roll double Jewel Socket on the Suffix. So a great jewel overall would be a jewel with as few Added Passives as possible and if its level 75. That gives us good options to craft something incredible on it, if we were to craft these jewels our self. Catalysts
One of the best catalysts we can use for our build is definitely "Abrasive Catalysts" on our Steel Rings. This increases the overall Physical Damage to Attack modifiers on the Implicit but will also increase any Attack Speed or extra Physical Damage to Attacks that you may have on your Jewellery as well. I suggest using "Abrasive Catalysts" on your Rings and MAYBE on your Amulet if you have a high rolled Physical Damage to Attacks. Other than that you wanna use "Fertile Catalyst" for increased Life if you have a good Life roll on your Belt/Ring/Amulet. "Intrinsic Catalyst" for increased Attributes if you are lacking Dex/Int and an item has high rolled Dex/Int. "Prismatic Catalyst" for increased Elemental Resistances if you are lacking resistances and an item has high rolled Resists. This is specially good for our Belts because we mostly use our Belts to gain high amounts of resistances. Crafting -15 Total Mana Cost Armour & Handling Cyclone Mana Cost
Crafting -15 Total Mana Cost Armour
VIDEO ON HOW TO CRAFT -15 ARMOUR You need a minimum ilvl85 WARLORD INFLUENCED ARMOUR to even get the -15 mana mod anymore. This was a hard hit to all melee builds this league from GGG. I will make a new video when I acquire the items to craft this myself but I haven't been playing too much yet as I am spending most of my time updating the build thread. ANYWAY HERE ARE STEPS FOR NOW. ilvl85 WARLORD Infleunced Armour->Use Serrated Fossils still to have a higher chance of actually getting the mod. Handling Cyclone Mana Cost
Option #1 - Mana Leech The easiest way to do this for now is to have any amount of "Attack Damage leeched as mana %" on a gear piece or in your skill tree. Once you reach Act9+ and accumulate some DPS it will keep you at full mana as long as you are leeching/attacking. In order to "Attack Damage leeched as mana%" to be viable we need a decent mana pool to work with, and therefor we need to keep using Herald of Purity instead of Pride. We will change this setup once we get -Mana cost on our Cyclone. Option #2 - Channelling Skills have -3 to Total Mana Cost If you are able to we can craft the "Channelling Skills have -3 to Total Mana Cost" on our Rings and Amulet. If you have both rings and the amulet crafted it will completely remove the mana cost for Cyclone and you can start focusing on using Pride if you have a Enlighten Gem for the Pride/Flesh and Stone setup. Remember though that this is much harder to acquire due to leaving out other viable crafting options on our Jewellery such as Resists, Life and any form of Damage. Option #3 - Acquiring the -15 Total Mana Cost Armour Once you actually acquire such an armour you can neglect all the other information given in this section and play the build as it is supposed to be played. Ascendancy
Video of Labyrinth & Trials Explanation 1st / Normal Labyrinth: Master of Metal 2nd / Cruel Labyrinth: Conqueror 3rd / Merciless Labyrinth: Worthy Foe 4th / Eternal Labyrinth: Unstoppable Hero ![]() IMPORTANT Try not to use the Abyssus helmet when you do Labyrinth Trials or Labyrinth overall. The traps will do insane damage to you. The build has enough damage to handle Uber Lab without it. Bandits
Your 2 options in the "Deal with the Bandits" quest in Act 2. Either KILL ALL Bandits and recieve 2 Skill Points from Eramir This is good because we can utalize 2 More Skill Points in our Skill Tree for more damage or life, or other good Skill Nodes. And your second choice is.. SAVE ALLIRA Saving Alira and Killing the other 2 Bandits will give us a hidden buff from Alira that gives 5 Mana Regenerated per second & +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier & +15% to all Elemental Resistances This is also good because for League Starts it can be really good to get some extra Resistances as it is usually very tough to balance your resists after killing Act 10 Kitava. Pantheon
Major Soul of Solaris - for single target/bossing. %Physical Damage Reduction helps to balance out the Abyssus. Soul of Lunaris - for mapping. Extra clear speed and defenses with %Physical Damage reduction and %Movement Speed. Minor Soul of Gruthkul mainly for the %Physical Damage Reduction. Otherwise Soul of Shakari for defenses against Chaos Damage and Poison. Very useful for Al-Hezmin maps/bossfight. Experienced Player PoB Updated for 3.14 Ultimatum League
https://pastebin.com/95N71HxE - 6.6m DPS Expert Player Guide
Rings & Curses
Steel Rings with Assassin's Mark Curse on Hit is HUGE! & Either drop Wind-Up for a better DPS node on Cluster Jewels or SAVE IT to generate Power Charges for BOSSES which is also pretty huge. Assassin's Mark according to my PoB right now is better than Vulnerability. But I don't know how much better either of them scale depending on how maxed out gear we have. So Assassin's Mark > Vulnerability (Curse on Ring or Corrupted Gloves) BUT STILL! Vulnerability is still really good if you get such a corrupt/ring! Tailwind Boots & Utility
Tailwind Boots gives an incredible DPS increase and of course Map Clear Speed because of its Action Speed increase. Elusive is nice for the extra dodge and Movement Speed but doesn't really do anything for our DPS. Also a really incredible thing if you wanna really min max is boots with perhaps Multimodding and adding Movement Speed% + Cannot be Chilled & Cannot be Frozen. That is a huge QoL as we never have to worry about freeze and our Flask Charges regarding Freeze on flasks. Body Armours & Influences
Obviously the main thing we are looking for is a "Socketed Attacks have -15 Total Mana cost". But there are other things that we can focus on if we are min-maxing our character in certain ways. Item Level 85 WARLORD Influence This is the minimum requirements to acquire the "Socketed Attacks have -15 Total Mana Cost" Body Armour. I also suggest if you want to really Min-Max that you do this on a Astral Plate for the increased %All Elemental Resistances. Item Level 85 WARLORD & Hunter Influence Once again we can acquire "Socketed Attacks have -15 Total Mana cost" from the WARLORD Influence but we can also acquire "Attacks have +(1.1–1.5)% to Critical Strike Chance" from Hunter. This modifier is incredibly good for our DPS as it gives us a nice Critical Strike Chance increase. If you wanna go above and beyond as well or are incredibly lucky, you can also acquire extremely good mods such as "You can apply an additional Curse" and "(9–12)% increased maximum Life" from the Hunter Influence. Item Level 85 WARLORD & Crusader Influence Once again we can acquire "Socketed Attacks have -15 Total Mana cost" from the WARLORD Influence but we can also acquire "Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing 3% of their Life as Physical Damage" from Crusader which is incredibly satisfying while Map Clearing. This will make packs of mobs explode and will make map clearing feel much better. But it does not do anything for our overall single target DPS. Another great thing that we can acquire from the Crusader Modifier is 15% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike. This makes it so we don't need to play Wind-Up anymore in our Cluster Jewels as we can still easily generate Power Charges for Bosses. Item Level 85 Hunter & Crusader Influence This is a special one as we completely neglect the "Socketed Attacks have -15 Total Mana cost" this time. And instead we focus on the "Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing 3% of their Life as Physical Damage" and "Attacks have +(1.1–1.5)% to Critical Strike Chance". This makes it so you can push your Single Target DPS and your Map Clearing potential. BUT I would not suggest this unless you feel comfortable playing with Mana Leech or you have -3 Cost of Channeling Skills crafted on your Jewellery. Rare Mainhand Claw Weapon
So far Path of Building has been confusing and frustrating for me as I am no GOD in PoB/PoE and am still learning and doing my best. I keep checking 350-400pDPS Claws and comparing them in PoB but most of the time it doesn't register as an Actual DPS increase. Now I think the reason for that is because of the Critical Strike Chance of the Wasp Nest. So I therefor suggest 400pDPS or higher Rare Claw with a high %Critical Strike Chance and APS for it to be an actual upgrade. I would still check in PoB though before you attempt crafting a Claw or buying one. Awakener Gems, Jewels & Flask
Awakened Gems This is pretty simple for us, we wanna use Awakened Melee Physical Support instead of Physical Support because it adds more damage and gives Intimidate which is a HUGE DPS increase. We also wanna use Awakened Brutality instead of Brutality. Jewels A lot of people are asking about Watchers Eye Jewels. Obviously the great ones are Pride ones such as Attack Damage, Double Damage and 2x More Impale Stacks. Here is a quick order of some generally nice Watcher Eye Jewels and how good they are for this Build from best to worst. PoB tells me 2x Impale Hits is still best but I don't know if we can go above 9 Impale Hits if we already have Double Deep Cuts so I'm leaving that out for now. Best Pride WE: Double Damage/Attack Physical Damage - Intimidate(not worth it if you have Awakened Physical Support) Flask Can't really think of anything else except Bottled Faith which is just insane for DPS for this character. Strong Cluster Jewels for min-maxing
Video explaining how Cluster Jewels work & How to use them! What Cluster Jewel Nodes do I want?
I will be listing these as "Best -> To Worst" but remember that if the Node is listed then it is still WORTH PLAYING. If you don't see a Node listed in this list then it is NOT WORTH PLAYING. Large Cluster Jewel Nodes
Wind Up -> Deadly Repartee -> Martial Prowess/Smite the Weak -> Combat Rhytm -> Iron Breaker -> Fuel The Fight -> Master the Fundamentals Medium Cluster Jewel Nodes
IMPORTANT I suggest getting 1 Enduring Focus and then do what ever you want with the rest. Also remember that if you don't have a Medium Cluster Jewel to use but you have the Jewel Socket skilled in your skill tree you can use normal Jewels in that Socket as well. Enduring Focus -> Precise Focus -> Rapid Infusion -> Provocateur -> Basics of Pain -> Precise Commander -> Quick Getaway -> Pressure Points Small Cluster Jewel Nodes
Also remember that if you don't have a Small Cluster Jewel to use but you have the Jewel Socket skilled in your skill tree you can use normal Jewels in that Socket as well. For the Small Jewel Nodes its mostly worth it to just use a Normal Jewel or specifically Fettle if you want more HP. But a Normal Jewel can give both Life and Damage without using an extra Skill Point as well. Fettle/Normal Jewel -> Natural Vigor -> Wall of Muscle Information about good Cluster Jewels
So a lot more information has been released about these Cluster Jewels and we now know more about making Good Cluster Jewels and what combinations are good. The first thing I wanna say is that the lower the "Added Passives" are the better. Large Cluster Jewels have between 8-12 Added Passives. So 8-9 is the best obviously. Medium Cluster Jewels have between 4-6 Added Passives. 4-5 is the best. Small Cluster Jewels have between 2-3 Added Passives. 2 is the best. Another thing to keep in mind as well is that in order to roll certain things on items in this game, sometimes the item needs a certain item level. And the same thing goes for these Cluster Jewels. If you have a Cluster Jewel with Minimum Item Level 75 then it can roll double Jewel Socket on the Suffix. So a great jewel overall would be a jewel with as few Added Passives as possible and if its level 75. That gives us good options to craft something incredible on it, if we were to craft these jewels our self. Extra Min-Maxing Options
Ryslatha's Coil is a great upgrade and pickup if you can manage your resists and stats somehow. I get asked this very frequently and yes its a great upgrade but we lose a Equipment Slot for Stats/Resists and also lose a potential Onslaught Jewel. Other crazy min-max items can be Warlord Influenced Spiked Gloves with Extra Melee Damage along with your flat physical and attack speed. Also you can have Hunter Influenced Belt (Hunter Stygian Vise is great) with Enemies have -Total Physical Damage Reduction against your Hits and other things such as life and resists obviously. Then maybe even having an open Prefix to craft Damage is always nice. 3.14 PoB of Min-Maxed character
This is basicly a BIS Geared Version made in PoB. It's nothing OUT OF THIS WORLD but its generally VERY VERY GOOD GEAR. https://pastebin.com/X2xybTaH - 18.4m DPS - 90% Phys Reduction, 60% Evade, 70k Life Leech. Slayer Version
Slayer Version Information
The Slayer Version is basicly just the same setup, ALMOST the same skill tree, same gems and everything. But we just play Slayer for bigger AoE, ability to run Reflect Maps and overleech at this point. We lose a bit of damage and survivability compared to the Champion Version but we gain a better mapping ability. IMPORTANT Remember to drop any TAUNT Cluster Jewels and replace with something else in case you are playing Slayer as we don't taunt anymore. Ascendancy Choices for Slayer: Impact->Brutal Fervour->Endless Hunger->Headsman Full Slayer Skill Tree 3.14 Ultimatum League PoB for the Slayer Version https://pastebin.com/8uMDW0HU NEW & IMPROVED LOW LIFE CHAMPION VERSION!
With the 3.14 Ultimatum League there was some major changes to how Low Life works and there was also a new gem added called Petrified Blood! Information regarding these changes and how we can utilize them is found is this video here! Low Life & Petrified Blood on Champion Now with these new changes and added mechanics I have no been working heavily on making a Low Life version for this particular build! Currently there is no extensive guide to this version as it is just slightly different and can easily be explained through the Low Life Update Video and looking through the PoB. There will be some Gem changes, a very minor change to gear and some ascendancy points changes but the build will basicly be the same overall. Except now we will play with Low Life using the Petrified Blood gem. All can be explained and showcased in this video here and there is also a new PoB for the Low Life version! 3.14 Low Life Champion Update! Cyclone LL Champion PoB - https://pastebin.com/cpzEeKL6 Dernière édition par Bergerbrush#2560, le 2 mai 2021 19:47:36
Ce post contient des objets qui sont actuellement indisponibles.
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Video soon? :)
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Video added and guide mostly finished!
Could and probably will add a budget version/league starter version as I will use this as my own league starter next league unless it gets any major changes! Enjoy the build everyone! I killed Uber Elder and A8 Sirus today very easy with this build as well. Facetanked mostly everything and had no issues killing them. Only remaining thing left to see is how deep I can delve with it :) |
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Actually decided to add a form of Leveling Guide and League Starting guide for this build quickly.
Nothing special but some decent information there and another budget viable option instead of the Rare Claw for league starting or just trying out this build in a more budget friendly way. League Starter or Budget option is now a Wasp Nest paired with the Bloodseeker Hellion's Paw. |
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Sat up a few hours extra last night to make a League Start/Budget viable option as well in Path of Building to show of what kind of damage you can still reach with very simple gear.
Would now say I'm mostly finished with this build for now. Will come back to this and update in 3.10 |
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Killed 50 Uber Elders today with this build and decided that the Rare Claw is kind of a waste for 3ex and decided to only use the Wasp Nest and it works perfect.
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well written guide dude, seems its a nice build..level it n0w for testing it out..maybe league start with it, if it not nerfed into ground :)
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Not worth forceful skewering or the champion Ascendancy point make it pointless?
Also Ive played a cyclone build before but never vaal cycloine. Whats the advantage there? is the vaal version better for bosses? Dernière édition par Hoetek#2626, le 25 févr. 2020 18:25:51
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" It is my plan as well to league start with this. Unless it gets any hard nerfs this will be extremely viable to league start with and do all content within a week I would say. I tried only using Wasp Nest and the Bloodseeker when I killed Uber Elder recently and the DPS was incredible still with those weapons. |
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