[3.15] 1h Impale Cyclone Slayer. Cheap league starter and strong endgame farmer. No required items.
League Starting 3.14 with it, after getting Praxis everything feels good. Perfect for ultimatum. I was just spamming it on aquaduct, and that's how i farm tabula in like 20 minutes. Cyclone OP
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Many people have enquire how to league start with this from Day 1. This is based on my experience on playing this build since league start till 40/40 Challenges for the past 4 leagues.
Based on the feedback i seen in this thread and my personal experience, it better to start off with 2H first and then switch back to 1H as league progress. While Scavea is a good weapond, it just lack enough raw damage to push further into the map and many of the 1H that this build required to run off won't appear in the market until weeks later (Paradoxica, The Saviour). Furthermore, 2H wep are much more easier to craft compared to 1H at league start. ** Note this only apply for the first day of the league, if you intend to play the league 2-3 days later u can skip this and straight buy leveling unique to have a smoother experience ** Hopefully this answers everything on how to progress! Level 1 - 28
Start with Frost blade, look for vendor for G-G-R (Socket Frost Blade > Chance to Bleed > Onslaught Support ) Do vendor reciepe for either Sword or Axe 1 Rare Rustic Sash + 1 Normal Sword/Axe + 1 Wheatstone. If you struggle to find a rare rustic sash u should be able to find essence and use it on them. Level 28 - 60
Instead of putting points in 1H and Dual weild, focus on putting it in 2H instead Switch frost blade for Bladestorm and socket Rage support, Melee Phy Dmg Support, Close Combat (R-R-R-G) Keep doing vendor recipe for either Sword or Axe as you upgrade and have resoruces At Level 51 you will have access to Terminus Est, this will last you till Yellow Map Level Cyclone at your side in mean time, I dun really advise using Cyclone early on due to lack of DPS and Mana problem Level 60 Onwards
By now you should be in Maps, Cap your resistance, switch out to Cyclone and start running maps, if you follow the guide your Impale chance should be near 100% Terminus Est will last you till Yellow Map, in mean time keep those Exquisite Blade you found on the ground or buy off others player (Pref ilvl 77 to have a chance to roll T1 Flaring). Upgrade Priority
Terminus Est > 5 Link body or Tabula > Carnage Heart > Belt of the Deceiver > Exquisite Blade > Abyssus > Lion's Roar > Cluster Jewels > Awaken Gems (Awaken Melee & Awaken Brutality) > Mark of the Elder + Shaper Ring > Ryslatha Coil > Explode + Mana Chest > Bottled Faith > Impale Watchers Eye Depending on market price and avaiability, switch out 2h for Paradoxica/Well Rolled Rapier + The Saviour and unspec 2h node for 1H Using Harvest to minimise cost 1H Rapier/2H Sword
There multiple approach, one is to use Harvest craft, the other is to do Jagged fossil spam, and lastly essence spam. The rule of thumb is that a sword need to have the following 3 roll to be good Increased Physical Damage Flat Physical Damage Attack Speed Basic sword from above will allow you to replace Terminus Est and push into red map and A8 sirus easily within Day 2 of League start. To make those mirror tier sword would require another section on its own. Making Cluster Jewels
Cluster Jewels are relatively cheap to make while giving insane DPS increase. However, certain Jewels are price expensive because not many people know how to influence certain mods to give the desired outcome. Large Cluster Jewels You can either go for 12% Attack Damage with 2H or 10% Increased Damage cluster jewel as to not remake them once you switch out to Dual weild. Martial Prowess > Feed the Fury > Fuel the Fight There several approach to make this Large Cluster, my prefer approach is to use the guranteed approach but it will cost quite a far bit Make sure to get the Cluster Jewel between iLVL 50 but below iLVL 68. This is so that there certain mod above 68 have zero chance to roll Method 1 (Guranteed but much more expensive) Alteration Spam till you get Feed the Fury or Fuel the Fight and Regal it. As Feed the Fury and Fuel the fight are both prefix and magic item can only have 1 Prefix, you would need spend Regal till you get it. Once you have both Feed the Fury and Fuel the Fight, Harvest craft Aug speed for a 50/50 chance to either land Increased Attack speed or Martial Prowess, if you land on the former, Aug speed again and it will guranteed Martial Prowess as there can only be 2 suffix. Method 2 (Semi Guranteed but a much cheaper approach) Alteration + Augmentation till you get Martial Prowess and Feed the Fury. From there on Regal and hope to get Feed the Fury If you fail on the regal, see if it block out Suffix (2 Suffix), if it does then look for Augment Speed craft from Harvest, you have a 1/3 chance to hit Feed the fury with Feed the Fury having the highest weighting out of the other 2. If you fail you have to restart all over Alterantive you can also attempt to Augment Life craft from harvest and you have 50/50 to either land on Feed the Fury or Drive the Destruction. However Feed the fury has a significantly lower weight to you are more likely to hit Drive the Destruction instead. Method 3 (At no cost but time investment) Spam Harvest craft on Reforge Attack till you get it. At league start Martial Prowess and Feed the Fury is good enough, once you have enough currency then go for that 3 Passives. Medium Cluster Jewels Precise Focus > Rapid Infusion/Unwavering Focus This is much more easier to make compared to Large Cluster. Look for Cluster between ilvl 68 and below ilvl75 Method 1 Alteration Spam till you get Rapid Infusion then Regal and hope for Precise Focus/Unwavering Focus which has a very high weight and is likely to hit Method 2 (Guranteed) #1 - Alteration Spam till you get Precise Focus and Regal it. If there an open Prefix and NO open suffix, Harvest craft Aug Speed and you guranteed to get Rapid Infusion as long as the cluster jewel is below ilvl 75 #2 - Alteration Spam till you get Rapid Infusion and Regal it. If there an open Prefix, Harvest craft Aug Critical and you guranteed to get Precise Focus While you will see Precise Focus more often during alteration spam, i would advise against regal it everytime u see it as it can get very costly as Rapid infusion weighting is very low. Mark of the Elder + Shaper Ring
Mark of the Elder + Shaper ring provide a huge DPS boost and Mark of the Elders tend to be not so costly after Day 3 of the league. However, assasin mark ring may get very expensive to get Fortuantely with Harvest crafting, it easy to grab Assasin mark simply by Reforging Caster as long as the specific shaper ring is ilvl 75 and above. Ryslatha's Coil
If you lucky enough to get a few exalted orb drop at the start or the first few to reach red maps and sell maps at very high price, i advise to get Coil first over any other upgrade priority as they tend to be cheap during league start and get more expensive as league progress. Ryslatha's Coil + Terminus is more then enough to push Sirus Dernière édition par Eechye#4031, le 20 avr. 2021 20:37:16
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I'm confused on how to use all the auras + ancestral warchief. My skill bar has 5 slots and I wouldn't know where to fit my Pride aura. Thanks |
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Any pastebin to follow for lvl 86?
the one in the build is not working... Thx! |
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" Holding down Ctrl open up a secondary skill bar |
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Hi All,
I am just getting into t15/16 maps and am finding it very difficult to stay alive and kill things. Especially Sirus rares and guardians etc. I know i need to save for a saviour etc but are there any other obvious issues with my build? I have about 2.8m dps per POB but it just seems really low. I have about 1ex saved up but don't see how i will get to affording a saviour (15ex) anything soon. Thanks! https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Locke_Lamorae/characters Character: LockeCyclone |
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" You don't need to have your auras on your bar. Once you activate them, you can then put a different skill in that spot on the skillbar. |
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" Scaeva is bad for high tier maps, you need to play with a 2H sword like an exquisite blade until you can afford The saviour with Paradoxica or a nice rolled jewelled foil. I'm using this at the moment for red maps, |
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hey guys! Im just starting red maps and feeling very squishy atm...
Damage is not bad, but could be better... im wondering if I should change to 2H sword till i get Paradoxica... Also, im not sure if im running auras as I should... Can somebody give me a hand with the build? My current items: |
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" Pressing Alt should pull up a second row of skill slots. You can toggle Pride on and off from there. On another note, Essences of Dread now grant %increased Impale Effect. Is this better for this build than Essence of Zeal(IAS) or Essence of Contempt(flat phys)? |
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