[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
" Thanks for response. Yeah what I meant is for open maps where mobs might be spread, instead of clearing a pack of 6 with 2 buttons before running along I'll just throw in a Bane and be done with 'em, ofc using the fullscreen clear anytime I can :D Skitterbots were only implemented yesterday, I were running Discipline+Malevolence but asked Zizarian which 2 he would use and he said Skitterbots+Malevolence in a heartbeat. So that's why I tried it out. "If CI, Discipline+Malevolence, if hybrid Skitterbots+Malevolence" Until I've found the currency for the Enlighten level 4 and can run the "proper" ones ofc :) Thinking about swapping back to Discipline tho as it feels abit more helpful than even more damage, as you state. Running blight instead of totem-setup cuz I'm not very comfortable with that playstyle and feel that they die to easy, I see that basically Everyone is running with them so might be something I just "have" to get used to I guess... I agree with the quiver QOL, tried out a rare one yesterday and wasn't worth it at all. That small dps increase but missing out on the QOL. I saw your "rich boys" pob and yeah, there is upgrades but have to swap alot of gear around to get the QOL back :) Got time to give tips for new amulet? I've tried searching for the preference in the guide but can't seem to find anything that fits... Tried to search on the stats that matter on the one that I have, found 1 for 19ex but I'm loosing dps, gaining life... (https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Metamorph/BgpEGEkh8) I'll try out your pointers, ty very much for response and the guide itself. Dernière édition par westyPOW#4150, le 20 janv. 2020 02:59:51
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" 1) Enlighten 4. The gem itself only need to be level 3, vertex gives +1. No need to break your bank ^^ 2) meh, not really... If you can get some, do so. I don't really know what people are talking about, most meta actually don't deal any chaos damage. Same for awakener fight, there's very little chaos in there. You'll want shakari for caustic ground reduction tho, the caustic ground got out of hands this league! If you can get around 20% you'll survive pretty much all chaos sources. I have -40%. 3) Cane of unralelling really falls off past ~t12 maps. YOu kinda really want to upgrade to a bow (even the 5ex one) as soon as possible. " Seeing your profile, I'd highly recomend trying out contagion with intensify and InC aoe (and faster casting). It makes a world of a difference compared to just contaigon. This 19ex amulet isn't worth 19 ex ^^' For this price you can get +1 and t1 chaos multi (altho slightly less life). If you have no money, chaos multi or +1 chaos/int gems is good, along with other usefull stats. If you have more money, get both. You'll probably need to annul a few times and multimod, it can be a difficult process. I really wouldn't do amulet first. For the skitterbots: If you want more damage for some reason, use zaelotry. But 35% mana for 7% more damage overall is simply not worth it. Zealotry is 16% more damage for 50% resa. Or maybe you wanna incorporate a flesh and stone somewhere, that's fine too ^^ FyI: Spider is the exact same damage boost as skitterbots. But it only costs 25% mana and doesn't cost a gem socket. It should give you a good comparative value of skiterbots compared to other choices. |
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FYI to people who are up to the 5ex bow, you are better off buying one that crafting one yourself atm. They can be picked up for 3ex as people sell off their old bows where there is little demand.
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" Funny when a bow that has literally 4ex of multimodding on it costs 3ex... :p Indeed. |
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Been playing the build for a weeknonstop now, really loving the playstyle as I played ED/Contagion other leagues aswell but this one with the tankiness it offers having no problem on red maps with the trash gear I have. I currently have around 3 ex to my budget, could you check my character (DrCyde in MSC) and tell me in what order I should proceed? I know this is alot of work but I currently feel bit overwhelmed on how to get started. I was thinking
-Get better rings/amulet. Mainly wearing them because balancing resists are kind of difficult for me atm. Im checking the gears people link on thread and honestly don't know how you guys are balancing resists :( Also don't want to lose % life on the ring/amulet as I currently have 4.6k HP to ~2k shield and feel like I'd have very little health if I swapped those out, and when I look for rings with better resists/life/%health they come out as very expensive. -I'm not fully running optimal links right now, mainly the Wither totems set up because I spent most of jeweller/chromes on 5 linking the chest and couldn't really get 3B 2G to run Blight :/ Apologies for the long wall of text, just kinda overwhelmed and can't decide which direction to start upgrading from. Would really appreciate if you could point me to a direction. Thanks alot for the buld again! |
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I'd be looking at picking up a bow.
Here is a search link for what you want, the cheapest at time of posting is 4.2ex but there were a few hovering at 3ex a couple of days ago. Just need to find someone keen to sell who is upgrading. https://poeapp.com/search/Metamorph/9Ppsga |
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" About the contagion: I've read a bunch of builds that totally hates the 4L Contagion, and they think that a 2L with inc aoe is enough and does the same job. I've tried both and can't really tell a big difference.. It's like 50/50 in the different build-guides, some smash the 4L, some love it. Also, don't know where I would fit a 4L contagion atm, if I go for a mix in the chest I guess I could...but other than that feeling kinda starwed for gem-slots atm. About the auras: When I were using the Vertex (and could get away with enlighten level 3) I used Malevolence+Discipline+Flesh and Stone, that's probably my goal again when I can reach the enlighten level 4 gem, if I don't find a good Spider to implement somewhere without changing my entire gear to be able to cap res again :D About the amulet: Just bought a new one, with both +1 chaos gems and T1 chaos dot. It had "Allocating Tranquility" on it aswell, dunno if I want to swap or keep...It's alot of damage, and were "free"... Thanks again for your time and effort! Dernière édition par westyPOW#4150, le 20 janv. 2020 09:58:04
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" For contagion: the builds hating on 4 link contagion are most likely outdated. If they recommend a 2 link, there's basically no reason to not use intensify, it's more area. My guess is that they are hating damage oriented contagion setups (they're right, it's shit. only use utility supports in there.). A standalone contagion is imo an heresy, it should at least be 3 linked. Bane does the work, but you really should try at least 3 link contagion (not for damage, just aoe and speed). It really is faster once you get good gear. I mean at least in 2.0, chaos dots will be broken :p Edit: tranqility being allocated is a sunken cost. If you think it is better than 5% dodge, keep it. But imo 5% dodge and 10% MS is better. But FoM is basically free too, so considering the sunken cost of the annoint you already have is a fallacy. Also, please use a quartz flask >< 10% dodge is invaluable. Gl hf! Dernière édition par Darkxellmc#0807, le 20 janv. 2020 10:10:37
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hi. do you recommend cwdt setup? if yes what would you recommend.
i was previously using cwdt but i swapped to blight totem for more dmg but i realised cwdt was the key to stop myself from getting multiple hits till death. or should i cut blight to 4l cos im using 6l now |
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" I really wouldn't use blight totems if I were you, not gonna lie ^^' Blight self cast is very good tho. Do what you feel like you will enjoy the most. It was Cwdt in legion, now I prefer the damage against the new buffed bosses. _____________________________________________________________________ Btw I crafted some insane stuff tonight. Luck turns I guess! Got this amulet on my 2nd try. That'll be very difficult to beat, honnestly! Finished this ring, really nice. Even got some ES on there, but itemlevel wasn't high enough to get a better tier sadly. And finally, this beauty. 150 life with 12% increased, counting the socket (once divined). More than the average dude's armor! |
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