[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
Bought this one for 3ex.
Would you guys Catalyst it and slam or idk. To affraid to touch it xD I don't need any more res but just slamming and praying has not worked out for me so far this league. |
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So can you confirm that culling works with the ED hit? Not the dot obviously, but the projectile?
I've just rolled these: and picked up these: So should just transfer the culling onto the above, with a few random rolls? Edit: Well I went and did it and crafted these bad boys: Unfortunately the above is 5 affixes, not 4, as one is life/energy shield. It has one open prefix. Also I should have perfect fossiled it first, but I can still 28% craftbench them. Low ES on these so not a big deal. I also recently shuffled around my gear a bit and lost aspect of spider on the way, was going to put it on ring or amulet but can't due to the way we multimod... ugh. I could put the aspect on the gloves but feels kind of a waste? Then again I'm res capped without the glove enchant. Also need to slam these with something for the last prefix; Crusader orb has 25% chance of %increase ES and 25% of spell dmg, 25% shock (can we apply this if it is on a ring like this? If so, not bad?) 25% life gain for enemies hit by spells. The above all sound pretty good so likely the path to take? Once I've done that I've pretty much finished my character I think...maybe could go for a rare quiver. I still have around 40ex in the bank, as well as 5000+ alts to play with. Also I'm not convinced the culling is working with ED. I've come across some beefy mobs and just spammed them with ED hits when they are low life and it doesn't cull... If I could just get sirus to spawn again that would be the easy way to test cull. Most things die too fast anyway! Dernière édition par Shaddolf#0993, le 19 janv. 2020 06:24:20
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Cull definitively works.
You kinda onlky notice it when it matters: tanky guardians, sirus, uber elder... But it's there. These gloves are insane, gz! You can craft spider on it, but you'll need to socket your auras in there to not have support gems increasing the mana cost. For slamming the rings, crusader is by far the best option indeed. Dunno if catalysts increase the odds of rolling mod pools... If it does, defense or caster quality would help. Btw, any chance you'd want to exchange your topaz ring for a two stone (cold+lightning) one? It's technically better, but I fked up and now I have 10% lightning res... So I need a topaz. Same mods obviously. Anyways. Really nice gear overall now, gratz! ^^ |
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Hi there, loving the build!
First time playing ED+Cont, also first league. Been playing standard since beta on and off though never had the time to play league until now and I'm loving it! Kinda stuck on what I should upgrade atm... Waiting for currency to buy a Enlighten level 4 to run the "proper" auras, just swapped from Vertex to rare Hubris. Also I'm farming Syndicate to get the +1 minimum endurance charge craft. As you can see I'm abit low on the attack/spell block, focused on capping the chaos-resist instead due to the crazy metas out there... Anything specific I would look at upgrading meanwhile? Is there really no better quiver than this "2c" one? I paid a little bit extra to get higher rolls on mine, almost max... Can't decide what would be best for my 6L Hyrri's... A Bane 6L that I'm running now, or a 3+3 instead, so I could do Bane 3L and CWDT 3L. The 6L Bane is rather nice to speed-run maps. 1 button instead of 2 for the ED+Cont combo. Maybe Bane could do the same job as a 3L aswell...? https://pastebin.com/PWYXXzNv (The jewel not showing on POB is Brutal Restraint) Dernière édition par westyPOW#4150, le 19 janv. 2020 13:35:57
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" Nah sorry, then I'd be in your position missing out on lightning res. Just slammed both of my rings with crusader orbs and got +9% (max roll) energy shield on each so I guess that's not bad (probably my second preference after spell damage? But hitting the 2nd best of 4 twice isn't too bad!) So I'm getting to the point where my gear is almost finished...suggestions on improvements, other than divining up gear? There is the quiver which could go down the rare route to pick up some more damage, but would take some survivability with it. Although I suppose you can get +life on a quiver to offset the ES lost. I'm also tempted to make a new maraketh bow to give me another chance at slamming something better than blind on hit... Need to run some labs today to enchant gloves too. Edit: oh yeah I need catalysts as I haven't used any of those at all. Caster catalysts on neck will give an extra 3% DoT? Prob attack on belt for chaos damage? Life for the rings? Although looking at https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Belt I'm not sure if the chaos on belt or DoT on neck can even be affected by catalysts. Edit2: Ok so regarding quivers you can have +25% chaos DoT as well as +18% standard DoT for a total of 44% DoT...that is insane. Add on 90+ life roll and that is well better than the current unique quiver. Both of the DoT are suffix too so if you hit both you could scour any unwanted prefix and multimod? Here is what my PoB looks like when I import a current one for sale (80ex...but shouldn't be THAT hard to craft?) https://imgur.com/a/pLcBqTh Pretty insane difference! Dernière édition par Shaddolf#0993, le 19 janv. 2020 18:21:04
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" Pog gear, not gonna lie. Here's a list on what you can still upgrade: - 21 discipline. Easy - Melding mod on maraketh jewel if you don't have - corrupted blood immunity - Annoint soul of steel now imo - Corrupted hyrri's ire (50% damage is 35ex, no maxres for sale. % life not bad either, and "cheap") -- There's currently a +2AOE 4% life one for 15ex. Didn't check the roll, maybe it's garbage idk. - Boot enchant. There's some great stuff! - Gloves enchant. Easy, just run normal lab 10 times. - Onslaught bow, and swap your jewel - Better belt? Idk if realistic, but %life from hunter it pretty good. - 2-3 more levels. Now if you wanna push this to the absolute maximum, get a +4 hyrri's ire, and start wanding+shield. It's incredibly expensive, the chest is ~150ex. Otherwise maybe it's time to finish off challenges, do fun gambling sessions or reroll :p Good luck! ^^ |
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What melding mod am I after? Currently my melding gets 20% increase ele damage from the jewel which doesn't do anything for us.
21 disc, yep missed that one. Glove enchant from normal? So the best on offer can be picked up from normal lab? Movement speed on boots comes from uber though? Also see my edits above regarding catalysts and quiver when you get a moment |
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" I don't really like bane past the point you get enough cast speed/aoe to blow up the whole screen tbh. The 1 button playstyle is nice, however, so I get it. 3link shoud be "alright" for mapping, but you kinda want a 4 link at least tbh. 6l bane in chest as you have rn is perfectly fine too. I'd probably replace your blight setup with a wither totem tho, for more "non facetank" offence, to not die randomly at melee range. Cwdt can be 2 linked, steelskin is the only very big link in there. I'm sorry I don't have time to import everyone's pobs anymore ^^' That said your gear is pretty good, you really shouldn't be dying too much... I'd just swap that amulet, you can really find much better imo. And annoint freedom of movement. Also, swap empower for controlled destruction in your bane setup, it's better. I'm not too sold on the skiutterbots thing, they're kinda mah. We already increase enemy damage taken by 105%, an additionnal 15% isn't all that necessary. I'd use discipline instead. Quiver wise, faster es start is really nice. A good rare can be good as well, I just like the quality of life soul strike gives, especially for the very low price. gl hf ^^ |
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FFS I just went through the effort of making another maraketh bow and I hit blind with reedeemers orb AGAIN!!! ARGH
Can't afford to try a third time until that one sells now. Dernière édition par Shaddolf#0993, le 19 janv. 2020 19:56:14
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First time I'm having really fun with a build. Ty for that!
Something I still try to figure out is: 1.) How do I manage to get all 3 auras (incl. Aspect of the Spider) up and running? Currently, I don't have enough mana for all of them. Just for the two others (exluding aspect of the spiders) 2.) Do I have to cap chaos resist for this league? 3.) I'm having huge struggles vs. bosses in red maps (running the blight setup). I assume that for red maps the bow would be the right choice instead of the staff, right? Thanks again, really great guide. |
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