[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
Any suggestions for upgrades in this set? I have around 16ex Thanks for the help! |
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" 1. Get yourself some matatl boots. 6% attack dodge is huge! 2.Your gloves don't have any life on them, would upgrade those. 3.I'd fossil-craft myself a life belt, either elder or hunter influenced (at least ilvl 84), for the "%increased maximum life" mod. Hunter influenced could in a best case scenario also roll "increased chaos damage" on top of that. (mine isn't a stygian vise because that base is way too expensive in hc^^) Those are all survivability upgrades that i think can be bought or crafted with a 16ex budget. For pure damage, craft yourself a hunter-influenced amulet with "+1 to level o fall chaos skill gems" and "#% to chaos damage over time multiplier" And I dont think you need the mana flask since you run eldritch battery. Ps: Am lvl 94 on hc delirium, never got that far with a character before. Really enjoy this build!:D |
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This is my first League and I feel like I've gotten pretty far. Not sure where what I should look to upgrade first. I currently have 14 exalt right now, can always farm more. |
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Malevolence is worded a little strangely to me. Most things will say “#% increased damage over time” or “#% to damage over time multiplier”, but malevolence says “#% more damage over time”. How should I treat this? Is it additive to the multiplier or multiplicative to total DoT?
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"You can treat it the same way as support gems (for example text on void manipulation), basically it doesn't share any diminishing returns with multiplier or anything. |
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Basically, the game works with stats.
Let's consider only chaos damage, spell damage, chaos dot multiplier and fire damage. Anything that says #% increased [stat $], for example "20% increased chaos damage" or "8% increased chaos damage over time multiplier" stacks additively in their own stat category. Let's imagine the bonuses you get from tree/items end up giving you: - 100% increased chaos damage - 150% increased spell damage - 80% increased chaos damage over time multiplier - 20% increased fire damage We want to know how much damage ED deals. Essence drain deals chaos damage over time. It has the unique property of making spell damage also apply to it's damage over time. Let's assume ED deals 100 base dps for simplicity. Here, we would benefit from everything except the fire damage, since we don't scale fire damage at any point with ED. First, the game will add up sources of increased damage that apply. Here, 100+150=250% increased total damage. Our ED now deals 350 dps. But we also have an other stat that affects dps: chaos damage over time multiplier. This is exactly the same as increased chaos dot, but in a different stat, so the sum of them is multiplicative with the former. So with 80% inc dot multi, our ED now deals 350 * 1.8 = 630 dps. More multipliers are multiplicative. Malevolence's "20% more damage over time" does NOT affect your "damage over time" (hidden) stat(s), but stores the fact you have a 1.2x multiplier aside. It will multiply the corresponding number when stats are checked to compute a value. In this case, when we compute Essence drain's (spell chaos dot) damage, we will multiply the damage by 1.2, ending up at 756 dps in our example. This is why support gems that give "50% more spell damage" are much much more powerful than a "50% increased spell damage" node on your tree. Hope that was understandable, damage calculations are a bit complex. TL/DR: what Viktranka said. Increased is additive, more is multiplicative. Dernière édition par Darkxellmc#0807, le 2 mai 2020 05:13:18
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" Your character is looking really solid for your first league. 1. Augment orb your life flask 1.1 You only have 4 gems in your offhand. This is highly inefficient. Get 2 three socket weapons so u can change colors more frequently, unless you are set on leveling and selling empowers. And if thats the case, work on 6 of them. You have gems that could go to 20q but are sitting at 20/0q. Get 20/20 and vaal. 2. Sell your witchfire brew and buy a perfectly rolled one (my guess is they arent expensive on pc, but Im a console pleb, and you can do your own research on prices.) 3. Redeemer slam your bow. If you get onslaught or movespeed it will make a big difference in mapping, essentially speeding up your farm. 4. If you land a good mod on your bow, and would like more dps, annoint Corruption. But before you do this, I would start looking at prices on rings, an amulet or amulets for using an awakener orb, and gloves that should be near future upgrades. Look for the most bang for your buck. The rings aren't too big of a deal when rolled like the ones in the op. 20% increased damage is respectable, but not a huge upgrade. Gloves with culling strike are huge if you dont have it somewhere else. I was able to find a 5c pair of warlord gloves early in the league with damage over time, life, and culling strike (on like the lowest ilvl and shittiest base possible). Huge QoL for bossing. But honestly your best upgrades come down to how you approach the game. What content you are struggling with, etc. You could get a ton more life on your belt, especially if hunter influenced. If you already have a well rolled belt and an open prefix, you can use catalysts to 20q it and have a better chance of slamming hunter increased life %. The belt and if you upgrade your amulet to double influenced and want more survivability - anoint constitution (2 gold 1 silver). They will be some of your biggest defensive moves. I notice you take an extra point of Resistance in your skill tree as opposed to the 2 in ops. Do you need that extra resistance? I would look to put it somewhere else. Also, if you get Leo to t3 in research, you could get some free slams in on your 3 mod cluster jewels. "Free" stats are always nice. Bosses like Sirus at AW8 and Kosis on high waves are going to give you a hard time with little to no chaos res. Start prioritizing getting some on your future upgrades after life of course, unless you just want to ignore that content or don't get hit. Feel free to take my advice with a grain of salt, I know there's no love for console peeps in here. I dont know how many questions I've asked ITT that fell on deaf fingers. But I have taken this build to the limits of the game, and OPs guidelines for progression are truly the best I've ever read. Actually, the fuck am I on about, use the flow charts. Most of your questions will be answered if you reread the op and follow the flow chart. Good luck. I wish I had found a guide this detailed on my first league. Dernière édition par On Your Knees#8895, le 2 mai 2020 05:32:52
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" Thanks for the detailed explanation! I ask because I’m thinking about turning my herald stack necromancer into a herald stacking essence drain occultist, and I wanted to get a clear idea of what the increased aura effect of malevolence would do for me. |
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I just wanted to say thank you for the excellent guide, especially all of the crafting guides. I'm a complete newb when it comes to crafting but you helped me make this beauty.
So thank you so much! This build is so much fun to play! |
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Heyo! Really starting to enjoy this build, but im at a point where im starting to feel a lack of ST dps - like REALLY lacking
I've posted a link to my PoB, hoping to get some tips on what to do.
... I Tilted when Sirus 8 killed me with <1%hp left. My numbers are nowhere near those numbers you're throwing out there. Anything upgraded would've netted me the kill. Nothing wrong on delirium, clearing maps etc. Thx! |
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