[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Why does this build perform poorly in the timeless domain? Kills bosses too slowly and wastes the timer?
Viktranka a écrit :
pablobhz a écrit :
Low HP\ES.
Well ofc you have low hp, go through your items they don't have much life at all? You opted for devouring diadem which saves you passive point for speccing eldritch battery on the tree, but it has no life. Then there are rares and imo you should look into upgrading majority of them because they have poor life rolls or none.

1st ring = no life
2nd ring = 35 life (you could get at least ~60)

neck = 55 life while not even having +to chaos gems or chaos multi that would justify skiping on life (getting all 3 together is expensive), it's a very poor neck only thing special about it is cast speed not even spell damage...

gloves = 0 life, crafted es, 1 resist? this is insta replace

boots = 0 life and also they're armor / es base instead of evasion / es, no resist either outside of implicit, they're also spell dodge not attack dodge so basically they're a worse atziri's step

belt = 46 life you could have at least 75+

abyss jewel = 0 life, except damage over time all other mods are garbage, you could get life / es / onslaught / phasing / corrupted blood immunity, anything that would make this jewel worth the spot it's taking, atm you'd be better with a leather belt because this jewel does next to nothing

The bow is meh too, but it'll cost you at least 4-7 ex to upgrade it so you can leave that for later, but the rares are very poor stats, imo you should focus on getting high life / resist ones and pref. open suffix on jewellery for endurance charges, you focused a lot on getting the bases (two toned matatl boots, stygian vise etc.) disregarding what's rolled on these items.

Also your quicksilver should be rerolled, you should never cap resists with flasks and if you're capped already this affix does nothing. You shouldn't need overflowing chalice, you can use a normal sulfur with warding affix (or quartz, or basalt, something you can roll immunity to curses on).

Do not use large cluster with 11 points, it's a waste of passives you could put into something more useful. It has only 1 notable too. If you want to use a large, imo 8 pointer is mandatory, 2 sockets and at least 2 good passives preferably 3. These "12% increased chaos" nodes are not very impactful. I'd probably also use no witnesses on a 2-pointer to save a point.

Also pretty sure your green nightmare doesn't do much if you didn't spec survivalist. You should have specced that first before you used the gem or even go for herbalism for extra life instead.

And what's up with the spare dex point towards perfect agony / behind the jewel, pretty sure there's nothing more to path towards there. Same with the random int point right side of coldhearted calculation. Get some regrets and clean up these hanging points, you can easily put them into 5% and 6% life respectively next to blood siphon and blood drinker.

P.S. I see Darkxellmc already answered you, if any of my points contradict with anything above disregard what I said, but I'll leave the rest here in case it'll give you extra spots to focus on.

I read it all. From both of you.
This has gave me a nice direction - somewhere to go on.
Perhaps go back and get an Staff, sell this bow for currency and upgrade everything else.

Perhaps i've been too naive when selecting what to buy. I'll invest on what you guys told - for real. Doesn't seem like a big investment and will alow me to PLAY the game, instead of getting one-shot everytime.

Really thank you guys for this. I'll post (i hope soon enough) the results.
Thank you Darkxellmc for this awesome build!

It's my first attempt in PoE and league things, so was confused at start but managed to get good gear and kill few bosses( shaper, sirus, guardians, 20/20 simulacrum).
Had problems with damage but new bow doubled my damage and content is really enjoyable right now:)

I think bow with +level of gems is better than double chaos multi for more damage;

pablobhz a écrit :
Perhaps go back and get an Staff, sell this bow for currency and upgrade everything else.
Tbh if you have a 6-link cane it's probably better for damage than your current bow, you'll temporarily lose the quiver slot but it's probably worth it for now, just be sure you have enough strength to use cane.
Darkxellmc a écrit :
fpcards a écrit :
Thank you Darkxellmc for an awesome build! I have had a ton of fun playing and have reached level 97! Currently, I am having a lot of trouble on the end game bosses like Sirus and Kosis. I find that I don't use the Blight setup very often, as I am so busy dodging around, using my flasks, and applying contagion and essence drain. (I admit that I don't have the gaming skill that some of you have!) I was wondering if I could put in a second essence drain setup into my chest. I could put a curse on hit, enfeeble, and culling strike. Maybe something else defensive too. Would this work in addition to the essence drain setup in my bow? Basically, I would like something in my chest that would work passively, so that I have one less button that I have to worry about pushing in the heat of battle!

No, a second essence drain doesn't stack sadly.

In your chest, you may put a CwDT setup with:

CwDT(20) - Steelskin - Stone golem(or chaos) - Enfeeble - Blade vortex - Blade blast

Make sure BV is before blade blast in order, to get the unnerving explosion in a single proc.

Thanks for the help! Got the changes made and am testing it out as we speak!
Hi! I still love this guide.

I little while ago I had a damage problem. I'm at the point where Shaper and Elder and guardians die, but it takes a while. Then I realized that I still had my old bow (+1 all / +2 support).

So now, I've got my primary weapon on Essence Drain and my secondary weapon on Blight. It's pretty great! Means i don't get Vaal Blight off often, but regular Blight has way more damage due to the beefy bow levels. I suggest folks try it out. The weapon swapping is pretty nice with DOT, and things like infused channeling seem to carry over (at least, the icon does ... haven't done any fancy experiments). I can tell when it's time to switch back to ED if I get hit and my HP doesn't instantly refill.

This also lets you put CWDT in your chest even if you like blight. Buying a second bow is expensive, but I already had one. Buying a second Soul Strike was not expensive.

Also, if anyone has some other even better idea for a weapon swap skill, I'd love to hear it. I figured Blight was the best one since the OP recommended it for people who didn't want a CWDT setup in the chest.

I was under the impression that if you weapon swap, the skill applied by the inactive weapon will be removed from the target? If that's the case it means weapon swap is a nice solution for builds that swap between clearing and bossing skills (let's say typical iceshot + barrage build), but not for multi-dotting. You could have bight in a secondary weapon but then you'd only do damage with blight not with ED.
Viktranka a écrit :
I was under the impression that if you weapon swap, the skill applied by the inactive weapon will be removed from the target? If that's the case it means weapon swap is a nice solution for builds that swap between clearing and bossing skills (let's say typical iceshot + barrage build), but not for multi-dotting. You could have bight in a secondary weapon but then you'd only do damage with blight not with ED.

I just tried putting like 1 stack of blight on a mob and then swapping back to my ED bow - mob was still taking DOT. Am I doing something wrong?

It totally seems like this works when I do it the normal way (ED usually, blight sometimes), but maybe Blight is just that good. Idk.
According to this, the DOT keeps doing work after a weapon swap. Righteous Fire is an exception, but that's not us! (or at least... it's not me... right now)

derpderpderpderpderp a écrit :
According to this, the DOT keeps doing work after a weapon swap. Righteous Fire is an exception, but that's not us! (or at least... it's not me... right now)

Cool, so it works after all? Guess I was wrong then.


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