[3.6] Infinite Blazing Flicker Strike Slayer – Stun/Freeze Immunity [BUDGET] The TRUE Flicker Build
" You're getting one shot? Something is clearly wrong. I have done all content except Vaal Temple and Hall of Grandmasters with this build so far. Including all red maps. I took down Shaper at level 82 as well. What kind of map mods are you playing with? One thing I would suggest is getting a new helmet or changing the crafted mod. Oro's Sacrifice makes it so we take 10% increased fire/physical damage. The mod on your helmet is making 6% of your physical damage be taken as fire damage which is actually worse for you. I would suggest you get that mod swapped as soon as you can. I also just pulled your character into PoB, and you don't even have your resistances capped off. This is easily going to cause you to get one shot. I mention in the guide to get your resistances capped and get life+resists on all of your gear. I assure you once you cap your resistances, it will run a lot better. You already have the life, you just need to reduce the elemental damage you're taking by capping your resists. This isn't even with my build, any build is asking to get one shot or die a lot with non-capped resists at red maps. You are basically asking to get one shot by not capping your resistances. This is even more important because your fire resistance isn't even capped. You're taking physical damage as fire damage from your helmet and Oro's Sacrifice has the 10% increased damage taken from fire/physical damage. I am not even surprised that you are getting one shot. You are giving yourself a handicap by doing this. Change it immediately and you will see different results. Good luck! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Dernière édition par Bakuhakubasugasu#6072, le 25 janv. 2019 09:59:37
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" seems like pob was lagging showing not capped resists cuz in game stats were capped pretty well but nvm, changed ring, now its definately overcapped. Changed mod of helmet to reduce fire damage. After all of it went to the T14 dark forest map with dat mods https://imgur.com/a/7NMKQ8c died 5 times before arena from blue packs of mobs. (sometimes yellow) after dat just entered arena to feel what it's like. Got killed just in 1 second after 2 flicks. Saying that it was close would be a lie, it is absolutely impossible to beat it, it is not even close. Maybe I am supposed to be a genious of dodging and should be able to do that just in some 0.45sec before attack of boss or smth like that, but if I had that skills I would play a bit different game :) Still no idea how u do all that content that u named before, maybe we are playing different versions of PoE, or maybe u re a god of this game, but there is something wrong with this build for me. :/ Dernière édition par YayChauvinism#2547, le 25 janv. 2019 11:44:47
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" Honestly, not too sure what is going on. There is definitely something up because I didn't have any trouble playing through any red maps even with some annoying mods. Only challenge I had was Shaper and Uber Elder with the build. The only challenge being that the fight took longer compared to other builds just because of the damage. I pulled your character in PoB but I don't really see anything wrong with it or anything so I am not sure how you are dying so much. I am in no way a god or anything of this game. If anything, I am far from it. There isn't really any dodging or anything you have to do except for certain bosses and telegraphed attacks. You just pretty much Flicker Strike everything you see. I am currently working on like 7 other guides right now so I am pretty busy, but I will be uploading more boss fights for this build later on like Shaper and whatnot. I am honestly a bit stumped on why you are dying so much. Maybe I can play it on stream or something to show you? I don't know, honestly. Even in the sample gameplay video I have, it is from a Carcass Map, T14. I ran it with no problems and you see that I don't even die from the boss fight at all or get one-shotted. That was even while I was at level 73 when I recorded that gameplay clip. :| *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Dernière édition par Bakuhakubasugasu#6072, le 25 janv. 2019 11:57:03
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" I just loaded ur PoB link and then compared it with mine. Something absolutely crazy is happening. I have just 46905 average damage while you have 78932 average damage. you have 9k life while I have 7.4k Maybe that makes critical difference? Dont know where did u get that amount of damage but the difference is quite huge. Yeah, I see that in video u dont have any problem with boss, seems like it doesnt even try to hit u :D maybe u ran maps with only 4 mods or smth like that? Dont know what is wrong, should work but just getting killed all the time :/ |
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" Do remember that that is just the potential life I will get once I finish the skill tree and at level 100. I am not level 100 or anything, it was just more so to show you the potential end-game state of the build. I have a lot more damage because of the jewels. You get 7 jewel sockets at the end-game stage. If you follow the skill tree as is and even the level 70 one, you should have access to 7 sockets. You just get fire damage and life rolls on your jewels and that is good enough to carry you. I run maps with any number of mods. It just depends on what I want to run and if I am actually deciding to farm stuff. I know you said you had problems with Dark Forest T14 too. Maybe I can record a clip from that or something, I don't know. You can face-tank that fight most of the time, but sometimes you might have to Leap Slam away from move where he sends out all of those wolves. Sometimes you can tank it, but on certain map mods and just to be safer, I would Leap Slam away from it. He inflicts some serious bleeding too but luckily as a Slayer we have bleed immunity while we leech. Right now my guy is level 82 and he is just sitting at around 7K life too so the life situation shouldn't really be the problem. I just don't know what is going on for you with the build man. :| I don't have any of the problems you are saying so not sure how to go about helping. :( *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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Hey, just wanted to throw in my 2 cents, first of all thanks for the build, started it at lvl 67, it's nice but i think i can't run it.
I play on a potato 10 year old laptop - (can play Skyrim and mjol/discharge builds tho) and i think that messes up the builds performance for me :/ I can run reliquary and the first maps, but i still die to packs if i get momentary "stuck" or have a short screen freeze, temple portals are impossible for me. FYI Kitava was a joke with this build took almost no dmg when i did it at 67. So i think i have to go back to my Vortex Witch, just because it's less intensive for my cpu, i do enjoy flickering tho! Again thanks for the build and good luck! My poorman's gear: |
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Is there a reason you're not using Damage on Full Life? I replaced Ruthless with it in PoB and got a nearly 70k dps increase.
Maybe there's something I'm missing, but as a slayer with overleech, I assume you'll never not be on full life at endgame? |
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" Damn, that really sucks for you then. I don't really think you need the best of a computer to run the build though. It's not like it shoots projectiles and all of that. But if your potato can't handle the beef stew then damn, that sucks. Thanks for trying out the build though. Maybe in the future you will be able to get a new potato that can be used in a beef stew. :) Good luck on your journey, exile! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" This is because of Blood Rage. Even though we have overleech and out regen the degen from it with our overleech, any DoT will always make it so you are never at full life even if you can out heal it. I definitely would abuse Damage on Full Life, but it simply is impossible with this build since of Blood Rage. If you actually look at your life, it will be a few hit points away from full life even though we out leech and out heal the degen. Blood Rage+CWDT with Soul of Arakaali for your pantheon to get 50% increased rate of recovery is WAYYYYY too broken. With overleech and just the leech capabilities of Slayer, it abuses this pantheon so much. If you don't run Blood Rage, then yes, you could use Damage on Full Life, but Soul of Arakaali and capturing Queen of the Tangle is simply way more broken and too hard to pass up. This makes it so we can abuse Vaal Pact even harder too. Hopefully this makes a bit more sense. Give the build a try though, it is definitely fun. Good luck, exile! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Dernière édition par Bakuhakubasugasu#6072, le 25 janv. 2019 19:13:57
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" Damage on Full Life works with Blood Rage, as long as you have enough leech or regen to counteract it; as you stated, your life stays static at just under max, but that's just the game not being able to properly display full life. This was proven in 2017 as shown in this image. Furthermore, this comment from Mark himself confirms that with enough regen (or leech, as stated on the wiki), the degen from Blood Rage doesn't stop DoFL. If, even with the leech, you somehow can't sustain Blood Rage, then nothing should change. But if everything is as you described, then there's no reason not to take DoFL in your Flicker setup. Hope that helps, and maybe it'll help with future builds! P.S. I'm actually leveling a character for this build. I just wanted to get some clarification on a seemingly easy optimization. |
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