[3.6] Infinite Blazing Flicker Strike Slayer – Stun/Freeze Immunity [BUDGET] The TRUE Flicker Build
" I don't know your starting point or current setup, so it is a bit difficult to assist you here, but don't expect your mini Flicker Strike setup to be amazing or anything while leveling. If you could enable your character tab, I could take a look at your setup/character to give some tips. In general, just running a simple 4 link should suffice along with using Terminus Est with Darkray Vectors for leveling at Aqueducts until 67 when you can swap over to Oro's Sacrifice and its setup. While using this mini-setup, make sure you do not take Resolute Technique as RT will make it so you cannot perform critical hits. We obviously need the critical strikes to generate the Frenzy Charges with Terminus Est. Equip accessories, items and jewels with critical strike chance so you get a higher critical strike chance. Also, use a Diamond and Silver flask for crit chance and Onslaught to help you level easier. Obviously sustaining Frenzy Charges is going to be a bit more difficult at this time, but if you do the tips I suggest and also use Blood Rage to get you charges after you kill minions, then you should sustain decently. If you are starting to use this mini-setup to level at the Blood Aqueducts, then I suggest you grab the Frenzy Charges on the tree, as those will still be helpful to you even when you make to swap to Oro's Sacrifice. Hopefully these tips help. Everyone's starting point was a bit different, but this is how I did it and it was a complete breeze. Good luck, exile! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" 1) Destroyer is technically the node that is closest for the most damage we can get within a 2 node distance with the current skill tree pathing. The accuracy is not what we care about from the Destroyer node, but just the attack speed and increased damage with ailments. If you take those two skill points away, you will notice that any 2 skill point pathing will not net you as much damage as the Destroyer will. Though the Two Handed Melee Damage does not offer us anything and is just there to path to Destroyer. The main thing with this is that this is still very early on the tree, and useful to grab while you are leveling up anyways. It is more so grabbed for this reason and we naturally take it. You can easily drop these two nodes to grab two more life nodes if you want. Depending on your build, you will net off an extra 10,000 or so of damage so pick what works for you. :) 2) Yup, this is completely on your own choice. The reason why I personally wouldn't use it with CWDT is because Summon Flame Golem would have to be at a way lower level to proc off of CWDT. I would rather have the extra damage from using the gem at a higher level. There is nothing wrong with swapping it out though. Ancestral Protector was simply put there because it was an open slot and gives us a good amount of extra DPS in boss fights and just fights in general. 3) Honestly, I am a bit lucky in six-linking myself. I usually can get them within the hundreds and low hundreds range with fusings. I usually just six-link myself, but if I have the currency, then I will sometimes just purchase something already six-linked. Since Oro's Sacrifice isn't too common of a Unique Item, later on in the league, the six-link version drops quite bit in price. A good alternative would be to just use Tabula Rasa, but obviously you lose a lot of extra life and whatnot if you are using a Kaom's Heart. A good budget obviously is Tabula Rasa, but what I usually do is search for body armors that are six-linked with my needed gem setup with life and whatever other mods I can get on this. Depending on the duration of the league, you can find these six-linked armors for 15-20 chaos. Even cheaper if lucky. A lot of people list corrupted armors in this fashion so you can get your own better Tabula Rasa this fashion too. I usually do this every league and it saves you a ton of currency. Obviously you can just use a 4-5 link and still get by just fine and especially with the nature of this build. You can get the whole setup running with just a 4 link. The other two links are just for some extra juice for the build. I was originally just running this off a 4 link and then later upgraded to a six-link once I got my Oro's linked a few leagues back. But as mentioned, I cannot stress the fact about the searching for six-linked body armor with your specific color for your final skill setup. It's basically a beefed up Tabula Rasa and for under 20 chaos. This is a simple search for the 1G/3R/2B linked body armor that my Flicker Strike setup uses on PoE.trade. http://poe.trade/search/uiyohikomariki Just click on the gray maximum life and it will sort it from the highest maximum life count to lowest for under 20 chaos. Obviously the results will differ from when you read this post, but right now I see a body armor with 157 maximum life on it with our needed six-links and colors only for 18 chaos. Try this method out and I assure you it will help you budget your six-links until you can get the specific six-link you need. Good luck, exile! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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I have no idea how you're doing t14 bosses like that my man. I'm struggling on t8-10 bosses. If you can, review my build and see what I have wrong. I'm level 73 and the leech that you're getting I'm nowhere close to getting. my jewels all costs 20c+ for 14% fire+ and 5%+ life, some have ignite duration. I have pretty good gear except for my chest, which I'm saving for a kaom's heart. What can I do to kill bosses?
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" No problem. I am here to help. If you could enable your character tab in your privacy settings so I can take a look at it in path of building, it will be a huge help. Or you can just give me a paste bin link of it too. Let me know and I can give you some tips. There might just be something we are missing. I'm here to help. :] *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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What are you people using for Delves? I myself switching Flicker Strike and Damage on Full Life to Molten Strike and Faster Attacks. Any thoughts?
Path of Building for Flicker Strike shows 65k Total DPS, for Molten Strike 67k on Melee Hit and 23k on Magma Balls. Dernière édition par Stipa#0283, le 26 mars 2019 07:23:42
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" I usually just use Cyclone in another setup or swap out to Consecrated Path. It is still possible to use Flicker Strike in a Delve, but you just have to not be brainless with it. Meaning, controlling Flicker Strike more and holding it down in bursts, and aiming it in the intended directions more. It is a bit tedious, but possible but if all else fails, I just use my Cyclone or Consecrated Path setup. Just pick your poison, really. Everyone else has their own way of running the build. I do like melee builds, but Molten Strike is a bit overused for my liking. Good luck! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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" I managed to get to 67 with the double strike setup and a tabula rasa, however i'm now level 71 and i keep dying by mobs in a tier 1 map, I set my character tab to public for you. |
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" i made it public. it's the lvl 75 slayer. |
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" Looking over your character, I can definitely see what is causing you to die so much. You are in dire need of getting your Impact lab for your Slayer. You are also missing Overwhelm for the stun immunity. I would prioritize Impact over Overwhelm for now though. Reason why you are struggling is because your Flicker Strike is only doing single target damage right now. Once you get splash damage enabled onto your Flicker Strike, it will feel a WHOLE lot better. Either you need to get your Oro's Sacrifice 5-linked so you can add Melee Splash Support before you get Impact, or swap out Multistrike for Melee Splash but I would not recommend it either. Multistrike is also so important for Flicker Strike. Both of these skill gems offer way too much for this build to pass up. I assure you, once you either get Melee Splash Support or Impact, it will feel better. Once that happens, then grabbing Overwhelm will make one heck of a difference too since you will have stun immunity at that point. Expanding on the Overwhelm/stun situation, since you are at a lower level with fairly low life, you are going to get stunned easier. This is another reason why you are struggling a bit in the early map stages. Looking at your items, you need to get way more life on your items. Drop a few of your unique items and get rare items with life+resists on them. Example being, get rid of your gloves. Those gloves are great for leveling, but when you're actually at a higher level, there are much better options. You can easily fit a 90+ life and resists gloves right there. Any extra mods are just for quality of life. If you want more life on your amulet, you could swap Impresence out, otherwise you can keep it since it still works decently in this build. You could get way more life on your amulet though. Swap out Belt of the Deceiver too. We can get a whole ton of more life and resists there too. The increased physical damage does nothing for us since we deal elemental damage. Once you start applying some of the tips I gave you, you should see one heck of a difference, I assure you. I cannot stress how important those labs are to this build. Flicker Strike builds need splash when mapping and versus mobs otherwise it feels WAY too clunky. That is what you are experiencing right now. Good luck and let me know how things goes! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!* [Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 Dernière édition par Bakuhakubasugasu#6072, le 27 mars 2019 09:19:59
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" Taking a look at your character, you got the right template going. There could just be some small adjustments in your items/gear. One great thing you already have done is that you have all of your labs completed which helps a ton in this build. The Tabula Rasa definitely does hurt us a bit in being more tanky though, for sure. If you are still trying to 6-link your Oro's Sacrifice and/or getting a Kaom's Heart, you can get a cheap 6-link body armor with life on it for 20chaos or less. Just doing a simple 6-link body armor search on the trade site with the specific colors needed for the Flicker Strike setup should suffice. I generally do this since it is so cheap and way better than a Tabula Rasa. Great to use as a proxy before you get your desired 6-link. We would easily shoot up to potentially 5k life with just more life on the body armor itself. Some of your gear has some decent life on them, but some of them could still be a lot better. I would focus on getting some more rare gear with life+resists on them. An example being your gloves. They are decent, but we are looking for a minimum of 90 flat life at least. This makes a HUGE difference. Carnage Heart is also great for leveling for us, but I would recommend finding a rare amulet with life+resists on it too. It will be so much more beneficial to the build, trust me. Other wise, just do what I mentioned from before and slowly upgrade your items. You already have your labs done which is one of the key things to make the build better. Your jewels are decent, but if you want to min-max them, find a max life roll on them which is 7%. Prioritize life on them before anything. Luckily, fire damage mods for jewels are not too expensive so you shouldn't need to waste so much currency on finding some. Your flasks could definitely use some work though. The Wise Oak definitely brings way more damage to the build. If you can fit it in and make sure your uncapped fire resistances are the highest, you will get that additional pierce. Other than that, you can get your other flasks swapped out too. Some of your flasks do nothing for the build. Look over my flask section again. You could be getting WAY more damage out of your flasks with just some simple magic utility flasks. Hopefully this helps out a bit. Give some of these tips a go and you should start feeling a whole lot better. Good luck, exile! *Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
[Build/Stream Thread] https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2246315 |
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