[3.6] Fire Elemental Hit Deadeye - Budget - Endgame

What does Avatar of Fire do, if all your damage has already been converted to fire? Kinda don't get that part.
DamageIncorporated a écrit :
What does Avatar of Fire do, if all your damage has already been converted to fire? Kinda don't get that part.

Avatar of fire is converting 50% of any damage to fire, brother hood another 40% of lightning.
Pyre 40% of cold to fire. Resulting in a total of 90% conversion. If you go frostferno, the cold to fire gem is converting 50% of cold to fire resulting in a 100% conversion.
Hulio225 a écrit :
DamageIncorporated a écrit :
What does Avatar of Fire do, if all your damage has already been converted to fire? Kinda don't get that part.

Avatar of fire is converting 50% of any damage to fire, brother hood another 40% of lightning.
Pyre 40% of cold to fire. Resulting in a total of 90% conversion. If you go frostferno, the cold to fire gem is converting 50% of cold to fire resulting in a 100% conversion.

Oops, so my flawed thinking was it was already 100% converted before AoF.
Crazy build man
I make mirror tier items, I don't rlly play the actual game. Reddit hates me. I'm not cool.
until lvl 40 it was quite shite, as always as ranger start. I used lightning arrow to level and then around 32 switched to elemental hit + pierce ( and other gems) without pierce it was atrocious to level with.

Got a few lab boosts and bought xoph, frostferno, kaoms, bow, lioneye jewel and so on, at lvl 40 it started becoming faceroll.

Just got my kaom's equipped and a 5L chin sol, too poor for 6L bow right now.

I just did uber lab and got RICOCHET, not sure if I like it better than PIERCE. Before I ran pierce as a gem during leveling, because if I didn't it felt quite bad. So now i lost pierce altogether but got chain instead.

Isn't pierce better to clear big packs? In PoB the ricochet node is more dmg than deadly precision but free chain vs pierce? Not sure, is chain really a lot better?

edit: lvl 81 now, 12 hours played and 5522 hp so probably able to get 6500~range if i keep kaoms. Might go LOREWEAVE or QoTF but then the life will be shite. With kaom's you're kinda starved for gem slots. QoTF OR loreweave might open up usage of double abyss tombfist which is nice. Free onslaught/blind from abyss jewels in the gloves and intimidate from gloves

not entirely sure what to put in FROSTFERNO either, everyone uses something different. Using combustion + inc crit + elemental weapon dmg now.
Dernière édition par Inheritedzero, le 18 juin 2018 16:04:41
Do you just swap your starkonjas out for st?
How big are + extra arrow mods on quivers for this build?
Half of that 5m damage is from the Xoph's Blood, which is right now 8.4ex on the market.
Do you guys think Kaom's Heart is better for the build or Loreweave for the defensive stat?
SBSosoon a écrit :
Half of that 5m damage is from the Xoph's Blood, which is right now 8.4ex on the market.
Do you guys think Kaom's Heart is better for the build or Loreweave for the defensive stat?

You don't have to use Xoph's Blood - skill Avatar of Fire.
Rezechs a écrit :
Do you just swap your starkonjas out for st?

I swap 2 gems (6L bow). 4L Ele Hit in Frostferno is fine too. (~ same dps)


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