3.11 -- Righteous Fire Juggernaut / Chieftain (Outdated and Abandoned)

Wouldnt cyclone + combustion be better to lower their Fire Resistance? its 6% less than SR but it will also proc EE, EO and Fortify and keep you moving for other buffs.
So whats the verdict? is jugg or chieftan better in the end?
with ggg gear, is it possible to handle -60% life regen?
Thanks for the build guide.

Is there any specific reason this build uses shield charge instead of leap slam? Because the more I try to use it, the more my annoyance with shield charge's idiosyncrasies transforms into outright frustration and hatred.
Underachiever a écrit :
Thanks for the build guide.

Is there any specific reason this build uses shield charge instead of leap slam? Because the more I try to use it, the more my annoyance with shield charge's idiosyncrasies transforms into outright frustration and hatred.

shield charge makes for much faster movement in mapping/delve, and it will hit more mobs to proc EE instantly on (assuming you have a +cold or lightning damage to attacks on gear) as well as keeping fortify up.

don't feel obligated to run it if you don't enjoy it. you can easily replace it with leap slam or run both if you have the gem slot (I prefer using both linked with fortify and faster attacks- if your gear doesn't have cold or light dmg, you can add a cold or lightning damage to attacks support)

I dropped shield charge for a few levels but really missed the movement speed it gives (pop a Quicksilver flask and shield charge feels even better). using shield charge just to run into mobs close to you does really feel like a much worse leap slam though- so just be aware of all the benefits of either choice
Dernière édition par jaeds, le 30 juin 2019 11:44:19
iDT a écrit :
with ggg gear, is it possible to handle -60% life regen?

I played it, but life flasks are mandatory imo.
Hoxtolicious a écrit :
So whats the verdict? is jugg or chieftan better in the end?

I played both. Jugger is just better for my playstyle. But i never play T14+ so i don't know how big are the damage issues there.

Having insane regen with 9 end. charges always up in just like a walk in the park.
Underachiever a écrit :
Thanks for the build guide.

Is there any specific reason this build uses shield charge instead of leap slam? Because the more I try to use it, the more my annoyance with shield charge's idiosyncrasies transforms into outright frustration and hatred.

Why not both? Faster attacks - leap slam - shield charge - fortify.

Both skills cost 14 mana and you probably should have some mana unreserved. With 2% enchant on boots you can cast it all day. Even without it's quite good (I like AS for clearspeed and sometimes I use ele pen boots for some boss fights, right now I'm even testing 8% spell dodge against legion - it's quite nice actually).

The ONLY problem with that is you can't bloodmagic anymore, but you can try crafting gloves with faster attacks on it - might help. Crit is not a problem at all, with orb of storms you can keep EO uptime all the way to 100%.

I personally like shield charge more because it's faster and some weird thing happen if you cast leap slam near yourself in the boss fight - you can actually die mid-flight (atziri's pizzas, shaper's slam etc), it takes reaaaaaaly long time to jump for like 1 unit. It got me sometime to get used to it. But still I use both skills, LS to jump over obstacles and SC to move around.
Hi all,

first i want to say thank you for the great guide and all the discussion going on here. I am following this guide since several leagues now and its the place to be as a part of the RF community in my point of view.

In my opinion Jugger is still the way to go compared to chieftain if you prefer a chill playstyle and want to do all available content.

In this league i was able to setup pretty gg gear (~ 2,5m vaal RF dps, 10k life) and currently running a 4 aura setup (vitality, male, fire, spider) and i might try to craft a helmet with reduced mana reserved to fit in the fifth aura (ice).

I might as well try to add leap slam instead of culling in my shield charge setup, as proposed by Vasterov.

Any other (maybe crazy / high budget) ideas for improvements (my profil should be public)?

Thank you and best regards

Edit: one word.
Dernière édition par Bernhart, le 1 juil. 2019 08:55:22
xNagato a écrit :
Wouldnt cyclone + combustion be better to lower their Fire Resistance? its 6% less than SR but it will also proc EE, EO and Fortify and keep you moving for other buffs.

I also suggested that before i switched the build.
Its also very good for instant kill blue packs on t15/16

Cyclone and increased critical chance is soo much QoL


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