[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

Tier 15 are easily done. Guardians are absolutely doable without gem swaps, though some might prefer using a different attack. Atziri, Uber Atziri and Shaper require a different attack (thing frenzy, viper strike and so on). Basically you only swap out the flicker strike the rest is the same. Though jsut like Atziri, the Guardians can be very difficult when yo do them for the first time without knowing what's going on, no matter the build, or your gear, or your level or whatever.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Ehy man, whaddup.
First of all, i want to add yet another prise to your work, you deserve that. The guide itself is well written and a tad useful (it took me just a couple of hours to get to 70ish), and the build is hella fun. When i first came back (i used to play like 4 years ago), i was suprised to find my account intact, and with a lv 82 duelist. So i searched the forum for some build to use, and found yours (the 2H edition, not terminus), and since "flicker strike" ringed a bell, i gave it a try. It was awsome =D
Then i decided to start in legacy, and told to me "well, going to do the terminus one on this roll": best decision evah =)

Ok enough babbling, to the point.
Imma link my stuff


(Don't mind the flasks on belt, i use those for the speed, as for what im doing the damage is enogh, more on this later).

So, im a bit short on life (4.4k atm), but im pratically all set up to wear a kaom's, sot that oughta help. Also, no jewels, so that will also contribute. Dps could be better, but please notice that i got all that stuff quite cheap, thinking that i would soon change it.

In fact, right now im farming to get Atziri's (suppouselly being the "big piece", to work the rest of the equip around it), and i wanted to ask you: do you think is the right call, or shoud i just get something else i can afford first, like a taste of hate?
Another doubt of mine is about the helm: should i try and get the enchant myself (that rising the problem of getting into the uber lab and actually beating it), or i just try to buy it?
Also, please feel free to make any point on my gear, and what to-do (es: im aware that i can squeeze some dps on the gem level/quality), because im a big noob on this game =D

Alas, another big thought of mine: what TF im suppoused to do? As of now, im spam farming dry lake (so ashamed of it =( ), but it don't seems to be quite enogh.
So, shoud i run every and each map i find (rn im saving them to upgrade)? Shoud i do bosses (like malachai)? O what else? Because i feel im missing smt. Again, keep in mind that is my very first try here and that im a big noob.

So sorry for the wall of TXT, hope you won't hate me =P
I hope i wrote it well enough, cause im not native.
Cheerz =)
Thank you for the kind words mate, really appreciate it!

I'd say get a Kaom's Heart first, then grab a Taste of Hate , then save up for Acuity.

What you should do now - I mean you are level 84 ... you should've started mapping at least 10 levels ago. After all maps are THE endgame in PoE so... yeah...

And about your current gear - master craft something on your boots and on your two-stone ring. As for the helm enchantment - don't worry about it, really, it's not that important. Personally i've bought mine already enchanted so there's that.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Hands down, the best times I've had with flicker.

The build is great KorgothBG, started Legacy with Oro's and switched to this one after some weeks. My only regret is not starting with this one instead.

Level 89 for now, gear:


Thank you for the amazing build and the not less amazingly made guide. Much appreciated ^^
Very nice guide, mate! But I think that I am lack of dps. Check my stuff pls. Asking for some advice. Saving exalsts for Acuity.
Love that build btw ;)
Thank you for the kind words mate! I'm really happy to hear that you are enjoying the build so far :)

Well your gear looks good to me though of course there is room for improvement damage-wise:
1. Get taste of Hate
2. a 6L sword
3. Abyssus with at least 200% increased crit multiplier

But you are definitely on the right path! Oh and master craft something on that Mind Gyre ring! :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
This is my Gear right now, but im having issues im at lv 82:

1.How can i sustain more mana?
2.Stuns, i dont want Brutal fervour
3. I can't kill bosses like the Shaped Strand ones they just One shot me :(
4. How to gain more damage? im with 11.8k avg in the HO
5. Is not better Herald of Ice?

i have 4.6k Hp atm, im thinking to get Vaal pact, thats a good idea?


Edit: How can i sustain more mana?
- Jewel with leech is the solution for mapping, im still running out of mana vs bosses or 1vs1
Dernière édition par frederickf, le 25 avr. 2017 20:53:42
Great build and great guide! Did a respec of a Duelist I had and worked great straight away (passive tree might be a bit wrong in order of importance, but already had most skills on the left side coming from Earthquake) . Looking forward to level it up more now. Cheers!
Showing your passive skill tree will help me to better help you.
1. It's very strange that you cannot sustain your mana if you have mana leech, but if that's the case - grab more mana leech.

2. If stuns are an issue well ... you must take Brutal Fervour that's about it. Unwavering stance is an option but the loss of 5 passives points to get it and the loss of your ability to evade attacks is not wort it.

3. No idea what you are doing wrong mate ... honestly.

4. I must remind you that this is not DPS but damage per hi and of course your damage in your HO doesn't matter .. after all you don't kill anything there.

5. Better than what?
Vaal pact is a terrible idea. Rumi Concoction is rather useless. You are better with rare boots than Blood dance. HoI in a build that scales physical damage is a waste of mana. Master craft your ring and amulet
I might be wrong but overall i have the feeling that you are not doing what the guide tells you to do.

Hopefully it turns out well for you :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Hi Korgoth.

A few days ago I was lazy and throw a few Fusings on Terminus Est... oops. 6-Linked. Okay, then I found your Guide, leveled a Slayer up to 91 and know I need some advice.

My profile is public. Charakter is Flickchig.
I know that I need better rares (amulett, belt, rings) for switching to Koams and two Jewels don't have 7% max Life. I'm working on it.

Resists aren't max for Ele Weakness Debuff (165/183/138), for Strand it's enough. I'm farming for Atziris actually or should I take Taste of Hate first?

Gems 20/20 are in work ;)

I've massive problems with packs of Porcupine Goliaths. There cast on death spikes kill me instant if there are not enough other Mobs around for leech. Will Taste of Hate make it better to be not a semi oneshot? :D

Best regards,
Dernière édition par fylona, le 26 avr. 2017 13:42:34


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