[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

I'd say go for Taste of Hate first. It is an insanely good item and it's not that expensive (especially compared to Acuity). It in fact makes a huge difference vs porcupines.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I finally hit lvl 95 this league, i had a few thoughts on the build.

1) 5L is pretty much the bare minimum to tackle content
2) Headhunter is....really overrated. Bought it at one point in legacy league, losing resist is hard to pass up especially on elemental weakness maps. A rare rustic belt with solid life/resist + wed is superior in many ways.
3) I find hatred aura more useful > herald of ash, but it's more of a personal choice.

9,348 hp
33,000 ~ avg on hit dmg with aura/golem.
72,000 ~ avg hit with aura/golem/totem + flask
104 k peak damage

Dernière édition par Molochmane, le 27 avr. 2017 14:18:53
Gratz on the level 95 (and legacy Kaom)!
Hatred is more useful than HoA for sure. But in my opinion it is not more useful than HoA + AA.
Headhunter if you don't need the resists is just such an insanely awesome item imo, but to each his own i guess.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Dernière édition par KorgothBG, le 27 avr. 2017 14:23:12

If you have problems with porcupines (I hate them too) you can grab the winter spirit node on the right side of the tree for time you dont have taste of hate.

After that you can respec it, because your phys leech suffers from the conversion.

Well taking winter spirit won't do anything vs Porcupine Goliaths. The porcupines don't reflect damage so lowering your physical damage by converting it to cold doesn't affect the on death spike effect of the monsters. Taste of hate helps you with them because it reduces the physical damage you take for the duration of the flask by converting portion it to cold damage.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Yeah, but you can shatter the porcupines with the cold damage and so there is no real danger from them. At least it worked for me fine until I got my taste of hate. :)

Its also pretty good for the time you didn't specced into headsman node. Phys reflect is less scary.
Dernière édition par Karst96, le 27 avr. 2017 17:29:21
Excellent point!
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I wanted to also chime in about how awesome this build is, how awesome this guide is, and how awesome you are for sticking around and helping us out. I'm really, really grateful!

I tried my first guardian the other night and it didn't go so well. I've played around with using flicker and using viper, but neither seemed to go smoothly. I got Hydra down to maybe 80% before running out of portals. I think I learned everything about the fight (read up on it beforehand), so am I just not used to maneuvering in a fight do you think? Is there some other trick?

I also wanted to ask about some late point expenditures. You go for Deadly Dilettante, but it looks like Heart of Oak could be a better option since as you say tankiness is better than damage at that point.
Dernière édition par Shaboom, le 28 avr. 2017 18:34:03
Thanks mate! ^^

Well especially for Hydra the major thing is just knowing the fight and being able to execute it well enough. You'll do better next time i'm sure.
Grabbing Heart of the Oak is definitely a valid option. Another thing that you can do with the 4 points instead of taking Deadly Dilettante you can grab the life node next to Juggernaut, the 2 life nodes in the Thick Skin cluster and the the life + armour/eva node in the Duelist starting area for a total of 16% increased life.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Hi, I've followed your guide for the most part, and it's the first time I've been able to comfortably handle the guardians!


I'm at 6.6k hp with a Kaoms, got an enchanted Abyssus as well as Acuities. I've found that using a +1 frenzy Darkway Vectors gives a nice dps boost, as well as using Hysteria crafted steel rings.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you have to improve my character; I was also thinking of replacing added fire with Increased Critical Damage since I already gain 35% phys as fire from my rings & HoA. Thanks!


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