[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

Well i personally took Bane of Legends in cruel exactly for the faster boss killing speed, with merciless izaro in mind. With abyssus i did die from time to time between level 70-80 but that never bothered me so ... yeah.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
KorgothBG a écrit :
Well i personally took Bane of Legends in cruel exactly for the faster boss killing speed, with merciless izaro in mind. With abyssus i did die from time to time between level 70-80 but that never bothered me so ... yeah.

Yeah, I think it is the way to go, honestly.

Just finished Merciless trial at 70 and then went on to finish up through Malachai, dinged 71 on the way to him. Managed to do it with no deaths wearing Abyssus since 60, which felt pretty good.

Having Izaro pop on Merciless at 20% would have been worth taking Bane of Legends at Cruel alone, I think (at least if you want to do the trials yourself). The 20 second Onslaught per rare made it a pretty clear winner over Endless Hunger, if you have a Terminus Est and can get started on the build right away at 51 you will absolutely blitz through Merciless with how often Onslaught is up.

In doing Merciless Izaro / Argus and Malachai I could feel the lack of critical chance, it was a bit sketchy with Frenzy charges without stuff around to kill. I'm guessing that's why your build plan gets the Disembowling line earlier than I thought I'd want (I decided to connect to the Constitution island before picking it up instead so I did that last leg with about ~30% critical chance without power charges).

Pretty excited to get this character into maps tomorrow, though. This honestly has been the most fun I've had with the game yet. Thanks to the Abyssus there was a lot more attention required but at the same time I'm not sure I've seen a better payoff than just streaking like a bolt through a quarter of the map watching everything explode in the span of a couple seconds.

On a side note, on my way through Merciless I picked up my first Ancient Reliquary Key and got... Hyrri's Ire. Womp.
I created a similar build several days ago. It has an insane clear speed, I,m impressed. But I disaggree some points from this guide.
The first: power chardge reward from bandits is more important then frenzy, since it gives 4.3% crit. Crit is everything.
You do not need leg items except terminus est. Pieces with a good IR rating, global crit and life are not very expensive, like 2-10c each. You can easely get +150% IR without loosing your dps.
And you need +30 int nodes plus more crit from the tree near scion starter point.
Then you need a mana flask with increased duration like 15 sec for bosses and though mobs.

guys im wondering where i could improve on this build, ive tried path building or optimizing my build, this one i think is pretty save on boses but i havent tried guardian yet, so let me know what i can change or upgrade.

I tried using HoA and AA but i like hatred + enfeeble better, since i was dying to the b#tches that explodes alot, and this is my first league so my knowledge is probably not on par with you guys, that is why im asking this question !

Thanks beforehand !
Well while a power charge from merciless can be indeed helpful in a complete build you are basically with capped crit chance with just 3 power charges so that 4th is well ... useless.

As for the rest of your points they are well ... regarding the leveling process (which can be done in many ways yours included) and again - not true with a complete build.

Well what can i say ... your build is quite different from mine - the already mentioned Hatred + Enfeeble, meaning that you don't have assassin's mark; you don't have impact so you must use melee splash and thus you don't have Fortify (a hit on your survivability). You don''t take acro and phase acro (a hit on your survivability), you go into the shadow area which considering the traveling path turns out a bit less optimized considering other options (i'd suggest to use path of building to see the difference and try to optimize your build). And please do something about the start of your tree... attack speed and then 3 dex passives ... please no ...just .... no. And your Terminus Est can definitely be better rolled.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Slashblast a écrit :
Love the build, just have a few questions:

I'm noticing that I'm missing a lot of attacks even with >89% Chance to Hit. Should I throw in some % Accuracy on my jewels or is that normal?

I have an Atziri's Acuity, but because the Leech is instant I'm running out of mana much more often than when I was using Shadows and Dust. What can I do to help mitigate this? Because I'm sometimes doing a Shaper Guardian and then I'll just be sitting there with no mana for 1.5 seconds then BLAM dead.

Hey there, I've been having the same issue, I almost gave up using flicker strike altogether until I did what some other user in this thread said, which was disabling multithreading from the game options, but instead of turning lockstep off (which had no effect for me) I turned it on, this solved the problem, now I don't miss attacks anymore.

Regarding your mana problem one thing I did was get a jewel with mana gain, that helped a lot:

lockstep is an absolute must.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Still have issue with stun which is killing me from time to time. I decided to take Unwavering Stance, it is just 4 nodes away, you will have to sacrifice some life to get it but well worth it in my opinion if you have issues with stun, I still don't know why I am the only who seems to be affected by stun issue.
I never lose.
Either I win
Or I learn
- Nelson Mandela
KorgothBG a écrit :
Well while a power charge from merciless can be indeed helpful in a complete build you are basically with capped crit chance with just 3 power charges so that 4th is well ... useless.

As for the rest of your points they are well ... regarding the leveling process (which can be done in many ways yours included) and again - not true with a complete build.

Well what can i say ... your build is quite different from mine - the already mentioned Hatred + Enfeeble, meaning that you don't have assassin's mark; you don't have impact so you must use melee splash and thus you don't have Fortify (a hit on your survivability). You don''t take acro and phase acro (a hit on your survivability), you go into the shadow area which considering the traveling path turns out a bit less optimized considering other options (i'd suggest to use path of building to see the difference and try to optimize your build). And please do something about the start of your tree... attack speed and then 3 dex passives ... please no ...just .... no. And your Terminus Est can definitely be better rolled.

thanks for answering the question, i think i fixed the one that is most important in the passive tree, i just tried going against hydra, it went pretty smoothly.... do you think its better with the impact ascendancy ? compared to immune to stuns and bleeds ? i was just wondering i kept switching back and forth, and for single target i added the meelee damage on full life, and turned off blood rage. if you think following your tree will be more beneficial i definetely will change according to your build path,as i was leveling this character without planning, this is originally starforge build but i just saw how insane terminus is, let me know what i can improve on this character even more brother ! PS : melee damage on full life is only for hydra that i fought earlier, its usually splash damage

here is the link to my char again for convenience

thanks again man ! your build is awesome
Dernière édition par JalananRusak, le 17 avr. 2017 21:53:41

So I've been following your guide pretty closely on Severian (of course) and it's doing great. I'm doing T15 maps with ease, but I wanted to ask about bosses. I always seem to flicker right up into them and then stop. I'm not sure if I'm running out of mana or Frenzy charges, but I just grabbed that Mana Leech node on the bottom of the tree and I'm hoping that fixes it (I only just bought the Atziri gloves, and I think I lost my mana leech from the old ones, but I had this problem before as well).

I ran into another Terminus Est player who was really helpful in talking about his build, and I was really interested in the differences from yours:

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Mobsy/characters (LastRerol_l)


Specifically, going for Brutal Fervour instead of Headsman and some of his gem choices. His Orb of Storms and Blade Vortex setup seems great for generating power and frenzy charges! I grabbed a 5-link Lightning Coil to try it out and I was having the same problems against bosses, but again I think it's just my mana.

I also noticed that both of you use Kaom's Heart, but I can't for the life of me figure out why it's better for the build than Belly of the Beast. The fire damage doesn't seem to be doing anything for me since I don't have a 6-link. Is that all there is to it?

edit: Nope, dying due to the flickers stalling out while at full mana. No idea what this is but it's infuriating.
Dernière édition par Shaboom, le 18 avr. 2017 01:51:08


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