[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

Well you are already using Assassin's Mark, so to apply a second curse (Poacher's mark) you'll need an item or a passive that gives you the ability to curse enemies with an extra curse. The small amounts of life/mana per hit are completely unnoticeable, the frenzy charge generation - needless in this build, the less evasion - once again unnoticeable, and the increased AoE is in relation to the curse itself (how big the AoE of the curse itself is if you self-cast it, not with blasphemy), the flask charge generation is indeed good but that's about it. On the other hand Arctic armour is insanely good, yes it mitigates the abyssus downside but it is a great buff on its own. After all it gives less physical/fire damage taken (and in PoE less-more and increased-reduced are two very different things, i'd suggest to check the wiki for more info ^^)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Wow, didn't know you couldn't apply more than one curse. It seems that there still are a lot of stuff I have to learn from the game.

I need to increase my crit chance now, because sometimes when I start the combat with flicker strike, the character stops because none of those 3 hits were a crit, and given that i have 58.34% crit chance... I guess it's just bad luck.

Anyway, thanks for the explanation! =)
hi, how can i improve my caracter pls? feels a bit low on life atm lvl 88 and 5400hp

Btw i used :

for mapping, so freaking op!
Dernière édition par aljuce, le 3 avr. 2017 14:11:26
Well, level up and grab more life nodes. And of course you are not using Kaom's Heart so yeah.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Awesome guide as always :)

Having a blast once again, I have a question though, sometime I notice that for some reason my character will just stop flickering. Have to start running and try again in 1 or 2 seconds, but that small period is enough to get you killed, was killed twice already because of this issue. Any ideas of why this is happening? Maybe I am just unlucky and didn't get a crit and have no charges, can't confirm that though.

I never lose.
Either I win
Or I learn
- Nelson Mandela
Probably a charge issue due to unlucky non-crit hit.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Dernière édition par KorgothBG, le 3 avr. 2017 15:18:07
Hello Everyone where can i improve my character LvL 71 4.4k HP

Ty for u help!! i was playing flicker assassin EVA/ES so slayer is really better in overall
Well first of all, you know ... level up, because 71 is terribly low. Master craft your belt. Get Acuity. Get similar boots but with 30% movement speed. Also i'd say get Atziri Promise instead of Kiara(though of course if you prefer you can stick to that flask). That's about it.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
hi friend!

how would you think this build would fare as a juggernaut? playing on ssf as a slayer but having some serious survival issues in upper red maps without acuity. Wondering if sacrificing a bit of damage from the tree and impact from the slayer in favor of the turbo fort & endurance charge generation of juggernaut would be worth it.

The damage loss i am not too worried about as i assume i would be able to actually wear my abyssus now. I am somewhat worried about losing the sustain that slayer has, but maybe the reduction to incoming damage will mitigate that somewhat.

Also would you make any major changes to the tree if you started as a marauder/jugg? Considered going down and picking up rampart/hematophagy but not sure it would be worth it.

Thanks again for the awesome guide!
Dernière édition par Shademehre, le 3 avr. 2017 20:06:18
KorgothBG a écrit :
Well first of all, you know ... level up, because 71 is terribly low. Master craft your belt. Get Acuity. Get similar boots but with 30% movement speed. Also i'd say get Atziri Promise instead of Kiara(though of course if you prefer you can stick to that flask). That's about it.

Hahaha, yes i know its terribly low, i was just looking for some small updates for my gear.

i'm pretty new in this game and its a little bit hard spend 11ex in a gloves for me.

i'm using kiara to remove freeze could u explain why atziri's promise would be better? i know those flasks have differents uses but i dont understand why atziri's is a good one for this build.

by master craft my belt what do u mean? multiple crafts? i'm using weapon elemental dmg as a craft



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