[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

this build good for HC or not ?
Let me just ... quote myself real quick here :
KorgothBG a écrit :
1. Is this build hardcore viable?
Is it viable... i'll say this - I wouldn't play it in Hardcore.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Prices on Kaoms are strange.

There are more than 99 on sale with buyout and online only at every time of the day on poe trade. Yet everyone of that >100 people thinks that he can get close to 1 ex or up for his plate.

Usually if there is a massive oversupply of a producte (like more than 99 on sale) price should go down a lot.

Did i miss anything?
Market is strange, trading is strange and honestly, i rarely understand whats going on (nor do i care to understand what's going on) so i can't be of any help here.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Dernière édition par KorgothBG, le 31 mars 2017 05:17:09
Yeah, the market really is weird lately. Been able to pick up a pair of (corrupted) atziri's acuity for 7ex yesterday. They're not the greatest, but hey, I made it.

Prices for them in general seem to be falling, 11ex a few days ago, now just shy of 10ex.

Kaoms has been going down slightly as well, 1.2ex down to 0.8-0.9 ex. Just be patient if you want a deal.

At this point, I just said "Eff it" and spend most of my currency. What's it good for just sitting in my stash anyway? 8-)

Thanks again for the tips korgoth, especially the chaos recipe. Surely made over an ex with that by now, disregarded it completely most of the time. Just gotta be careful not to do the regal recipe instead.
For clearing maps this build is one of best as far i played. I have around 250k dps witout taste of hate so clear speed is awesome. But when it comes to bossing he rly falls down. Probably because i dont have atziri gloves. Sustaining cricital hits after power charges gone is rly very hard and also life leech is much much too weak(as i mentioned prob. because no gloves)
I strongly recomend to take viper strike insted of flicker to kill bosses. And if u dont have atziri gloves bosses can be rly problematic! (Too low life leech)

Gathering currency is preety easy with this build due to his awesome clearspeed so ill take a note how its changed after i get money for gloves.

Build is awesome. Kills everything extremly fast. After purchasing gloves I feel like playing another character... Wanted to find another build cause got a little bored with this one but there is no other build that gonna farm as fast as this one. Thank you very very much for build.
Dernière édition par denpan90, le 31 mars 2017 14:29:45
hey i started with your build a few days ago n i thought it was going well but im lvl 65 and i seem to have a problem i cant shake im hoping you recognize this problem and know how to solve it. for some reason i keep missing half my flicker attacks. If i miss the first time, then i miss like 10-15 times after that and im basically just flapping all over the place. the other half lands great n clears the rooms. iv done a number of things to help my accuracy including ice golem and added accuracy on most of my gear. can you tell me what im doing wrong? its killing me out there literally.
I forgot to say my chance to hit is 95% and i build up frenzy charges just fine. im hoping like hell this isnt some kind of wierd lag/bug issue but if it is can u suggest any alternate builds i can easily switch over to without needed too many respects?
Sadly this is definitely a latency and/or desync issue. And i can't really point you out to an alternative build that you can easily switch to.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"


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