[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

Don't wan't to be nitpicky about the skill tree, just wondering if the +16 flat life next to Marauder starting point wouldn't be worth more than the +5% below Golem's Blood? This is more of a theoretical question since it's literary one of the last points you would put if the tree though.
Sure you could try, i wouldn't change anything on the tree though, just go for juggernaut and see if it works well. Without trying it myself i can't really say with any certainty how good it would but it should be playable for sure.

You can roll a freeze immunity/removal mod on your quicksilver flask. Atziri's Promise gives you extra(!) damage and some leech. It is a huge damage boost, way too good to pass on it for something that you can roll on one of your other flasks. By "master craft" i just mean using a master's crafting bench to craft a mod on it (in the gear you've linked your belt had no crafted mods)

A very good question! I'll have to check and see what will give me more life. But given that i use Kaom's Heart i suspect that the % increase would be more beneficial than the flat 16 life (but i might be totally wrong, won't know until i test this :) )
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
This build is a lot of fun. I respecced from a different Terminus Est flicker to try this one. It's got tons of damage but boy do I pop (die) a lot. Even running full flasks I end up dying about once a Strand at 81. Thanks for the build, hopefully I can stop dying and actually level.
Aphelion a écrit :
Don't wan't to be nitpicky about the skill tree, just wondering if the +16 flat life next to Marauder starting point wouldn't be worth more than the +5% below Golem's Blood? This is more of a theoretical question since it's literary one of the last points you would put if the tree though.

Just tested it on my character.

5% Life = 7346
+16 Life = 7280

I am using a Kaom's though.
I've always been told that I should keep my resistances around 135% (I've never known why overcapping is good), but yours are just enough to get ~75% on all of them.

Isn't that dangerous? If I want to increase my crit chance, I need to sacrifice some of my resistances, and I'm really scared to do that.
Dernière édition par Isackender, le 4 avr. 2017 19:29:27
To keep yours at 135% after the -60% from the merciless penalty or before that (in which case you end up at 75%). Overcapping your resistances with 60% is just .... pointless effort if you ask me. I mean even in ele weakness maps you end up loosing up to 34% all ele res. So i'm pretty confident saying that everyone who was telling you to keep your resistance at 135% was just telling you to have 75% all res in merciless ;)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
This build can do uber atziri? what i can do during the split phase? which single target we can use instead of flicker?
Which item first to buy? Atziri flask, 6l est or atziri gloves?

KorgothBG a écrit :
Uber Atziri - Sure, though it is a flicker build and multistrike flicker + atziri damage reflect clone = certain death.
So in the actual Atziri fight you'll need to swap out flicker for viper strike for example.

Shaper - I don't see a reason not to be able, but until i do it (or someone using the build) I can't say with certainty.

The flask is really cheap and you can buy it easily. You can do a pretty high dps with a 5L Terminus Est. So... I'd say Atziri's Acuity, it's really expensive though.
Yup, what Isackender said
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"


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