3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
I played only two maps im not sure if they buff on the same time ( i think they re not ) Im gona do further tests later because i need to do some jobs in the house atm .
edit . ive just went into hideout they buff at the same time . ( maybe the sync of the summon matters ? )
Edit. Video at hideout . ( Minions are unbuffed . No frenzy charges and no flesh offerin . )
IGN = Tominsideeeee
Dernière édition par Tom1nside#7544, le 4 avr. 2020 14:24:21
If someone have problems how to start runing this build in maps - feel free to contact me in-game and on Discord as well. I've already been speaking with 2-3 guys which had huge problems doing even yellow maps - we were able to find next steps to fix the issues and start running it better.
I would like to admit:
I'M NOT AN EXPERT. There are some way stronger/ better/ with more knowledge ppl inhere. But in terms of "standing tall from laying down and beeing kicked hard - i can provide some feedback.
Previous league - to run good necro, u had to get only weapon (about 5-10ex), and whole rest of gear was about 1ex total. So 11ex to free farm Sirius aw8 - cheap and very powerfull build.
This league, after some significant nerfs (fully justified - this build was too cheap and too powerfull), we need some tricks/ currecy etc to get at least near the previous league level.
I've invested into my own build right now about 15-20 ex - and i'm able to do Sirius 8, full run on similacrum (unless some creazy combo-mods will happen), farming free t16 maps). So it is duable!
Note: I started league with different char, but after getting problems on white maps, i created necro and get all currecy/ gear etc on necro itself. Also, i'm not an expert, but pretty experience in crafting methods, this saved me some currecy.
TO those experts inhere (as i can see few):
I also have a question - could you help me with getting even stronger? As i stated - i can do all content, but i would like to do it even faster/ with less deaths - you know what i mean :)
Here is my PoB (with Fork):
I run AG, host, cheiftain, Marvel and Baranite cleric
all of this , and u missed the essential EVERY BUILD is sttrugling with delirium its not bruno's build ... everyone had to try and find a way to make it do.. I CAN RN do t16s with 5-10 ex budget wit bruno's gear and it'll be alright I CANT if i decide to use the freaking delirium mirror thingy,
which is why me and elorathiel came up with the idea to buff our minions with clusters, and increase our dps AND YES that is expensive because almost nobody knows how to do clusters or craft them,
check other builds theres clusters going for 40ex+ cuz noone is crafting them...
so maybe the problem isnt the cost but the lack of people trying to learn how to build their gears instead of just throwing rmt'ed exs at someone face.
anyhow sirius was buffed to the point almost every build haves a tough time.
same thing applies to delirium content.
wanna play bruno's build with few exs and dont worry? dont use delirium content.
thats it.
Agreed. It's almost as though he has forgotten the reason Necromancers were nerfed in the first place. The build was too cheap and performing too well with almost no investment. Builds aren't supposed to function like that.
It's almost as though GGG wants players to actually play the game and grind to do harder content. What a novel idea.
If anybody expects to invest 10 EX in a character or less and be rolling T16 100% Delirious, using any build for that matter, they are seriously delusional. This doesn't need to be stated to anybody with a brain.
Everybody knows that in this genre of game, people who play a lot are rewarded with more power which allows their build to tackle harder content.
The builds in this post work just fine against content all the way up to T16 red maps, etc. However, if you want to tackle league content, you need to start heavily investing in your builds.
It is designed this way to provide challenge and purpose for those to continue to play the game.
If someone have problems how to start runing this build in maps - feel free to contact me in-game and on Discord as well. I've already been speaking with 2-3 guys which had huge problems doing even yellow maps - we were able to find next steps to fix the issues and start running it better.
I would like to admit:
I'M NOT AN EXPERT. There are some way stronger/ better/ with more knowledge ppl inhere. But in terms of "standing tall from laying down and beeing kicked hard - i can provide some feedback.
Previous league - to run good necro, u had to get only weapon (about 5-10ex), and whole rest of gear was about 1ex total. So 11ex to free farm Sirius aw8 - cheap and very powerfull build.
This league, after some significant nerfs (fully justified - this build was too cheap and too powerfull), we need some tricks/ currecy etc to get at least near the previous league level.
I've invested into my own build right now about 15-20 ex - and i'm able to do Sirius 8, full run on similacrum (unless some creazy combo-mods will happen), farming free t16 maps). So it is duable!
Note: I started league with different char, but after getting problems on white maps, i created necro and get all currecy/ gear etc on necro itself. Also, i'm not an expert, but pretty experience in crafting methods, this saved me some currecy.
TO those experts inhere (as i can see few):
I also have a question - could you help me with getting even stronger? As i stated - i can do all content, but i would like to do it even faster/ with less deaths - you know what i mean :)
Here is my PoB (with Fork):
I run AG, host, cheiftain, Marvel and Baranite cleric
Dropped you a message about discord, would be nice to have someone to ask about certain things, i haven't played for years lol
Addressing Brunova, Elorathiel, struggling necromancer and this build in general
1) to Brunova
You've done an amazing job, spent a lot of time not only playing and testing this build, but also editing, writing about it, really. However, you havent played it this league, you dont know how difficult (or not) Delirium is, even when you try to decrease the quality of your gear and show how awesome this build still is, the rest of your gear is still almost God-tier.
I'm sorry, but as someone said before, it seems like a cheap scam. Because it is. You either state in the description that it is standard build or that you need to HEAVILY invest in it to farm red maps with no problems. It's not for newbies and new players.
It is NOT the most powerful build anymore, you CANT (anymore) put your Raised Zombies in the Tabula and go kick some ass.
Sorry, but that't the truth. I'm kind of sad seeing inexperienced PoE players getting influenced by your posts how crazy this build is and then getting destroyed in yellow maps and not understand why.
Who needs guides? Who asks questions? Who struggles? New or inexperienced players. This build is not for them. And you should state that.
2) to Elorathiel
Man, stop flexing. Seriously. A struggling necromancer appears, says he cant do Simulacrum and then out of nowhere you show up and demonstrate that this build is great, you've done 20th wave with no problem, here is proof, bla-bla-bla...
How many exalts you invested? 70? 80? 100? Your wands are at least 10ex each. Your chest is how much? 15-20? Two jewels 7-8ex each? Enlighten/Empower lvl4, Zombies/Spectres/AG lvl21, awakened melee physical 8ex, ect, ect, ect. Of course you can do t16 100% delirious!
ANY BUILD IN POE can do ANY CONTENT if you invest a lot of currency. In case somebody didnt know.
And dont you say to me, you dont need that kind of gear to do all the content...YES YOU DO. May be not to that extend, but you MUST invest heavily in the build to work as it supposed to. 5% dps here, 4% there, another 3% there and it all adds up to 100% more dps, 100% more zombie HP. Yes, it actually does.
I played this build from the start, invested at least 40ex for it to play more or less comfortably, so I know what I'm talking about.
3) to struggling and new necromancers
This build is not cheap at all. I would even say it is very expensive. Not mirror-tier, but still. If you think you can pick up a 5link or a Tabula, invest 1-2-3 ex (or even 5) and go farm red maps, sorry, I have bad news for you. Budget setup doesnt work anymore. Dont start with it if dont have AT LEAST 20ex.
If you're patient, ready to farm white/yellow maps to build up tens of exalts and progress it further and further after tens of hours of playing, yes, of course you can do it. But that's the only way.
Most important points about getting this build where is HAS to be:
1) Many people said it and I repeat - 1000 strength. Dont bother even mapping without them. It is very easily achieved with Efficient training jewel and gear with "to strength"
2) 22 lvl zombies (20 from gem, 2 from ascendancy) are SHITE. You need to have at least 27-28. 30 is optimal. Either through +1/+1 wands or crafted two-handed. This is when you'll feel a HUGE difference in both - suitability of your zombies and dps. Yes, I've done t16 map with lvl 25 Zombies, but I cant say I was comfortable playing like this.
3) Forget about Tabula or a 5link if you're progressing to high tier yellow or even red maps. You need something better.
4) Dressing up you Animate Guarding with appropriate chest - Nearby enemies are blinded and 10% of maximum life is added as energy shield (plus, other end-game set up of course). Together with Meat Shield (so it stays close to you) should do the trick. On Sirus you can swap for Minion Life just in case. It is not just a quality of life upgrade. This is a must-have if you're planning to farm delirious high-tier maps.
There are so many spectres, let's wrap those best support spectres up:
1) Carnage Chieftain (A7 Ashen Fields) - grants frenzy stacks
2) Host Chieftain (A7 Ashen Fields) - grants power stacks
3) Reanimator (A1 Lunaris Temple 1) - casts Enfeeble
4) Ruins Hellion (A8 The Grain Gate) - 15% increased dmg + taunt -30% dmg
5) Undying Evangelist (A8 Grand Promenade) - casts Proximity shield
6) Merveil's Retainer (Map Mod-Sea Witches) - casts Vulnerability
7) Baranite Cleric (? influenced map) - 20% of phys as extra lightn, 10% chance shock)
8) Arena Master
9) They of Tul (Thul's Domain) - 15% reduced dmg taken, 20% dodge
10) Xoph's Favoured (?) - ?% of phys as extra fire
11) Scorpion Sentinal (100% blind attack)
12) Sin Master (Assassin's Mark, wrong build I know)
Please help to add missing information (only if you are 100% sure pls)
Watch out for the spectre script by scrolling down on POEDB.
My favourites are:
1, 2(although he grants the next buff just before stacks are gone), 3 for sure
and maybe They of Tul and Arena Master -or- Baranite Cleric/Xophs Favoured.
PS: Somebody with nr.10 please add me ingame, would love to test them!
Cheers! =)
Dernière édition par Dan_Rey#2146, le 4 avr. 2020 22:52:59
Thank you for your advices and builds, they are great!
I copied the build "Dual wand, dual offerings". I bought all the items in your example (combined with Tanky build - Geofri, Astramentis), all the gems/skills, corrupted, excepted the Awakened. The char is strong, my defense is great, the mobs are dying easily.
Here is my build: https://pastebin.com/1erzSkxa
Could you, please, help me with 2 questions:
1. Why my DPS is only 78.000 for Zombie (in Path of Building)?
2. How can I equip all 4 Auras (Dread Banner, Flash and Stone, Pride and Purity of Elements)? The sum for mana reserved is 9 + 25 + 40 + 28 = 102% (with the reductions)?
I've been trying to follow the tanky guide, and I had a couple questions if anyone has the time:
Why are we using vaal discipline if I can't run discipline? The PoB link has it turned off. Is the vaal part of it that good? I've just swapped it out with clarity for now, hoping I can buy a good watcher's eye jewel soon to work with it I guess.
Is the Essence Glutton ascendancy passive actually good for this build? I'm using mistress of sacrifice but I don't NEED it for the resists. I considered bone barrier as well.
I'm going to level my AG gem to 20 and then use the budget set up from this thread. I'm not too worried about losing 20 chaos, but I'm not sure how tanky it'll be. Any thoughts/way to check this on PoB maybe?
I have some work to do with my jewels, rings, and I guess optimizing flasks, but what should I really be working on otherwise? Just focusing on better gems? I just feel like I'm still a bit squishy and not doing enough damage. Thanks.