3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
Akisailent a écrit :
izint a écrit :
Akisailent a écrit :
I agree that its not as new players/budget/endgame friendly as its advertized, that was maybe possible before the nerfs. The biggest problem I see with other players posting here isnt as much the gear cost to be able to do red tier, but the build understanding and mechanics, like people putting unrelated gems, dont give them quality, trying to run aspect fo the avian on tanky gear setup and not having mana for it, trying to buy rare items like rings/belts /amulet with resists and life when in reality the tanky setup is centered around strength scalling, from strength you get all the life/es you need while you can pretty easily cap your resistances from passive three and ascendencies. What you really need to be able to go red maps and even sirius 4-6 is: a good 6l weapon for the build (10-11 ex, this is the main cost), empower lv4 (3ex), raise zombie lv21/20% (just farm it like probably everyone else did, farm 6 of them in off hand weapons and then corrupt), the baron (cheap), alberon wrathpath (with 18% inc strength, also cheap) and at least 5l geofri sanctuary (even a 6l is less than 3 ex). For rares you dont need crazy stats, just look for rings/belts with as much strength as you can and some resitances (forget chaos res/life/es rolls, prioritize strength). Use astramentis with death attunement enchant if you can, this is the best uniq in place for tanky setup, only consider using another rare amulet if you have 20+ex to add to the build. And also 2 efficient training (cheap). Thats it, I did tier 16 + sirius up to level 6 without enlightened lv4 (i didnt use any until i bought lv4 and added flesh and stone aura)/ animate guardian or other expensive gear. So all in all you really need 15-20ex to beat half of the endgame (you can beat elder easy/ shaper a bit harder bcs zombies die more easily to his beam). For sirius 7+ and uber elder yes, you probably need better gear, but for those endgame bosses you need to spend a lot with any build. All in all the main problem is that this build is very versatile, and you can reach 1k strength without many problems with the gear i told before, BUT you need to be able to navigate the passive three to balance the build where you lack from gear. And dont expect other player to read this forum all the time and answer all your questions, they too want to play the gameand bcs even I see day after day people macking questions that are either answered in front page build guide (that they apparently didnt read whole) or 2-3 pages before by someone else. Yes this build is not really new players friendly or brain dead (like maybe it was, i dont know, first league playing it) but you also can make it work on semi budget (15-20ex) if you know how to balance it.
WHere do you put the 2nd efficient training jewel?
Another question i am prety sure in asnwered just by loocking at tanky budget setup. You put 1 near "quick recovery" notable, adn the second one depends if you run thread of hope or not. if you run it than near "Dreamer" notable, if you dont run it than near "Instability" notable.
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm using thread of hope. I just checked the Tanky build again and there isn't a mention about the 2nd training jewel? I also looked at the path of building for it, unless is changed, it doesnt spec towards the dreamer notable to get that jewel socket. Am i missing something? Seems like quite a bit of skill points needed just to get that jewel socket.
WHere do you put the 2nd efficient training jewel?
Another question i am prety sure in asnwered just by loocking at tanky budget setup. You put 1 near "quick recovery" notable, adn the second one depends if you run thread of hope or not. if you run it than near "Dreamer" notable, if you dont run it than near "Instability" notable.
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm using thread of hope. I just checked the Tanky build again and there isn't a mention about the 2nd training jewel? I also looked at the path of building for it, unless is changed, it doesnt spec towards the dreamer notable to get that jewel socket. Am i missing something? Seems like quite a bit of skill points needed just to get that jewel socket.
You use it if you need to reach 1k strength. also you need to be lv92+ to do it more easily. If you dont use cluster jewels going that way isnt too far, also bcs there are life/es nodes near and minion life/res/damage.
This is so true. i wish they acknowledge that this is no longer a strong build . Minimum 20 ex is required for the build to do yellow maps and 30 for red and 50 probably to do A8 sirius deathless/simalcrum deathles.
Everyone does not know crafting. we buy slightly expensive items at the cost of spending 10 hrs learning and experimenting. Even the basic cluster jewel large with 1 socket are in the price range of 100 -150 chaos at least.
Even i have asked for help at least 4-5 times and only twice did someone get back to me with advice, if you scroll last 20 pages anyone can see the amount of questions vs amount of answers are liek 95:5
GGG has offically nerfed this build to the ground and anyone saying otherwise please prove it by defeating Uber Elder/A8 Sirius with just 5 exalts gear ( CURRENT MARKET PRICE) not what you bought at league start.
i feel guilty af for investing so much currency in this build but i'm so used to the play style since 2 leagues that after 6 months you still want to try and make it work somehow.
i hope OP and others either find solutions and stop flexing with what they built when the cost associated are 20-50 exalts..
an average POE player makes 10-20 ex's on an average per league.. i know because i'm an admin of the path of exile play pit facebook page and daily the questions /information we come across gives us a basic idea how people are performing this league.. funny part is every summoner there is confused too :D
20-50 exalts? lol your looking at 100 exa just for pride auls and awakened multistrike
So pride aul /multistrike (or any awekened gem at that) is required by the build to function? Thats the very endgame you can get after all else, and you can do all content without those, they are in game only to min/max your build and delete almost brain dead all content, far from being required even to do it. He pointed out very good points, but replies like yours are just out of place
Dernière édition par Akisailent#5635, le 4 avr. 2020 13:01:52
This is so true. i wish they acknowledge that this is no longer a strong build . Minimum 20 ex is required for the build to do yellow maps and 30 for red and 50 probably to do A8 sirius deathless/simalcrum deathles.
Everyone does not know crafting. we buy slightly expensive items at the cost of spending 10 hrs learning and experimenting. Even the basic cluster jewel large with 1 socket are in the price range of 100 -150 chaos at least.
Even i have asked for help at least 4-5 times and only twice did someone get back to me with advice, if you scroll last 20 pages anyone can see the amount of questions vs amount of answers are liek 95:5
GGG has offically nerfed this build to the ground and anyone saying otherwise please prove it by defeating Uber Elder/A8 Sirius with just 5 exalts gear ( CURRENT MARKET PRICE) not what you bought at league start.
i feel guilty af for investing so much currency in this build but i'm so used to the play style since 2 leagues that after 6 months you still want to try and make it work somehow.
i hope OP and others either find solutions and stop flexing with what they built when the cost associated are 20-50 exalts..
an average POE player makes 10-20 ex's on an average per league.. i know because i'm an admin of the path of exile play pit facebook page and daily the questions /information we come across gives us a basic idea how people are performing this league.. funny part is every summoner there is confused too :D
20-50 exalts? lol your looking at 100 exa just for pride auls and awakened multistrike
So pride aul /multistrike (or any awekened gem at that) is required by the build to function? Thats the very endgame you can get after all else, and you can do all content without those, they are in game only to min/max your build and delete almost brain dead all content, far from being required even to do it. He pointed out very good points, but replies like yours are just out of place
except he was talking about the op's build and other min maxed builds when he said 20-50 and the op's build definitely cost way more than 20-50 exa.....
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm using thread of hope. I just checked the Tanky build again and there isn't a mention about the 2nd training jewel? I also looked at the path of building for it, unless is changed, it doesnt spec towards the dreamer notable to get that jewel socket. Am i missing something? Seems like quite a bit of skill points needed just to get that jewel socket.
You use it if you need to reach 1k strength. also you need to be lv92+ to do it more easily. If you dont use cluster jewels going that way isnt too far, also bcs there are life/es nodes near and minion life/res/damage.
Thanks, thats more understandable now. I actually don't have a problem currently, with reaching 1k strength (don't need strength rings) while using the ammy and boots from the budget build.
Dernière édition par izint#6747, le 4 avr. 2020 13:07:23
Also i was wondering how this defensive gem setup works? It's written that topicstarter have in boots: withering step + convocation + spirit offering + desecrate. How is this working? Do I have to activate desecrate and spirit offering manually? But that sucks. Right now I am using good old cyclone + cast on channelling. Am I wrong?
Dernière édition par 4d3p7#4388, le 4 avr. 2020 13:10:21
Also i was wondering how this boots in defensive setup works? It's written that topicstarter have in boots: withering step + convocation + spirit offering + desecrate. How is this working? Do I have to activate desecrate and spirit offering manually? But that sucks. Right now I am using good old cyclone + cast on channelling. Am I wrong?
yes with that setup you have to do it manually. really though you just use spirit offering most of the time since there is almost always bodies on the ground. desecrate is mainly to keep your offering up during bosses i believe
I really like the build and guess i'm gonna play it next league too. My gear ATM:
can you tell what should I min-max next? also what do you think about bow+quiver insted of staff? Bow loses fortify but can craft "minions deal +100% damage" and quiver can give some HP too.
What auras do u keep on? I'm trying to figure out how to keep Discipline on, all the mana adds up to > 100%
Do you run Discipline (non vaal), Purity of Elements, Flesh and Stone, Dread Banner and Avian at the same time?
I can run all of them having 14 mana left for free (picked nodes in passive treen for reduced mana reserved) but i dont need that many resistances so i'm switching off purity of elements. Maybe I can switch it for some useful aura?
Edit: NVM, Thanks, did not see your baron helmet had a good enchant. 20% mana reserved for discipline
If you don't mind can you let me know if you speced into anything else beside the Sovereignty, mana reserved passives? or the current % mana reserved cost for each skill?
I'm taking all 3 of them so it gives 14% reduced mana reserved (with lvl4 englighten)
Dread Banner - 9
Purity of Elem - 26
Flesh and Stone - 22
Discipline - 26
Avian - 22
This adds up to 105% for me.
Dernière édition par izint#6747, le 4 avr. 2020 13:13:43
20-50 exalts? lol your looking at 100 exa just for pride auls and awakened multistrike
So pride aul /multistrike (or any awekened gem at that) is required by the build to function? Thats the very endgame you can get after all else, and you can do all content without those, they are in game only to min/max your build and delete almost brain dead all content, far from being required even to do it. He pointed out very good points, but replies like yours are just out of place
except he was talking about the op's build and other min maxed builds when he said 20-50 and the op's build definitely cost way more than 20-50 exa.....
Yes their builds cost way more than 20-50ex. But he said it in the contenxt to make it vaible for endgame. And as i explained in previous post no you dont need nearly as much to make the build viable for endgame.
Dernière édition par Akisailent#5635, le 4 avr. 2020 13:15:55