Just Some Thoughts :grin:

Been playing for some time w a Merc (gemling version :D ). also, recently been playing on a group w some friends for a change of pace...

So far i'm liking it very very much and hope they keep it in a good direction going forward. so this IS just that...a thread w just some thoughts...

instead of the guy "with lowest rarity boost" staying ("tf" XD) away from bosses and such so they "don't mess up the RNG" (correct me if i'm wrong, but the game only uses for reference the player that "killed the boss" when using rarity boost...); how about a "more fair" (imo) approach. that is:

use the player with the highest "rarity boost" (or the owner of the atlas...) as a base and, to said base Add a set ammount that is calculated using "the boost that other player(s) have".

THAT Rarity Boost bonus would be then Applied Onto Everything on the Map played, and regardless of "Who Has The Biggest Boost Bonus, Or Who Deals The Last Shot", the same "Map Rarity Boost Bonus" would be used whan "rolling for loot"...since all players participate it shouldn't matter who kills what (for those to whoom these things Do mater...well you do have the loot option in options ;D )

the more players that there are in a party, a "lower % per player is added" to the base:
+1 player > 80% rarity added "to base"
+2 players > 60% rarity added (each player "exept the base")
+3 players > 40% rarity added (each player "exept the base")
+4 players > 20% rarity added (each player "exept the base") ,and
+5 players > 10% rarity added (each player "exept the base")

example of "Map Rarity Boost bonus":
Player A has 150% rarity boost
Player B has 100% rarity boost

"the map rarity boost bonus" would be 230% (A + 80%B)

-MALE & FEMALE avatars-

would it be possible to use the current avatars to allow players to select "Male or Female" when creating character...or you can make it as a Character Effect...

for example...use the Ranger's avatar for a "Female Monk", or something along those lines... ;D

-CHARGES (and the skills using them)-

more skills that make use of charges...at least, imo, Every class should have 1 to 3 skills that make use of charges...
currently, the Merc has none....yees, yees, you Can make use of charges with a merk, But, the merc per se has no such skill(s). which is why i;m sayin every class should have them (skills that make use of charges)


not complaining...just asking...
since bows have quivers, why does the crossbow not have a:

"BOLT CASE" - ...increase max number of bolts, or something,
or since Grenades are a thing, then maybe a:

"SATCHEL" - grenade accessory; boosts grenades in some way, but disables
or maybe something to do with balistas like:

"ENGINEER's KIT" - disables grenade skills; simultaneously places a "baby balista close to mommy balista" ;D


a set of armor with all defences (armor/evasion/ES) on it.


just saying why not...

fast rate of fire but half damage at long range or something...

Throwing Spikes could Pierce or Bleed or Poison
Throwing Skulls could Curse
Throwing Chacrams could Ricochet
Throwing Axes could Armor Break or Bleed
Throwing Daggers could Crit or Pin
Throwing Maces or Hammers could Stun or BONK! (rofl)


Dernière édition par wolfen444#2798, le 20 janv. 2025 21:02:45
Dernier bump le 17 mars 2025 16:27:38
my take on group MF

if people want to group let them have fun.

simply add all mf bonuses together and divide it equally.

IMHO groups should NOT come with MF bonuses.

Group bonuses come in the form of enemies having 6 different targets instead of 1 and players being able to benefit from various players fulfilling different roles such as primers vs consumers, cursers etc.

as for gender

i would prefer if players could choose male or female versions of their character

the biggest argument against this is "b-b-but it takes resources, i want ggg to focus on more important things"

so i ll pre-emptively suggest an alternative, players choose their class THEN choose their character models. we can have a witch using a monk model this way.

GGG doesnt need to spend too much resources, and the "antiwoke" people will be happy that theres no genderbending.
[Removed by Support]
exsea#1724 a écrit :

so i ll pre-emptively suggest an alternative, players choose their class THEN choose their character models. we can have a witch using a monk model this way.

this also works...great idea +1

edit: also forgot... runes for chaos damage/res would be nice ;D
adendum...was to blind to notice them... XD
Dernière édition par wolfen444#2798, le 16 mars 2025 16:23:10
Dernière édition par Leonemeaeus#0087, le 20 janv. 2025 22:41:51

Just Some ...Random Ideas... :D

you know how Poe 1 had a cosmetic for crits (the blood splater on the enemy, iirc). not ssshure, but i think there was also one that looked like blood dripping above your head for bleeding...not shure...anyway...

this idea is something similar, mainly, why not make a cosmetic for various ailments, but centered more on the player's character, rather than the enemy...or something like that:

-Variant 1- Weapon Secondary Cosmetic (like the crit thingy ;D) -

it could be along the lines of animated elements "emanating from the player" (fire could burn as a halo from shoulder to shoulder every time an enemy is set on fire, or something along those lines).

for chaos damage...it could have something to do with wither, like Time gets messed up...or

for poison it could be a big sicly skull (loughing without a sound?!? ;D), that hovers above the player and for bleeding ...welll the standard pattern would be blood splaters on the player...or something...

-Variant 2- Amulet Attachment Cosmetic (like the shades that pop out when you
stand still for a time in PoE1) -

it would work in the same way as variant 1 (upon the player inflicting an ailment), just the look is different, and should be (for visibility's sake!!!) just 1/3 the size of "those shades" or smaller:

for elemental ailments, little elementals (they could either look like a humanoid version of said element, or a "Sacred Beast"...since well...wwe do have a monk in game... ;D) could perform some animation (like the "banish the demon animation" you got from that ring cosmetic in PoE1), or something along those lines

for chaos damage it could be a demon doing something...

for poison and bleeding...well i guess an "anime style" (the stands from jojo come to mind...it would be a huge ROFL, but damn it would look cool :D)

...here be my 2 cents, for the market!...

Dernière édition par wolfen444#2798, le 1 févr. 2025 14:18:35
-THE "Choose 1 of 3" bottle, and THE 3 Mushrooms-

here's an extra thought about them...since now attribute nodes give you only +5, instead of +10 (NOT complaining, just saying! and i do like the possibility of choice way better. ;D ), how about:

-THE "Choose bottle": it's the quest in act 3 and 6 where you "find those 3 vials of something and drink 1 of them at end of servi quest"... since the bottles already have RBG colours, how about the bottle you choose, raises all small nodes on passive tree that give +5 to ability (STR/red ; DEX/green ; INT/blue) by +1 WHEN THAT ability is selected. so, if normally the nodes would give 5/5/5 ablilties increase per node, if for example the player chose the "Red Pill" (rofl), his nodes would now read 6/5/5 (so +6 if STR is chosen, +5 if not)...

-THE 3 Mushrooms: similar thing, different quest... i saw a few days ago on reddit, someone mentioning "The Only Boss-Like monster that Does Not Attac You?!?"...A.K.A. the hag in (also) act 3 and 6. again the 'shrooms are triple-colored, and again in said colours... so same thing as with "the bottle", only here, all small attribute node can be perma boosted by +1, IF OFC you bring all 'shrooms at the same time.

so, all in all, after the storyline is complete a player "could potentially have"...:
Depending on choices/items collected, all small attribute nodes at 7/7/7, adding to that a double +1 bonus (so either 9/7/7, or 8/8/7 combos....)


- Weapon(s), their Nodes, The Passive Skill Tree (or PST for short), Classes and The FUTURE of PoE 2 -

Now, hear me out. i don't often (if ever...) say "you must" or "you have to" when i write ideas on forums and such. the simplest of reasons being:
1 - it feals "too forcefull" and i'm just a guy playing a game / enjoying (for free, in some cases) "someone else's effort". so i prefer "how about" or "it might be good"...etc.

But this time i'llgo out and say it..."GGG, You Have To" at least think about what i'll write next...for a few minutes...at least... ;D


now let me elaborate, and use a (more or less) simple example to present my case...
i've seen that CLAW nodes have been moved (i get it...druid...bear...etc. ;D ) and since they were DEX/INT before (not to mention the "pure +% dam" look of them now) it got me thinking of Why Not Make AT LEAST ONE NODE OF EVERY WEAPON CATEGORY Available To ALL CLASSES (that is all attribute profiles) ?!
i mean, those nodes can be tweacked (as many other already are) depending on attribute:
STR - nodes are about bleeding, phy damage, armor breaking, block...etc.,
DEX - nodes are about poison, accuracy, crit hit, parry...etc.,
INT - nodes are about poison or bleeding, crit dam, block...etc.


in the same way as for weapons, and the fact that almost all "classes" (aka starting points) have access to Bleeding passive nodes (a merc w no poisons, and goody-2shoes warriors, druids unlearned in herbalism, so no poisons for them, eh? ;D)...you might wanna give it a good hard thought about Adding Nodes For Bleeding, Poison, and Chaos to "all classes"...

OFC, as with weapons, nodes should reflect (as much as possible) the aspect(s) of the attribute in which group they (the nodes) were placed (a STR node greatly differs from a DEX/INT node...etc.)

Not only would it make sense (Staff >< 2Hander...Wand/Scepter >< Mace), It Could be a way for GGG to add more diverse stuff as skills, and players as builds (like for example an INT based build with Edged 2Handers as main and skills/spells centering around Bleeding)
- The Blood Priest - INT based berserker/bloodmage
with skills like "legacy of khain" (recoup health by drawing unto yourself the blood of heavy stunned enemies...) he walks around carrying the unique Scythe HARVEST (even thought, as of yet he has no passives in 2Handers...will have to anoint... XD)
Dernière édition par wolfen444#2798, le 16 mars 2025 16:27:07
...here's two more "hipster classes" (;D) that could "come to life" if what i wrote before is taken into consideration...

-THE AMAZON- Sorceress Build - equiped with spears and shields (or bows) they combine warriors and spellcasters to dominate/controll the battlefield. some spell skills make use of shields (Vengeance of the Sun: hold Raise Shield to charge spell, then tap spell to unleash a cone of blinding heat). shield passive nodes could work along the lines of succesfull blocks drain something like mana/ES from enemy, while nodes for bows/spears colud work around pin, bleed, curse vectors.

-TERROR OF THE BATTLEFIELDS- Mercenary Necromancer Build - equipped with scepter and focus they use minions and necromancy spells. Nodes for focuses could further empower the player instead of minions ('cuz me skin is more inport'nt then them "sack of beones"...smirk)...and such.
Crafting with Essencessssss

- not reallly attractive any more to me...and they used to be my favorite in poe1...

- suggestion...
Normal essences - upgrade a magic item into a rare and add one affix of the specified type (like a regal orb, just strictly focused)

Greater essence - add an affix of the chose type on a rare item, up to the maximum possible/allowed (like an exalted orb, again, just focused)

i personaly think, for the "rarity of aquisition" by grind...they could do at least this much...using them for magic items seems kind of a waste...imo

adendum: rejuvination flasks & cluster jewels

- Rejuvination Flasks - the only flask that can be slotted in either flask slot. my builds often do not rely on mana flasks, i just use it every now and then...but having an "extra life flask" is something i could realy use oftentimes, so similar to poe1 they give both (life and mana) but at a reduced rate and less of it...still better than nothing.

not to mention that there are builds that use more mana flasks than life ones...they could then get a "second mana flask" for better mana management...

...just a thought...

- Cluster Jewels - a very good concept for character building...you might want to give it a thought...keep the mechanic, and re-sort the affixes gained...would be a handy mechanic to have, to fall to "when all else fails to help"... ;)

...stay tuned for further news...

Dernière édition par wolfen444#2798, le 16 mars 2025 17:02:04
Man... I wish we would get "male and female" version of each class.
Always asked for it in PoE1 and I fully support the idea that you just pick the "visuals" of another class because I had the same thought a while ago, like using the Assassin as male Witch, BUT the class related voice lines would be a problem. You technically play a "Witch" but you are visually an "Assassin" with male voice and thus... you don't have the voice lines anymore, or wrong ones.

My mind is set for years that I will never ever get a female version of the "Templar", like a "Priestess" or the female version of a "Marauder", like an actual "Amazon". And no, "Huntress" is not even close to being an "Amazon", she lacks the "death by snu snu" trait.
that's why poe2 could use the aforementioned metod, because even the voice parts don't say the character class...so very few lines get lost, and i reckon it's mostly the ones where the avatar is screaming bloody murder at the enemies...i think


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