You're just wrong about the oneshots, PoE 2 is full of them lmao
Also enjoy your dead game with Ruthless player numbers if GGG refuses to make some big changes in the game during EA and stick to their "Vision". This exp loss and 1 death per map bs is what will be the thing that makes most people quit. Why do you think Hardcore doesn't have that many players? Just take a few minutes and really analyze that. People do not like losing progress on death, forcing pseudo-hardcore onto softcore players=players quit.
Players complaining about one-shots being common have clearly not properly invested in layered defenses and are kinda outting themselves as not being very good at the game.
There are definitely one-shots but without map mods nothing 1-shots a well made character except bosses.
Sorry but you have absolutly no clue what you are talking about. These 1-shot mechanics are absolut common to *softer classes*. May you are a titan or a infernalist. But nearly all other classes dont have shields or million of mobs who tank everything for the player.
I had with my titan : 75% block - all resis around 80 + and 4 k life and 63 % armor. This does not help at all.
May you do not know that they changed the armor code drastically, you need around 2.5 times more armor compared to poe 1 to have the same tankiness.
So please dont talk about things you do not understand. The dmg and the dmg over time and all the other dmg numbers like burning, explosions and all that are way to strong.
Dernière édition par Hecktoor#2386, le 26 déc. 2024 23:26:35
Posté parHecktoor#2386le 26 déc. 2024 23:24:40
So, it's just about you?
you're a consumer, I'm a consumer.. we all are. Bottom line.
You being against a toggle switch is fine. It's your opinion. We're all just sharing opinions.
You're against a toggle switch.
I've been playing arpg's for decades and I'm FOR a toggle switch.
Great.. we just voiced our opinion on whether or not there should be a toggle switch.
Unfortunately, neither of us makes decisions and this thread isn't going to make GGG's opinion up either.
I'm merely just voicing my frustrations about the fact that losing exp is forced upon EVERYONE.
We all have logical opinions on this feature.
Posté parVino#5387le 26 déc. 2024 23:27:53
It think the real issue is that it goes against YOUR expectations and not the consumer. Most of us arpg veterans are used to xp loss on death and its perfectly fine as it is and YES it doest mean that its actually an achievement not meant for every crappy build or player out there, its the proof that you actually made a good well balanced build and know what u are doing. Besides many of us are just waiting for the holiday to end so we can get the much needed balance changes cause that the real issue and not xp loss on death
Against "mine" and not the consumer? Are we not all "consumers"? It SHOULD be a feature in this game, that's NOT a question. It deserves to be. However, as a looong time arpg player, it doesn't need to be a forced feature. It should be optional.. and that's just IMO.
Harcore is a feature
softcore is a feature
losing xp, IMO, should be a feature. click on/off, yes/no.
All I'm saying is that, we all play our arpg's differently, some only slightly different. Vets or noobs, it's all the same. GGG can do whatever they want with their game, I just hope it's an "option" when the game comes out and not forced for those players that just want to play the game.
And i am a consumer and have been supporting GGG since 2013 and i can definitely tell u that removing or implementing toggle on/off for xp loss on death VERY MUCH goes against my expectations
Therefore you could play ffs or ruthless.
Thx and hf
Dernière édition par Hecktoor#2386, le 26 déc. 2024 23:28:30
Posté parHecktoor#2386le 26 déc. 2024 23:27:55
You're just wrong about the oneshots, PoE 2 is full of them lmao
Also enjoy your dead game with Ruthless player numbers if GGG refuses to make some big changes in the game during EA and stick to their "Vision". This exp loss and 1 death per map bs is what will be the thing that makes most people quit. Why do you think Hardcore doesn't have that many players? Just take a few minutes and really analyze that. People do not like losing progress on death, forcing pseudo-hardcore onto softcore players=players quit.
Players complaining about one-shots being common have clearly not properly invested in layered defenses and are kinda outting themselves as not being very good at the game.
There are definitely one-shots but without map mods nothing 1-shots a well made character except bosses.
This is pretty much true. However there are certain issues with the balance between different defence types and ES vs Life stacking that still needs to be solved. Armour is pretty much useless in its current state except for very small hits and a simple cloak of flame combined with maxed fire res outperforms any armour stacker with half his skillpoints invested, all you need is like 2000 armour and a cloak of flame and u can use the points elsewhere and mitigate way more phys damage. The armour equation is almost 2.5 times worse than poe 1 on top of having way less tools available for scaling or converting to other damage types.
Posté parMrPedez#4934le 26 déc. 2024 23:29:58
wow.. i was frustrated after an off screen kill, lost all of my exp, and wanted to voice it..
I had no idea it would have this kind of backlash from someone defending it. Even though we agree that it should be implemented in the game. Just not forced.
Dernière édition par Vino#5387, le 26 déc. 2024 23:32:48
Posté parVino#5387le 26 déc. 2024 23:30:01
Nah, the feedback against the feedback or feedbackers instead of just focusing on the feedback about the game that the Devs ask for is getting out of hand.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Posté parboyandroid#6548le 26 déc. 2024 23:35:30
Nah, the feedback against the feedback or feedbackers instead of just focusing on the feedback about the game that the Devs ask for is getting out of hand.
100%.. this topic is an argument, not feedback anymore.
Posté parVino#5387le 26 déc. 2024 23:38:50
This whole topic is just nonsense. Xp loss is part of any great arpg its what separates the good from the bad and make people make decisions on defence vs more damage. With no xp penalty lvl 100 would not be an achievement but rather an inevitable outcome that even the worst player/build would end up reaching without any effort but putting in the same amount of hours as everyone else.
So yes it will very much affect my gameplay and trivialize the journey, not every casual player should expect to reach lvl 100 without any knowledge of defences or knowing their way around the different map mods and boss mechanics that can be devastating to their specific char.
That being said this game has far more serious balance issues to solve before release like rarity being completely broken, armour is completely useless for anything but very small hits and is easily outperformed by a cloak of flame. In fact the armour equation is more than twice as bad as poe 1 and on top of that it has far fewer ways of scaling it and then we have the whole issue with the imbalance between ES vs life stacking builds + a lot of other issues but xp loss on death is DEFINITELY NOT one of them but they should allow people to use their 6 portals regardless of death and my guess is they will at some point
Well at least someone understands +1
Congratulations, you grinded level 80 enemies for weeks. A real achievement that goes against the consumer expectation. PoE2 will bleed players like crazy sooner rather than later but you PoE2 defenders are leaving more and more since you're barely playing anymore lol. Once it impacts the bottom line it will change, this is not a decade old niche game they are aiming for a larger audience otherwise the investment is for naught.
You don't see it as an achievement, okay, that's what's called an opinion. Many people would view nothing in video games as an achievement, just self-indulgence and a waste of your life. Therefore, we should ban videogames. Get rid of them.
Congratulations, you grinded level 80 enemies for weeks. A real achievement that goes against the consumer expectation. PoE2 will bleed players like crazy sooner rather than later but you PoE2 defenders are leaving more and more since you're barely playing anymore lol. Once it impacts the bottom line it will change, this is not a decade old niche game they are aiming for a larger audience otherwise the investment is for naught.
You don't see it as an achievement, okay, that's what's called an opinion. Many people would view nothing in video games as an achievement, just self-indulgence and a waste of your life. Therefore, we should ban videogames. Get rid of them.
I think u missquoted. I didnt say this but the guy replying to me did. Lvl 100 is an achievement not meant for everyone and every single bad build
Dernière édition par MrPedez#4934, le 27 déc. 2024 00:53:07
Posté parMrPedez#4934le 27 déc. 2024 00:50:52