But you could still do that if it was free, it would just be more tedious without templates
In theory yes but in practice its so much clicking thats just way to annoying for players to do so im pretty sure nobody will do it that way + if it happends it can easly be prevented by only allowing players to respec when the map they have opened is completed.
Dernière édition par BulawOwRealOne#5430, le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:32:52
Respec cost should be 25 + (Allocated Points * 5)
For Ascendancy it should be 250 + {Character Level * 5)
GGG Feel free to send me a job offer for more of my ideas.
~ Seph
Posté parsephrinx#7591le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:32:56
I did not read the post. Only the title.
And it is just a big sounding *no* from my side.
And the reason is immersion and the character development you *Should* be invested into.
Posté parAnubis2108#3783le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:34:45
I did not read the post. Only the title.
And it is just a big sounding *no* from my side.
And the reason is immersion and the character development you *Should* be invested into.
Why we should be invested in this ?
Its a game and games suppose to be fun.
Dernière édition par BulawOwRealOne#5430, le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:39:23
I did not read the post. Only the title.
And it is just a big sounding *no* from my side.
And the reason is immersion and the character development you *Should* be invested into.
Can choose not to use it
Can already respec anyway
Just need to grind the gold first
Dernière édition par Jokke1989#7206, le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:39:32
Posté parJokke1989#7206le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:37:25
Can someone give me a reason why free respeccing is bad?
It's bad because it promotes mindless resetting until something sticks.
Instead of READING UP passives, LEARNING what they do and HOW THEY SYNERGIZE, people will just keep resetting until they pass their current problem. Then they'll keep resetting at their next problem, and so on.
It directly promotes maximally brainless approach to making your build.
Simple as.
I'm at level 42 and removing 1 point costs ~1200 gold.
It's not a particularly great cost at level 42.
Not to mention that the longer you play the more costly it should be - this is fairly normal. You invested into some build and got through the game with it, this means it's working; swapping it completely SHOULD cost you.
but how does it bother you? YOU can still goand read over 1600 passives nodes and make some study cases in Path of building or follow some meta guides like 90%of arpg playerbases do. There are people out there that like experimenting and triying different wep types or skills. Sometimes skills get nerfed and arent working with your passives or your char. Why would you block something that would vastly improve the game and help to make third party tools like POBB redundant. Free Respecs dont hurt anyone.
Posté parRocksDJizz#0050le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:44:00
Free Respecs dont hurt anyone.
Yes they do. The arguments were reiterated a few times in this thread. You've just chosen to skip reading them.
Posté parjust_dont#6539le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:48:29
It was my impresion that it would be almost free
Was hyped about it
It would also help massively with boss fights, if you could respec quickly towards a certain boss
Or even take it a step further
Lets us save passive skill tree templates
I don't see any benefit to limiting it
It would also help players struggle less against bosses
Yeah. Let us bind out builds to hotkeys, so we can swap them around every attack.
Yeah, no. This is precisely where cancer starts. Switching a build should have non-trivial cost exactly so that people won't be "optimizing" against specific enemies (and later complain that the game became too easy).
Even a lackluster "modern ARPG" game such as D4 doesn't have freely switchable builds (before anyone says that respeccing skills is free in D4: skills aren't where your build ends in D4).
Not like that would be hard to solve
"Cannot switch while in combat"
Don't have hot key for it etc
This would also still be possible if the respec was free
Only difference is that it would be more tedious, as I already mentioned
Anyway. Not a hill I'll want to die on
I wouldn't mind myself
But cheaper or free respec is fine with me
there is already the perfect NPC implement that: Nameless Seer!!! make it so that you can only reset passives at this NPC and make it so that it closes your open portals: BAM 100% more fun and never looking into path of building again
Posté parRocksDJizz#0050le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:48:30
Free Respecs dont hurt anyone.
Yes they do. The arguments were reiterated a few times in this thread. You've just chosen to skip reading them.
I have not seen a single one that makes any sense. I saw alot from so called POE veterans who think they are crazy good in a game and think that everyone should fuck their life and invest their whole ressources into a game to basically know in the time of 5 days how the 1600+ passives work with the chosen skills and gear. Yeah no thanks.
Posté parRocksDJizz#0050le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:50:36
yes please we like to testing all nodes for free