I just have one question for you. How would it affect YOU personally if they added free respeccing into the game?
If a game turns out into another PoE1 or similar it'll affect me very severely (because I hate the direction PoE1 went). So I'm voicing my concerns on that.
Why are you so against it? How does other people respeccing for free affect your game experience? Just curious.
I'm not "so" against it. I'm simply voicing arguments against changing the system too much. In the grand picture of things this isn't a huge matter at all - a free respec won't ruin the game; but still it's a small step towards a less engaging result, take enough of those small steps and you'll end up with a worse game.
Posté parjust_dont#6539le 10 déc. 2024 à 12:51:51
Yeah, why isn't it free in the EA at least(or like one complete respec per character when you clear the first 3 acts)? This is just weird af to me. I'm not playing thru all these maps again to test another build/ascendancy
Posté parla_blue_girl#0819le 10 déc. 2024 à 12:55:04
I just have one question for you. How would it affect YOU personally if they added free respeccing into the game?
If a game turns out into another PoE1 or similar it'll affect me very severely (because I hate the direction PoE1 went). So I'm voicing my concerns on that.
Why are you so against it? How does other people respeccing for free affect your game experience? Just curious.
I'm not "so" against it. I'm simply voicing arguments against changing the system too much. In the grand picture of things this isn't a huge matter at all - a free respec won't ruin the game; but still it's a small step towards a less engaging result, take enough of those small steps and you'll end up with a worse game.
What do you mean its a step towards poe2 becoming poe1 they have the same problem on the topic about respecing passive points both systems are punishing and not fun for new and existing players
Some adjustments are probably in need. I have had the pleasure of respecking a bunch of nodes. It's hardly ever that you just need one or two points respec, in my case it was a pathing error, I could save 3 skills points... but I needed like 20+ refunds. I'd imagine it's even more extreme for new players who might end up taking bunch of nodes that don't really affect them, before having to refund half the tree.
Should it be free ? Probably not, plenty of reasons listed in the thread already, but it should certainly be inconsequential until about lvl70. Not to mention we need gold to gamble for better items, which is a MASSIVE gold sink...
I yet to see a one good reason why free respac is bad
When making the respac free just adjust the gold drop and it will level up u still need gold to buy items from vendors, use currency exchange
They can also add a gold fee while crafting using expedition npc's there is planty of ways to make gold matter in a fun way
But to restrain players from the main fun objective about the game which is their character is just very bad exerience
Identify the elitists that blindly support anything and everything the devs do and just ignore them like I do in other threads. They are easy to spot. They never, ever talk about 'fun' and always want to waste other people's time, and when they do make an argument, you always want to ask, why?
Elden Ring gives you like 15 or 16 respecs per NG cycle in the form of using a Larval Tear at Rennala, so basically free for most players, not to mention swapping weapons is also an instant and free way to change your playstyle. In Wukong you can free respec at any time. PoE2 has the lowest gold drop of any ARPG I've ever seen, by far, and currently the gamble prices and respec gold costs are simply ridiculous for a mostly single player game. You know it, I know it, just ignore those calling it fine, it's so obviously not.
Dernière édition par z3mcneil#3966, le 10 déc. 2024 à 12:59:32
Posté parz3mcneil#3966le 10 déc. 2024 à 12:55:53
Respec costs are fine, i am constantly changing so many nodes and gambling my gold in the vendor, im not sure wtf yall are doing.
IGN: Ziggro
Posté parziggro#7495le 10 déc. 2024 à 12:57:12
Some adjustments are probably in need. I have had the pleasure of respecking a bunch of nodes. It's hardly ever that you just need one or two points respec, in my case it was a pathing error, I could save 3 skills points... but I needed like 20+ refunds. I'd imagine it's even more extreme for new players who might end up taking bunch of nodes that don't really affect them, before having to refund half the tree.
Should it be free ? Probably not, plenty of reasons listed in the thread already, but it should certainly be inconsequential until about lvl70. Not to mention we need gold to gamble for better items, which is a MASSIVE gold sink...
I yet to see a one good reason why free respac is bad
When making the respac free just adjust the gold drop and it will level up u still need gold to buy items from vendors, use currency exchange
They can also add a gold fee while crafting using expedition npc's there is planty of ways to make gold matter in a fun way
But to restrain players from the main fun objective about the game which is their character is just very bad exerience
Identify the elitists that blindly support anything and everything the devs do and just ignore them like I do in other threads. They are easy to spot. They never, ever talk about 'fun' and always want to waste other people's time, and when they do make an argument, you always want to ask, why?
Elden Ring gives you like 15 or 16 respects per NG cycle so basically free for most players, not to mention swapping weapons is also an instant and free way to change your playstyle. Wukong gives you free respect at any time. PoE2 has the lowest gold drop of any ARPG I've ever seen, by far, and currently the gamble prices and respec gold costs are simply ridiculous for a mostly single player game. You know it, I know it, just ignore those calling it fine, it's so obviously not.
I respond to those people to keep the conversation going maybe bring some new arguments for example while responding to some guys why its a good change i tought of adding gold fee to expedition npc crafting in my opinion its much more fun way of gold use then for respecing skill tree
Also it keeps the thread on top so it might get the attencion of devs
Cause i really want the respec to be free i want to experiment with all the skills i want to find new and exciting stuff but now i just stay afk in my hideout and i dont want to do much cause my build is not really fun and i play a different game meanwhile
I just have one question for you. How would it affect YOU personally if they added free respeccing into the game?
If a game turns out into another PoE1 or similar it'll affect me very severely (because I hate the direction PoE1 went). So I'm voicing my concerns on that.
Why are you so against it? How does other people respeccing for free affect your game experience? Just curious.
I'm not "so" against it. I'm simply voicing arguments against changing the system too much. In the grand picture of things this isn't a huge matter at all - a free respec won't ruin the game; but still it's a small step towards a less engaging result, take enough of those small steps and you'll end up with a worse game.
My whole thing is that if it's in the game, it doesn't affect you at all. If you don't want to respec you don't have to. Giving other people the ability to do so will in no way affect your experience. I don't believe that changing this one "feature" would have an effect on overall game direction.
Posté parDonkey8888#0047le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:00:27
Respec costs are fine, i am constantly changing so many nodes and gambling my gold in the vendor, im not sure wtf yall are doing.
Most likely they don't pick items to sell. Then they complain they don't have much gold, especially because they insist on unticking the whole tree.
Posté parjust_dont#6539le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:03:10
Respec costs are fine, i am constantly changing so many nodes and gambling my gold in the vendor, im not sure wtf yall are doing.
Most likely they don't pick items to sell. Then they complain they don't have much gold, especially because they insist on unticking the whole tree.
Wrong i do every smallest thing possible evey map im leaving with full inventories of loot sometimes even 2
I check every npc to check if the items changed.
If i need socket orbs i disassembling the items.
And i can bearly respec my tree in some significant way not to mention there is shops that require gold and currency exchange that also uses gold
Dernière édition par BulawOwRealOne#5430, le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:11:17
And i can bearly respec my tree in some significant way not to mention there is shops that require gold and currency exchange that also uses gold
I just checked my stats.
At lvl29, I have just over 10K gold. I regularly use gold to buy items for disassembling, so it's not much.
With this amount of gold I can respec about HALF of my build instantly - the nodes that aren't on common pathways that don't need unticking.
This looks pretty fine. If I'd need it, I can gather 10K more gold quite fast.
Dernière édition par just_dont#6539, le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:14:04
Posté parjust_dont#6539le 10 déc. 2024 à 13:12:24