[3.23] General's Cry Earthquake of Amplification and Cyclone of Tumult/Shockwave Slayer.


The new earthquake transfigured gem has some very strong scaling potential and mechanically, generals cry bypasses all aftershock queuing limits on earthquake. By scaling duration, crit, and a little warcry cooldown reduction, This build can easily reach 10s and even up to ~60 million dps (~33 million shaper dps) without insanely expensive gear. The best in slot weapon for dps is Marohi Erqui Unique hammer which has huge base physical damage a big attackspeed drawback which is mitigated by generals cry. We are using hatred, hrimsorrow, and heatshiver despite the nerf since it is still the best method for scaling raw phsyical damage, of which we have a very large base thanks to Marohi Erqui which is hitting around 3 times per second with no attackspeed scaling thanks to generals cry.

The main considerations for generals cry are corpse generation and cooldown versus attack speed.

Note: character buffs to attackspeed like frenzy charges, blood rage, rage, berserk, and onslaught do not increase the attackspeed of your generals cry mirages so are less valuable in this build. You still need to make sure that the total attack time is below your cooldown for generals cry. Melee damage and pulverise support as well as the two hand mastery all give large extra damage at the cost of attack speed which are extra effective here. If you go too hard on cooldown with generals cry it is possible to overdo the attackspeed reduction so if you want to stack all three damage for attackspeed reduction options you should keep our warcry cooldown to around 2.178 seconds which is the 84 total reduced warcry CDR from the two warcry nodes on the passive tree. You will still need a few attackspeed nodes to make it feel good. Alternatively, elemental damage with attack skills and the 40% damage against rare and unique enemies nodes are good alternatives if you don't want to spend passive points on attack speed.

As for corpse generation, one popular option is corpsewalker boots but I prefer to use my second sixlink setup for Cyclone with cast while channeling with desecrate lvl 1 and steelskin. Since we are using a two hand mace, Shockwave support allows your cyclone to help clear.

The primary damage from this entire setup comes from the new earthquake of amplification, with 20 quality the aftershock has a base duration of 3 seconds. this represents 450% more damage (+300% from base gem). With one of the duration nodes in the scion area, we get 45% increased and 10% more duration which brings it to 4.785 seconds which represents 705% more damage (+555% from base gem). Combining this crazy scaling with the generals cry bypassing of both attackspeed limits and aftershock queuing limits and we start getting to very high numbers very quickly.

Using the Yoke of Suffering amulet with two of The Taming rings, we can reliable get triple elemental ailments with high shocks on enemies pushing our dps even further with some nice all res on the rings.

This is a decently high strength two hand build so The Magnate belt is perfect for maximizing your chance of double and triple damage for even more scaling.

The Stampede boots are perfect for keeping us mobile while channeling cyclone and means we can use the new cyclone of tumult gem. The Stampede also got an indirect buff this league since the opportunity cost of boot anoints vs boot enchants no longer exists. The anoint allows us to grab clever thief for some sustain, or sovreignity to use determination instead of defiance banner and herald of ash if you have a life and mana steal primalist charm. Frostblink also benefits from the stampede which we use to apply elemental weakness and bonechill for extra damage scaling.

The chest is the most flexible piece of gear, A rare with a few stat modifiers would give you a little more passive point flexibility as the int and dex requirements are fairly tight since we have so many uniques will few attribute modifiers. For Uniques, either the Iron fortress or Spore Guard anointed with High Voltage for crit are the best options. Sporeguard's damage reduction from fungal ground is particularily useful since it procs when you frostblink, granting an extra layer of damage mitigation.

For Flame/Flesh, We take First to Strike Last to Fall from Champion for adrenaline and intimidate.

The amulet anoint is Charisma to fit extra auras and we are running petrifed blood and low life at 55% maintaining an unreserved life slightly above low life so that Adrenaline can be activated on cooldown by using a life flask.

For the Slayer ascendancy, we pick Impact for AoE and accuracy, Crit and Culling strike.

Full Gem list:

Generals Cry
Earthquake of Amplification
Critical Strikes Support
Critical Damage Support
Elemental damage with attack skills Support
Pulverise Support

Cyclone of Tumult
Cast While Channeling

Elemental Weakness

Blood and sand
Petrified Blood

Herald of Purity

Blood Rage

This build plays great since all you need to do is left click generals cry, right click cyclone, hold down both and spam frostblink. No other buttons needed. No totems used either which is nice. Your main dps autotargets so you dont need to be in harms way other than applying curse and chill through frostblink. The only downside is the 4.785 second delay on your primary DPS kicking in but once it does, everything melts.

Wildwood ascendancy is primalist. Priority charm is %life and mana leech if you have killed recently with 30% chance to gain an endurance charge on stun.
Other charm priority is the crit chance/multi on shocked/burning enemies for offence and regen 20% life every 4 seconds for defense. Howl of the wolf is also a great choice if you are doing blight/expedition since the chests automatically get opened which feels great.

PoB: https://pobb.in/yPp5M1c1Bxx-
Edit: updated PoB and gems with some optimiztion.
Dernière édition par fouquet#0993, le 23 déc. 2023 01:13:38
Dernier bump le 4 févr. 2025 03:04:28
Any footage?
IGN ThundaBoom
great job!!

I think it is better to use normal earth quake for mapping? it is more safe

great job!!

I think it is better to use normal earth quake for mapping? it is more safe

Not really, shockwave on cyclone with Marohi deals plenty of damage for mapping and the earthquake delay kicks in right when you need it. Also the duration nodes in the tree also make basic earthquake duration longer which is suboptimal if you are looking for fast aftershocks. When enemies don't die to shockwave you have time to kite them into the amp aftershock stack and they get 1 shot. The biggest threat to this build is big souleaters since every cast of generals cry gives 5/6 souls to the eater which means if you dont 1 shot it, it will scale like crazy. The amp quakes also have crazy big AoE especially in sand stance so it lets you deal tons of damage from a screen and a half away and abuse corners to damage super juiced hard enemies safely.

One change to the build is I swapped clever thief for sovereignty and dropped herald of ash and the banner for determination and blood rage because I have a 1% life and mana leech if you have killed recently charm. Once I get a fortify charm slot I will also swap the fortify support for endurance charge on stun since I reliably stun on shockwave hits while mapping.

It has been a really fun, cheap and safe build with lots of mobility. The amp quakes are amazing for my ritual/blight/expedition atlas. I can farm empowered t16 blight for huge drops.

I am only about 10 divs invested and I already hit ~60 million dps in PoB at level 91.
Dernière édition par fouquet#0993, le 17 déc. 2023 00:15:42
Hello , do you think this could work on Marauder class?

Hello , do you think this could work on Marauder class?

Yes but there are a few drawbacks. If you want similar dps you need to go berserker but some of the main advantages of berserker (attackspeed from rage and berserk) do not help you reach the attackspeed/cooldown balance you need with generals cry, also rage gain doesn't work with your generals cry mirages, only your shockwave and cyclone will generate rage. Those buffs still add damage to your mirages but not attack speed. You can maintain decent rage from the warcry node though and the exerted damage buff is decent. Berserk is still useful for the less damage taken but the movement speed is wasted since we are using The Stampede. Overall it is suboptimal compared to the Slayer. You will also need to find some extra accuracy which means on berserker you will need to get forb/flame undeniable fairly early which is a problem for low budget.

You can go Juggernaught if you want to be very tanky and get undeniable cheaper but it will hurt your total dps which makes soul eaters very scary no matter how tanky you are.

Dernière édition par fouquet#0993, le 17 déc. 2023 18:37:53
nice build bro,

but where u get this custom modifiers in configuration?
earthquake +12% chance to deal double damage
earthquake +2 base duration
earthquake deals 567% more damage with hits
earthquake deals 137% more damage with ailments
earthquake has 95% more area of effect
cyclone has 33% more attack speed

seems there isnt 100mil dps, mby around 10mil, and w/o this modifiers in pob full dps ~10mil
p4kon1 a écrit :
nice build bro,

but where u get this custom modifiers in configuration?
earthquake +12% chance to deal double damage
earthquake +2 base duration
earthquake deals 567% more damage with hits
earthquake deals 137% more damage with ailments
earthquake has 95% more area of effect
cyclone has 33% more attack speed

seems there isnt 100mil dps, mby around 10mil, and w/o this modifiers in pob full dps ~10mil

It looks like you are probably using regular earthquake and your PoB is set to display the initial hit damage instead of aftershock damage. Make sure you set earthquake of amplification to aftershock damage and not initial hit damage in PoB.

That config was before the update to PoB to include the transfigured gems. Those values were for the transfigured earthquake of amplification stats and the transfigured cyclone of tumult stats.

With the updated PoB it looks like the dps cap is closer to 50-60 million rather than 100 million. Not sure what else changed in the calculations to lower it but 50 mil is still plenty for an under 20 div budget.

the +12% chance to double damage is from the mace mastery, since PoB forces generals cry mirage attacks to have 1 sec attack time it doesn't account for the mastery and since we have a real attack time longer than 1 second for the mirages the mastery does work so I forced it.

Here is an updated PoB with the new gems included based on my current gear:

Note that I've swapped melee phsyical damage support for elemental damage with attack skills support and the two hand mastery is changed from the 60% increased damage and 10% reduced attack speed to the 40% increased against rare and uniques. The attack speed reduction was a little too clunky, especially when I got the 6th mirage from quality on generals cry. With this setup the mirages have more time to travel and attack between each cry. If you want to keep the phys damage support and mastery you need to spec into some attackspeed on the tree instead of the last crit node and the dps ends up being about the same.

I am also using an Ursine charm which gives 1% life and mana leech if I have killed recently and 30% chance of endurance charge on stun. This lets me change the clever thief anointment for sovreignty anointment which lets us drop the banner and herald of ash for determination and bloodrage to help hit the phys reduction cap.

Cyclone of tumult is also huge for QoL on this build since it procs fortification faster and with a larger aoe for no downside.

I highly recommend Lion's Roar unqiue granite flask to add knockback to your attacks. It lets you push enemies into your aftershocks.

I also tested the vaal version of earthquake of amp but the extended duration and our very slow attack speed makes it very suboptimal and not worth getting. Ideal gem is 20/23 EQ of amp.
Dernière édition par fouquet#0993, le 21 déc. 2023 08:50:34
fouquet a écrit :
p4kon1 a écrit :

nice build bro,

but where u get this custom modifiers in configuration?
earthquake +12% chance to deal double damage
earthquake +2 base duration
earthquake deals 567% more damage with hits
earthquake deals 137% more damage with ailments
earthquake has 95% more area of effect
cyclone has 33% more attack speed

seems there isnt 100mil dps, mby around 10mil, and w/o this modifiers in pob full dps ~10mil

It looks like you are probably using regular earthquake and your PoB is set to display the initial hit damage instead of aftershock damage. Make sure you set earthquake of amplification to aftershock damage and not initial hit damage in PoB.

That config was before the update to PoB to include the transfigured gems. Those values were for the transfigured earthquake of amplification stats and the transfigured cyclone of tumult stats.

With the updated PoB it looks like the dps cap is closer to 50-60 million rather than 100 million. Not sure what else changed in the calculations to lower it but 50 mil is still plenty for an under 20 div budget.

the +12% chance to double damage is from the mace mastery, since PoB forces generals cry mirage attacks to have 1 sec attack time it doesn't account for the mastery and since we have a real attack time longer than 1 second for the mirages the mastery does work so I forced it.

Here is an updated PoB with the new gems included based on my current gear:

Note that I've swapped melee phsyical damage support for elemental damage with attack skills support and the two hand mastery is changed from the 60% increased damage and 10% reduced attack speed to the 40% increased against rare and uniques. The attack speed reduction was a little too clunky, especially when I got the 6th mirage from quality on generals cry. With this setup the mirages have more time to travel and attack between each cry. If you want to keep the phys damage support and mastery you need to spec into some attackspeed on the tree instead of the last crit node and the dps ends up being about the same.

I am also using an Ursine charm which gives 1% life and mana leech if I have killed recently and 30% chance of endurance charge on stun. This lets me change the clever thief anointment for sovreignty anointment which lets us drop the banner and herald of ash for determination and bloodrage to help hit the phys reduction cap.

Cyclone of tumult is also huge for QoL on this build since it procs fortification faster and with a larger aoe for no downside.

I highly recommend Lion's Roar unqiue granite flask to add knockback to your attacks. It lets you push enemies into your aftershocks.

I also tested the vaal version of earthquake of amp but the extended duration and our very slow attack speed makes it very suboptimal and not worth getting. Ideal gem is 20/23 EQ of amp.

wow, thx you bro for huuuuge answer,
Apparently I missed it that you using transfigured earhquake. but anyway i love this build. its funny cuz all items is orange and all mechanics very smart working.

may i ask u last question, right now im 92lvl, and all items gotten, all anointed stuff, all gems (except transfigured eq, but tomorrow will get it). And my adrinaline from champ doesnt work.
im have 3372 hp, in pob i see 55% unreserved hp (its ~1854.6) - so i cant get how work this mechanic. Thats i need a little more unreserved hp, for trigger adrenaline? But then gem petrified blood will not working 100% uptime, right?
I noticed that I was still a couple of lvl lower, in pob for my character was unreserved hp was 54%, and maybe when i will be 97-98lvl im still be at 55% unreserved life and adrenaline will work, cuz each lvl give more hp, right?
may i ask u last question, right now im 92lvl, and all items gotten, all anointed stuff, all gems (except transfigured eq, but tomorrow will get it). And my adrinaline from champ doesnt work.
im have 3372 hp, in pob i see 55% unreserved hp (its ~1854.6) - so i cant get how work this mechanic. Thats i need a little more unreserved hp, for trigger adrenaline? But then gem petrified blood will not working 100% uptime, right?
I noticed that I was still a couple of lvl lower, in pob for my character was unreserved hp was 54%, and maybe when i will be 97-98lvl im still be at 55% unreserved life and adrenaline will work, cuz each lvl give more hp, right?

Yes you need to make sure your unreserved hp is slightly above 55% to trigger adrenaline with a life flask. Im lvl 95 and I still need to use lvl 19 precision to have the right HP. I think Its lvl 96 for lvl 20 precision and lvl 100 for lvl 21 precision.


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