Quin for president
Posté parPrak9#3180le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:35:05
Sounds like an amazing mode for the most GigaChad players of the community.
Posté parmaxens8888#5771le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:35:50
K...so in 3.20 the loot goblin will be remove and the old economies will be back rights,you know reroll a god damn timeless jewel and no pay a scalper 2 or 3 time the price.
theta40 a écrit :
Wow! That's pretty wild. I wonder how far people will be able to get.
I think the aim for this mode isn't to be difficult, but for the gameplay to be meaningful.
Posté parKappaKnight#2823le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:36:08
so AN stays in Ruthless and the rest of us can have fun again?
Posté parFriskySteve#6832le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:36:12
This is a League for Quin69? Everyone gonna be ZDPS :)).
Wow, what an amazing mode.
Posté parVsater124#5671le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:36:38
QQPQ a écrit :
Beverice a écrit :
Seems neat but
Item drops are not allocated to specific party members. Looting is entirely free-for-all. Items really matter. Better pick them up before someone else does.
why this change?
Because Chris is obsessed with the high he got from being the fastest click in NZ when playing D2.
This is the one change for Ruthless that I really don't like.
Ruthless would be a fantastic mode for PUGing if it weren't for this.
I hate things in games that encourage bad behavior. This encourages bad behavior. Certain things about the way trade is set up encourage bad behavior.
I wish PoE would grow up and realize that civilization is better than a world where people are brigands and thieves without consequences.
If you insist on letting people steal from me, make a way for me to steal my shit back.
What is bad behavior about picking up an item that dropped? Pls do clarify.
Posté parGizdalord#7626le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:36:46
I mean ill for sure give it a shot. :) Sounds cool
Posté parthehitt#1795le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:36:53
I love how ppl cant grasp the concept of "optional" and "passion project"
Posté parGizdalord#7626le 1 nov. 2022 à 16:37:22