quodlike a écrit :
qlasboy a écrit :
Shoud i use raze and pileage and switch to ruthless instead brutality? Or brutality is better. Ruthless do much more dmg every 3rd attack right? Minions atacks very fast is it not very good expiecially with this cluster jewel? I bought one with feasting fiends, instead raze and pileage is it ok? What is the best option?
In terms of DMG ruthless is the best option i think, thow you cant see exactly the damage in path of building (third attack).
What i play now is Renewal/Call to the Slaughter/Raze and Pillage with Brutality so i dont have to spec "Raze and Pillage" and get 2 passives point to use somewhere else.Thas not the best dmg wise option but endgame you got more than enough single target dmg and i would prefer to work on making the build even more tanky with more mechanics.
Working towards on having Discipline Aura up with Watchers Eye ES leech on hit.(Auls amulet with Pride 0% reservation needed)
PS. Still need to upgrade my shield thow.Found a guy he had the perfect shield for our build but he delisted it.
If you are using raze and pilage with brutality you are wasting 2 point cause you do only physical damage not fire/burning im right?
Posté parqlasboy#6022le 4 mai 2021 17:39:17
This league was my first time trying a dominating blow. I put together Von Vinktons build as it was one of the first I came across. Your build is super impressive and I want to try to convert to it. But it looks like its going to take like 60ex to get most of it together... I'm pretty terrible at making currency and at crafting lol. Any tips on how to start the conversion from where I am? pastebin for reference: https://pastebin.com/S2MZEKZN
InSaYnE_72 a écrit :
This league was my first time trying a dominating blow. I put together Von Vinktons build as it was one of the first I came across. Your build is super impressive and I want to try to convert to it. But it looks like its going to take like 60ex to get most of it together... I'm pretty terrible at making currency and at crafting lol. Any tips on how to start the conversion from where I am? pastebin for reference: https://pastebin.com/S2MZEKZN
I would start with an Elder Helmet ilvl86 with HoP reduced mana reservation 30%.
5L HoP with everything on the build costs 0 mana.
The build is super expensive in general i would not suggest going for it if you dont have plenty of time but its something you can get you playing the game and the league more than 2 weeks.
Posté parquodlike#4687le 5 mai 2021 05:04:47
Thinking about going for this build. I have around 180ex to spare and I am really disappointed in both my starters. Started the league with a lightning trapper and while getting me to endgame and farming he was getting random oneshots. Same goes for my Flicker Strike Gladiator - sick dps, but once he gets hit he dies instantly. I am REALLY looking for a build that can take a punsh or two. No, I am mechanically good and don´t need to facetank everything. I just want a build that I can savely farm maps and clear 10-boss encounters/Conqs/Sirus without dying to every single thing that touches me.
So please, is that the build for me then? :D Played the von vikton variant before and liked Dom Blow but didn´t like his version, rigged PoB. I just want a healthy mix of dps and tankyness, seems like this is a lot to ask right now even with that budget...
Posté parVennto#1610le 5 mai 2021 05:18:41
Vennto a écrit :
Thinking about going for this build. I have around 180ex to spare and I am really disappointed in both my starters. Started the league with a lightning trapper and while getting me to endgame and farming he was getting random oneshots. Same goes for my Flicker Strike Gladiator - sick dps, but once he gets hit he dies instantly. I am REALLY looking for a build that can take a punsh or two. No, I am mechanically good and don´t need to facetank everything. I just want a build that I can savely farm maps and clear 10-boss encounters/Conqs/Sirus without dying to every single thing that touches me.
So please, is that the build for me then? :D Played the von vikton variant before and liked Dom Blow but didn´t like his version, rigged PoB. I just want a healthy mix of dps and tankyness, seems like this is a lot to ask right now even with that budget...
Its a build that will get you playing and not get bored early on the League something to work getting it stronger. The numbers are there getting the gear is a challenge but not impossible plus you get access to endgame content more comfortable than most builds.
Posté parquodlike#4687le 5 mai 2021 08:50:25
It's to hard to find the perfect shield. What is priority mod on the shield before we could have the perfect shield?
Its a build that will get you playing and not get bored early on the League something to work getting it stronger. The numbers are there getting the gear is a challenge but not impossible plus you get access to endgame content more comfortable than most builds.
I´ll give it a shot, already leveling it, thanks :)
Posté parVennto#1610le 5 mai 2021 12:32:23
qwerty22121998 a écrit :
It's to hard to find the perfect shield. What is priority mod on the shield before we could have the perfect shield?
life /#% recover life on block/and reduced mana reserved 15% and an open prefix for +2 to support its not hard to buy one i am just looking the perfect one that has +2 to all max resists also. You can up 7 auras even without the 15% reduced.
Posté parquodlike#4687le 5 mai 2021 15:41:40
quodlike a écrit :
InSaYnE_72 a écrit :
This league was my first time trying a dominating blow. I put together Von Vinktons build as it was one of the first I came across. Your build is super impressive and I want to try to convert to it. But it looks like its going to take like 60ex to get most of it together... I'm pretty terrible at making currency and at crafting lol. Any tips on how to start the conversion from where I am? pastebin for reference: https://pastebin.com/S2MZEKZN
I would start with an Elder Helmet ilvl86 with HoP reduced mana reservation 30%.
5L HoP with everything on the build costs 0 mana.
The build is super expensive in general i would not suggest going for it if you dont have plenty of time but its something you can get you playing the game and the league more than 2 weeks.
So with the helmet and some respec points I can switch over? Helms without the enchant are 2.5+ ex so I may have to enchant it myself. I think its easier now though with the lab rework. I was reading the crafting section but am confused. So once I have a helm that's enchanted I just hit it with bound fossils till I get both increased level of minion gems and Minion damage support? then craft on avian with beast craft and then just add on what ever else is useful with different fossils? I'm terrible at crafting so apologies if these questions are horrible. Also I wouldn't need the cluster or Craiceann's Carapace to get started or should I save for them before I do the respec as well?
Dernière édition par InSaYnE_72#3563, le 6 mai 2021 01:14:27
InSaYnE_72 a écrit :
quodlike a écrit :
InSaYnE_72 a écrit :
This league was my first time trying a dominating blow. I put together Von Vinktons build as it was one of the first I came across. Your build is super impressive and I want to try to convert to it. But it looks like its going to take like 60ex to get most of it together... I'm pretty terrible at making currency and at crafting lol. Any tips on how to start the conversion from where I am? pastebin for reference: https://pastebin.com/S2MZEKZN
I would start with an Elder Helmet ilvl86 with HoP reduced mana reservation 30%.
5L HoP with everything on the build costs 0 mana.
The build is super expensive in general i would not suggest going for it if you dont have plenty of time but its something you can get you playing the game and the league more than 2 weeks.
So with the helmet and some respec points I can switch over? Helms without the enchant are 2.5+ ex so I may have to enchant it myself. I think its easier now though with the lab rework. I was reading the crafting section but am confused. So once I have a helm that's enchanted I just hit it with bound fossils till I get both increased level of minion gems and Minion damage support? then craft on avian with beast craft and then just add on what ever else is useful with different fossils? I'm terrible at crafting so apologies if these questions are horrible. Also I wouldn't need the cluster or Craiceann's Carapace to get started or should I save for them before I do the respec as well?
The cheapest option to Craft the Helmet is with single Bound Fossils in order to get the +3 and minion damage support.Even if we dont get life we can craft 70 life on it from bench (Prefix) and you just need an open Suffix for beastcrafting Avian.We dont add Pristine Fossils for life cause its gonna roll minion life on Helmet most of the times and we dont need it
Dernière édition par quodlike#4687, le 6 mai 2021 03:24:02
Posté parquodlike#4687le 6 mai 2021 03:23:35