[3.16 Updated Check Witch Forum]N1 Dominating Blow Life 9 Auras
Update on Witch Section https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3224958 Cheers
https://pastebin.com/eGfxVadw This pastebin is a reference to my 3.14 Build. I made the changes on Gems for 3.15 and adjusted it for full dps so you can see the damage potential easyer I will add a section at the top were i will be updating my gear everyday and potential changes i come up with later on the league. TEMPLAR DOMINATING BLOW ASCENDANCY GUARDIAN LIFE 9 AURA ![]() Introduction: Hi guys i have been playing Dominating Blow the last few Leagues and every time i try to trancend the build to higher heights.Here i will showcase you my build for anyone who is interested in a different minion build and has above average knowledge of the game. The build was originaly inspired by Balor Mage guide a few leagues back and i always tried to improve it and reached to this state i will showcase below. This build is about trying to stack as many auras as possible being as tanky as possible while maintaining high Life and very high damage ofc.I would like to point out that the build is very flexible and you can try things on your own if you get the phylosophy behind what we achieved here. Gameplay Gifs Gonna Add More Soon
T16 JUICED BEACH MAP ![]() Pros/Cons
+ Good Clear with Awakened Melee Splash. + Very Good Single Target. + Insane Survivability. + Fun to play not an AFK build. + Can do all content of the game. + Specific League Mechanics that are quite easy when you reach endgame gear "Simulacrum 20 Level" "Blight Maps all tiers" "Heists" "Synethesis Maps" + I concider it one of the best builds to commit all League improving it. - Cheap to Start but big currency sink in order to convert to Auras not impossible ofc. - The few game mechanics that its annoying or not so fast to execute them are "Endgame Legion Monoliths" "UberElder" Path of Building Pastebins PASTEBIN 3.14 ULTIMATUM ENDGAME 9 AURAS
BASIC DOM BLOW ITEMS BEFORE AURA SETUP(Start with this. Check Starting PasteBin for GEM setup due to 3.15 changes on CWDT the items shown are for reference)
A lot of people find kinda hard to scale Dominating Blow and they usually drop the build before they reach its true potential.Lets go and see in what order should we upgrade our gear to achieve the DPS we want and what items and gems give us a significant ammount of DMG 1.Ghastly Eye Jewels minion damage 2.HoP our second source of DPS(Helmet Improve Minion Level and Damage) 3.Aspect of the Avian 4.Alt quality gem/auras and Awakening gems especially Multistrike 5.21/20 main skill gems 6.Circle of Guilt gives insane HoP DPS dont forget to divine 7.Proper Cluster Jewels BUILD DEFENSIVE LAYERS
Here is where the Defensive setup build shines Since we use Glancing Blows and the Guardian Ascendancy we achieve max Attack/Spell Block 75/75 Even with not so much high end gear you can achieve this cause we got the Signal Prey that combo's with Bastion of Hope for the Spell Block and on top of that we use Rumi's Concoction We use a Timeless Jewel Doryanis that gives us the Corrupted Soul Passive 50% of Non-Chaos Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield Gain 15% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield On my build i am siting on 6858 Hp and 2248 Es with a lot of room for improvement if i get a proper "Flesh Worship" and small node passive divining the Timeless jewel We use a Watcher's Eye that give us 8% Addition Physical Damage reduction (Determination Aura) and 25 Life gain on hit (Vitality aura) Mine has on top of that 1.16% damage leeched as life (Vitality aura) We can achieve 35%-40% physical damage reduction without anything up. As you can see from the POB i am on 78% with my Flasks up. Since we run +2 max resists on Shield along with the auras PoF PoL we are on 82% Fire/Lightning resist. 77% Cold resist (You can drop one Purity for another for 82% on Aul fight) 77% Chaos resist We also got Arctic Armour for when we Facetanking Atziri on arena the Feared. I have completed white Arena the Feared deathless on Defensive Setup. We got Perma double Curse without clicking a single button. Reckoning/Enffeble/Awakened Hextouch Level 5 gives us a free +1 curse and combos with the Vulnerability on Hit.Everything is perma double cursed. We got minion hinder/blind/taunt mechanic from Ghastly Eye. We are immune to CB(Not bleeding anymore). We got %recover Life when you block from Shield We got Instant Heal for tough situations with Forbidden Taste We got Time of Need passive 80% curse reduce Curse Effect(Makes maping easyer and we can scale Rarity/Quantity higher) and free Instant Heal every 4 seconds GEAR EXPLANATION HOW TO START EARLY ON HOW TO CRAFT THE ITEMS WE NEED HOW TO PROPERLY SEARCH THE TRADE
Gear Breakdown
Here i will explain every slot of the gear we can wear.The build is very flexible and everything i say below might no be new player friends. Weapon
There is only one weapon in the game that can make this build viable and that is
The Scourge is a global drop now so its very easy to access early on the League.Starting the League buy w/e unique cheap claw is available for your levels or one hand with good Pdps and as higher AS you can find. Helmet
Our Helmet setup is a rare one.Early on the League in order to start killing Sirus i always search Helmets with +Chaos Resistance/High Life/Resists. On the trade Site i search it with as much chaos resist as possible without Life and i try find one with open Prefix so i craft Life myself on it (41-55) or (56-70) if you got the bench recipe. Endgame what we searching is something like this or or I consider Bone Helmet Crafting very easy.Every League i managed to get those insane Helmets by spaming single Bound Fossils.What is nesecerry on our Helmet is to have 1 open Prefix in order to craft life and 1 open Suffix in order to craft Aspect of the Avian from the Menagerie(Beast crafting Avian is cheap if you want ot buy it) Even if you dont hit a perfect +3 and perfect 20 Level to minion damage there is no need to reroll it its still very good. I suggest starting the League to have always one tab open to target Helmet sellers on the Trade Site. What we need is Bone Helmet(Preferable not a Necessity) Elder iLevel 86+ Enchant Herald o Purity has Reduced Mana Reservation 30% If you are able to buy one early on with the enchant its gonna save you a lot of time and currency.I personally if i find one with the enchant even if below 86ilvl i usually buy it. While crafting the Helmet dont waste your Fossils with pristine/bound spam it will roll almost always Minion Life and its something we realy dont need. Just Bound Fossils and occasionally if you got available some Essence of Envy is the best method. Body Armour
Here we are pretty straight forward Tabula early if possible W/E 6L Corrupted Rare armour with Life/Chaos Resist Before Aura Setup when possible aquire Not only the chest makes us immune to Bleed has good life resists and a good ammount of Armour plus we can open Aspect of the Crab before getting Avian. Now the Hard part our main endgame chest is a good rolled Acquiring this chest is only the start since we need to 5 offcolour it. Thanks to GGG this got easyer with Ultimatum League. The process to get the right colours is either gamble on Harvest which i do not suggest doing it or the method i use next. Jeweller Colour Crafting with the Bench. We use the Crafting bench socket crafting slowly to aquire the right colours. Let last the blue socket since every try will need 350 Jewellers to hit and 70 to roll back to 5 sockets. The negative on this method is that we need the Delve recipes so you gonna need to do some Delving aquiring the recipes.PoE wiki has the exact locations that you can find them its easy actually. After we get the Colours i suggest getting it to higher quality before using your fusings on it. That can be done by getting Hillock on Fortification. Early on the League be carefull doing Jun missions dont miss your oportunity to get Hillock on fortification. There is also the Option to get Vorici on Research from Jun missions so you get white sockets but i dont concider it early on. There is a spreadsheet jpg image online for Jun missions that shows what every Betrayal Member provides Google it and have it open while playing. Saqawal's Nest can drop from Saqawal, First of the Sky in Saqawal's Roost on Menagerie if you feel like trying to find the chest yourself. Gloves
Here are some examples of gloves we can get
Getting Gloves is pretty easy a lot of people sell good gloves without realising exactly their price. I have pathofexile trade site Live Search searching for Hight Life High Chaos Resist Open Suffix Full on Prefix if not at least 2 in order to block Prefix, Gloves to not have influence in order later on to hit "Warlords Exalt for Culling Strike" Culling Strike is good quality of life for the build but its not mandatory. I usually prefer to have more suffix open in order to craft extra Chaos resists Fire/Chaos Cold/Chaos Etch from crafting bench We try accumulate as much chaos resist as possible cause it will help us when we min max for endgame Another option is to search for Synthesised Gloves like the ones i linked and craft them with Essence of Envy for chaos resist and hope to get good life also. For Enchanting our gloves we only needs Commandment of the Grave Belt
Getting a belt is tricky and sometimes requires good timing on the Trade Site.
Here are some endgame belts we can get and i will do some explaining below Unfortunately i dont suggest crafting a belts except for the %life increased with the Hunter Exalt. Getting a belt depends heavily on our other items As you can see the best option for us is a Stygian Vice and i usually try to max my resists as much as possible with the belt so i dont need resists on other items. If its available on the trade i would prefer to buy a belt with max chaos resists and 2 of the other than the 3 main resists. Dont go for a very good belt early on i consider it waste of currency and the reason is you might not need as many resists as i currently up with my builds since we get Purity of Fire and Purity of Lightning.One resist we need for sure though is Cold. Aside all that you can see on one belt i linked i got cooldown recovery and only one crafting resist Cold/Chaos from the Crafting Bench.I think this our best option for our main skills if you can manage to get something similar. Pray for good RNG on those Hunter Exalts Hits(Prefix needed open) As for Enchant getting the Fortify 300 Armour is a nice + You can get belt enchants from Eternal Labyrinth of Potential Boots
Here are some boots options
Our basic boots options are cheap in general. Mandatory is Life(P)/Chaos Resist(S)/Cold Resist(S) Cannot Be frozen(P)Crafting Bench I am used to not run movement speed on boots since with the quicksilver while maping i find my speed good enough and we usually get movement speed buff from Dominating Blow Sentinel Headhunter Effect. From here we got quite a few options to craft on the boots with Conqueror's Exalts.Depending on what mods are open here is what i suggest to craft If open (P):Prefix % to maximum Fire Resistance (Crusader exalt) % chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill (Redeemer Exalt) If open (S):Suffix % increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (Crusader exalt) % increased Strength (Hunter Exalt) % additional Physical Damage Reduction (Warlord exalt) For Labyrinth Enchants i prefer these in the order below. 1. 0.6% of Damage Leeched as Life if you've Killed Recently 2. Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you were Hit Recently 3. 16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently Two Toned Boots not realy mandatory depends on the gear might need a pair with cold resist implicit. Rings
Early on the league i either equip 1 "Le Heup of All" and one rare ring with Attributes/Life and w/e else i need. What we actually need and are very important for the build in order to scale dmg are these These are the absolute endgame rings.Unfortunately those rings are expensive early on the League and i personally target farm synthesis maps in the hopes of finding something similar. Starting the League put Live Search 1 page for the Sentinel Damage and Purity Reservation(Try aquire those first) / 1 page for vulnerability implicit and lastly 2 more pages 1 with Purity of Fire implicit and the last page with Purity of Lightning implicit(Carefull with the explicits to be the right ones). The rings are realy important to scale our HoP VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU FOLLOW OFFENSIVE OR DEFENSIVE BUILD BE CAREFULL WHAT IMPLICIT AURA YOU BUY CAUSE YOU WILL NEED TO ADJUST YOUR CLUSTER JEWEL AND AMULET ACCORDINGLY In Ultimatum League i target farmed Synthesis maps along with Zana Atlas buffs and made insane profit.I will explain later on the build. Amulets
PreAura Amulet and Enchant The amulet i linked is an example not the best option. Starting the league get an amulet with chaos resist and hight Life and enchant "Deflection" Dont go for a better amulet since you gonna convert to Auras. Offensive 7 aura Setup Amulets Depending on the Circle of Guilt implicit we get our amulet (Purity Reservation) If you dont have the Circle of Guilt implicit Aura buy w/e one you can find (Fire or Lightning Reservation) Lucky for us in our Offensive Setup we got room to add the aura gem on our build. Just drop Animate Guardian and swap glove gems with weapon gems as seen in the POB. Trade Search Life/Aura Reservation preferably to have open suffix for chaos resist craft and Charisma Enchant Getting a double influence +1STR +1PHY is a realy long goal you can set for yourself. Defensive 9 aura Setup Amulet After quite some testing i found Aul's Uprising Amulet on Determination our best option. Determination Aul's not only is not very expensive as other auras but we can get a good combo with a Watcher's eyes for 8% extra physical damage reduction Ghastly eyes/Cluster Jewels/Timeless Jewels
Ghastly eyes We searching for Life/Minion Physical Damage One of you Ghastly must have Minions %chance to Blind on Hit Hinder is nice also to have Endgame Ghastly eyes are realy expensive if you can find 20% Minion damage if you used a minion skill recently along with Flat Damage and Life Cluster Jewels Large cluster both Offensive/Defensive Setup We dont use Raze and Pillage since we got Brutality in our 6L Setup. If you find Chaos add on Harvest use on the Cluster to get chaos resist Medium cluster both Offensive/Defensive Setup Small cluster Offensive/Defensive Setup Harvest chaos resist if possible For Offensive Setup Depending on what resist aura we got on Shield we need the relevant small cluster jewel.Pure Might or Pure Aptitude Timeless Jewels Here we got 2 options both very good. Xibaqua and Doryanis Xibaqua provides us with Divine Flesh Large Passive Node: All Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield 50% of Elemental Damage taken as Chaos Damage +5% to maximum Chaos Resistance Doryanis provides us with 50% of Non-Chaos Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield Gain 15% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield I like both very much but i lately use Doryanis. Thread of Hope We use a corrupted Medium Thread of Hope on our Tree with "Immunity to corrupted blood" implicit. Unfortunately due to the changed on Bleeding and CB with have also a Flask on top of the Jewel Watcher's Eyes
Defensive Setup In our Defensive Setup we use a Watcher's eye with "Additional physical damage reduction while using Determination" and combining this mod with the "Life gain on Hit while using Vitality" our Defences get a huge buff. Flasks
For flasks we utilise these: Dont use Forbiden Taste before you get proper Chaos Resistance. Early on we got Enduring Cry along with Call to Arms so its not so important.When you are able to use Forbiden Taste we drop Enduring Cry and Call to Arms. Shield
For last i left the shield. I consider the shield the most important part of the build and the most expensive. Examples of Shields: As you can see the shields are quite endgame material. What i consider mandatory for the shield is: 1.High Life 2.%recover life when you block 3.+2 to all max resists 4.Socketed Gems Have 15% reduced mana reservation Early on the League 1 and 2 options are what you must get first. Unfortunately the combination of all these is quite hard to acquire There is a meta crafting guide but its quite expensive gonna come back on this when make sure its correct. Early on the League i craft my own Shields and i get insane ammounts of currency. I got a tab open with Live Search on base Shaper shields iLvL85+.I buy w/e i can at the time and i spam pristine fossils on them. Its quite easy to hit something good and thats goes for quite a few exalts. There are a lot of mods that pay so make sure to always manual check dont blindly trust your Trade programs GEMS
Our 6L setup i recommend is Maping
Single Target
We start as Templar and we level up with Smite/Holy Flame Totem we get Herald of Purity Act2
. We try from the beginning to get a Vaal Summon Skeletons.Act3 we swap Smite with Dominating Blow and we move forward like a train.
Skill Tree Progression before Aura Setup
First passives i grab are Tireless/Sanctuary/Glancing Blows next i move up to Retribution.What we need early on the League since we dont have the Scourge as a weapon is Spiritual Aid passive node so next is that and on our way there we grab the 2 big nodes for INT AND DEXT (We drop them when we can).After that Call to Arms is our next goal.Next is Spiritual Command and Gravepact.Rest is up to you to decide how to move forward depending on your build progress.
What i do to reach endgame/How i progress/How i make currency/What goals i set every League /What i do to enjoy the game and many more. All these years of Experience playing PoE shared with everyone who wants to read below
Hi guys here i will explain some things about PoE from my prespective since i play almost from the beginning of the game and i am pretty burned out what i do i general to keep myself motivated. First of all i have found home on a build that i can play all League improving and that it is not impossible to achieve realy endgame gear by playing solo.All these by having above average knowledge of the game and how the trade works. Before the League starts i check what is new doing my calculations checking new gems changelogs etc and i am setting goals to keep my self motivated.For example in Ultimatum League i wanted to get some specific implicit corrupted mods on Auls amulets along with other things to improve my build. Also 36/40 is also a standar set goal for me Starting the league my goal always is to complete Atlas or progress the completion as fast as possible.With the new Region Passive the game is quite Grindy and those passives are realy important to target farm specific things like Jun and Alva . While playing the game make sure not to waste your time doing the same maps buy always new maps from Zana or Trade. In Ultimatum League i decided to target farm Synthesis Maps combining with Zana Passives and that got me way ahead in terms of Currency. Every League is different depending how the meta shifts. In the next few days gonna update what my goals are for 3.15 and what i am gonna target farm in the League depending on their balance changes ENDGAME BUILD WHAT ITS CAPABLE After a certain powerlevel you can easily destroy Maven Awakening 9 in seconds every phase.The only thing that can kill you is if you fail the memory game and the charge mechanic which is easy to dodge. Sirus/Elder/Shaper is a joke for this build.The only boss that can give you a hard time is (Uber Elder) due to his mechanics i suggest you don't go UberElder until you are strong enough and you got average knowledge of the fight I have also killed Aul, the Crystal King at 490 depth but with some optimization on the auras(Purity of Ice) and some good gameplay mechanics Build is Maven's Invitation arena the Feared/Forgotten capable Defensive Setup can do arena the Feared easyer dude to Arctic Armour Aura. In Mavens arena the Feared swap Movement Speed potion with a second Forbitten Taste and kill Atziri First she is the only problem in this fight. Hit me ingame for any questions thanks for checking FAQ
How do you sustain mana? Dom Blow does not need mana leech but we use this flask so we map comfortable. How much does the build cost?(Currency) The build is quite expensive.Its not the most Time/Value/PowerLevel build out there but its a build you can commit all the League to improve it. What Pantheon/Bandits etc Everything is in the POB configured Gameplay Videos when? Dont know too lazy :D Gonna Stream Early on the 3.15 League for the Dominating Blow Lovers.There is no donate button or w/e the Stream gonna be up for a few days to answer your questions and Discord if anyone wants to join and talk about the build. quodZ is my Twitch Stream Channel If you want to follow my progress i do "quodlike" is the account name Thanks for all the feedback and you guys following the build. I suggest you guys dont rush on the aura setup unless you are able to get 4-5 up and some decent yellow gear to have your chaos maxed with Xibaqua or Doryani and proper life 6K+ Be patient collect the pieces and you swap later Dernière édition par quodlike#4687, le 26 déc. 2021 15:14:32 Dernier bump le 26 déc. 2021 15:14:44
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Hi ive never tried dom blow. Hows the bossing and can it handle sirius?
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" Yeah Dom Blow is capable for Sirius without any serius investment just get . Craiceann's Carapace Golden Plate Max Chaos resist Xibaqua Timeless Jewel (Optional) |
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Is your DOM build different much than the Ghazzy build? If so, make a write up.. I been wanting a strong DOM build forever!
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" As far as i have checked there exists only my version of Dom Blow atm . One of my friends following also the build. Its kinda hard to write a proper guide atm cause i forgot how to properly edit the thread in order to make a good guide. I checked Ghazzy guide dont think the numbers he provides are correct. My build i a lot more tanky uses a lot more game mechanics. If you only concider my resists 85/78/82/83 plus from xibaqua you get reduced elemental dmg and i am also immute to ignite shock and freeze My dmg output is insane if you concider that i destroy Maven phace in 2-3 seconds maybe 4-5 if i dont have minions out . The only struggle is last arena Uber Atziri cause we are melee. Everyone in their builds dont have Predator Support and thats awful to not have . The build feels so smooth while you control all your minions and you dont lose a lot of dmg. They instead use impale but i got impale on cluster jewels since renewal got nerfed. And we get double dmg from Aspect of the Avian a lot more. If you study my path of building everything make a lot of synergy. For boss fights if i want to buff my dmg i swap melee splash to Divergent Maim support. |
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" Dernière édition par quodlike#4687, le 9 févr. 2021 17:37:06
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Looks very interesting and a high lvl build for dominant blow is hard to get runned. With the scourge weapon great. Interesting!
Dernière édition par Chromino#4813, le 9 févr. 2021 10:50:39
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Accident bump instead of edit
Dernière édition par quodlike#4687, le 9 févr. 2021 17:36:29
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Accidently bump instead of edit
Dernière édition par quodlike#4687, le 9 févr. 2021 17:35:50
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Really nice build, interresting. Never seen something similar. How it handles bosses etc ?
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