[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!

Got what I think are going to be my final gloves, switching back to Frostblink for them as well. Haven't felt the need to use Flame Dash for its multiple dashes as much recently anyway. That chaos res will come in handy as I "perfectly" divined my watcher's eye in 2 attempts (6% life/es/mana/8% phys reduction) but chaos res roll went almost as low as possible 31% out of 30-50.

Before I went and did both Eldritch implicits I'm thinking if I should try and eldritch chaos orb prefixes to try and get two high rolls out of armour/es/life, though I can just benchcraft +70 life as chaos rerolling can turn into another huge currency sink and I'm still not lvl 21 my Divirgent Incinerate (~10 temples in) and that alone is starting to drive me crazy, lol.

In addition to gold flask, I'm also running Item Rarity support instead of Awakened Elemental Focus, can't believe how good the clear and even 1v1 still feels like on an essentially 3-link atm. In 180-210 quant maps with Wellspring of Creation too. Base 120-130+ quant maps and then all the bonuses from the tree comes in - https://imgur.com/a/sR8seFN

Started filtering aka regexing out anything lower (+ unwanted mods like -% max res, block reduce and can't regenerate life) and never looked back. Synergizes well with Harvest stuff - guaranteed Sacred Grove to save some atlas tree points and get rid of rng spawn + Double lifeforce, 2 additional Abysses and Quality bonus adds to Rarity sextants. Pretty much found my perfect setup until 99 level at least. Sextants are pretty costly (other than rarity), but profiteable and I hate essence/scarabs/oil trade in comparison too. Also the fragments are pretty cheap - just need gilded/winged scarabs + atziri fragments, Mortal Grief/Hope + a random sacrifical one or 3 of them if you dont want to bother with Mortal frags. Idk how do you even level your character without speccing into abyss (or abusing parties/rotas), feels so much better with those 100-150% exp bonuses. It's also the reason I can corrupt so many Incinerate gems often.
Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 11 sept. 2022 09:56:24
EDIT: somehow double posted without meaning.

I guess I can add that I decided to save on the temples and vaal orbed 3 divirgent incinerate gems more now with one of them finally succeeding. Free from that slot machine. Took 10 temples and 5 vaal orbs to do that

Although now it's time to corrupt small/large clusters to get Corruption Blood immunity...
Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 11 sept. 2022 09:46:03
Manners__ a écrit :

Btw pob in first side is up to date? Thanks for the help in advance


MrCinos gave you a ton of good advice. As for this question, the POB in the first post was made as a blue print before 3.19 started. As with all blue prints, you can make small or big changes as you go.

I made some small changes in my build as compared to the POB. Please feel free to take a look at my character if you need any ideas.

"New" weapon: Got a small 70-80k dps upgrade as a weapon corruption, I'll try to double corrupt the two nearly perfect cerberus with 30% qual / elem quality I have stashed and see if I can upgrade over this singe corrupt as well. It helps that the blue lifeforce is the cheapest one to not hurt as much.

Actually got better (suffix base) gloves for almost 3x less (3 divs) than the ones above, rerolled its prefixes with eldritch chaos orbs (~1 div) to get "good enough" prefixes, divined 4 times to get good offensive mod % (got lucky with max roll) and then spent like 5-6 divines to roll the implicits during the course of the evening as soon as I sold/farmed enough - took some patience but now I'm truly content.

That single mod with hits aganist chilled enemies adds ~500k dps for bodyswap version and obviously more for regular Incinerate 6-link. Pretty damn strong on the build and it's easy to chill the enemies in a decent AoE with the frostblink. Maybe it doesn't give as much as aspect of the spider, but it doesn't cost you mana reservation so I'd highly recommend that as an end-game option. Increased damage against chilled enemies also comes together with a huge cold res in a single mod so what's not to like.


Pretty much only belt enchant left, cluster corrupts, divine Aegis and sacred orb and sacred orb the gloves. After that it's work towards +4 skill amulet, though not quite sure if it's worth it. The thing I dont like about it as a goal: you won't be able to replicate that in the next league so feels a little bit like cheating. Other than that I'd at least want to get level 99 (halfway in atm) to make the character highest leveled one so far for me to show it some special "love" as it deserves it, lol.

Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 11 sept. 2022 19:34:17
MrCinos a écrit :

"New" weapon: Got a small 70-80k dps upgrade as a weapon corruption, I'll try to double corrupt the two nearly perfect cerberus with 30% qual / elem quality I have stashed and see if I can upgrade over this singe corrupt as well. It helps that the blue lifeforce is the cheapest one to not hurt as much.

If min maxing, don't forget to enchant it before corrupting next time if you are looking to min max.

Upgrade weapon's quality in Betrayal and then use Harvest bench to enchant the quality to Elemental damage and then go corrupt it.
Damn, I've been doing a huge write up for the character/build I ended up with, commenting on every part of it basically and once I started describing Anomalous Sigil of Power I actually read its description and did the math, all this time I haven't really activated it, lol. Had to downgrade it to level 1 where now I spend about the same amount of mana per second (when using item rarity support) as it requires to gain stages, so now it should actually give me 10% less damage protection 3 seconds in (so 9 out of 12 seconds uptime).

If min maxing, don't forget to enchant it before corrupting next time if you are looking to min max.
Yeah, I'm aware - that's what I meant by "30% qual / elem quality". Gonna use those as the base for corruption attempts.
Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 12 sept. 2022 10:46:42
MrCinos a écrit :
Yeah, I'm aware - that's what I meant by "30% qual / elem quality". Gonna use those as the base for corruption attempts.

The 30% quality, I believe, only comes from Bestiary and that corrupts the item when it sets it to 30%. I don't think you can corrupt it again.

I think you can get either 24% or 28% in Betrayal and that won't corrupt the item allowing you to take it to the temple for a double corrupt.

MrCino's, would you have any interest in this belt? I am going to sell for 3 div, but will hold it for you in case you want to buy. Let me know.

I am now done with this character. I had a blast. Thanks to @Claeysken for again hosting this thread.

Today I killed Catarina, Shaper, Elder, and Sirus (all deathless). I also just completed a full wave 30 simulacrum (2 deaths).

I am heading on to a new character now but I will keep my eye on the thread to answer questions.
Decided to be free from Arcane Surge. Feels so liberating to have no need to stop the channeling to activate it. Frostblink and Molten Shell both can be used without interruptions too and go perfect along with the playstyle.

I feel like there's not that much benefit to Arcane Surge if you're already using Divirgent Incinerate now that I'm thinking about it. While you're boosting your DPS by a certain amount, on practice you have to drop your channeling/incinerate stacks every 4 seconds (if you want 0 Arcane Surge downtime) and every time that happens your DPS drops down big time till you stack Incinerate stages to 10. Sure it takes about a second for me but during that ~1 second (out of 4) your real DPS is a lot lower than usual so overall Arcane Surge doesn't really increase DPS if not downgrades it. In my case 4 seconds chunks of DPS with AS are 100+k DPS lower than without it because of the 1s you spend on building stacks.

Hope I am making sense with the observation. So in the end you spend 1-2 cluster notables for basically a mana regen that comes with Arcane Surge unless you're still using regular quality Incinerate where dropping stacks results in small bursts of damage and can be beneficial. Or use AS in a link with Frostblink which isn't applicable to me even if I wanted cause I reduce mana cost of non-channeling skills by quite a bit.

But again, this is only the case where you use both Divirgent Incinerate and Frostblink for repositioning during encounters to not drop the Incinerate stacks, so quite the late game scenario. Arcane Surge is clearly beneficial if all your fights last only 4 seconds too, but I'd be more worried about DPS in the fights that take you more than that vs beefier enemies. Or you need constant repositions. I dodge all on-death effects without stopping channeling thanks to Bodyswap so idk maybe it's only my particular bodyswap version that finds Arcane Surge painful to activate at this point of time.


Another thing I've discovered is how amazing Enduring Composure on Megalomaniacs. So much better than other endurance charge generators. Even better than Inexorable when it comes to that. Comes along with 30% increased armour too, so not much worse than Inexorable in that regard as well.

So if I was playing regular Incinerate version with The Stampede boots I'd still go for Enduring Composure on megalomaniac and then use boots anoint for something else other than Inexorable, like Disciple of the Unyielding or Whispers of Doom. Of course you'd still need to have 2 large cluster setups for that assuming you spend two medium clusters on stun immunity. Unless you can snag Megalomaniac that has both Enduring Composure and Unwavering Focus. Or you can use Enduring Focus / Rote reinforcement (both for endurance charge generation) + Unwavering Focus megalomaniac too, still have room for the 3rd beneficial notable on the Megalomaniac and anoint something other than Inexorable on the boots.
Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 15 sept. 2022 05:31:41


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