[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!
About Debilitate I'll try it out. I do see some nice eHP increase in PoB but the one problem here I see is that we don't have Resolute technique so the hit chance is ~30-40% depending on the enemy. I guess most enemies dish out tons of all kind of hits that gets blocked/trigger reckoning so it will still proc pretty often but still I have to wonder much is the actual uptime of the debuff. Or do we have something that makes every retalitation hit?
Overall I can see it being even more useful to me as I'm always on top of the enemy because of bodyswap targetting. As for Ignite damage being substantial I think it's just because of -10% fire res on Combustion that is active only when ignited. Ofc not entirely sure but you get the same dps increase decrease by (un)check enemy ignited and combustion gem. And unchecking Combustion doesn't do anything if enemy isn't ignited. So improving the chances to ignite seems reasonable. Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 7 sept. 2022 21:11:40
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" Thank you for the info on Ignite. I think that all makes sense. So let me see if this is correct: 1) Divergent Flamm increases chances to ignite on cursed enemies 2) Reckoning procs, and uses both the Combustion and Flamm chance to ignite. 3) If and when reckoning procs ignite, the enemies will have -10% resist (from combust support gem). Seems interesting... ===== hmm, you bring up a good point about hit chance for Reckoning.... Our curses do seem to have excellent up time though (and they are also based on reckoning hitting). We have 100% hit chance against non bosses, and 45% chance against Pinnacle bosses. Curse, Ignite and Debilitate all depend on Reckoning "hitting". I think based on my observations on the curse up time, I think I am going to go ahead and give the 90% chance to debilitate a try. |
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" Seems to be the the case yeah and as for " Can make it 96% as each quality adds 2% it's one of those rare skills where 20 to 23 quality counts quite a bit and it's also cheap to corrupt anomalous reckoning with a simple vaal orb. Since we don't really care about the actual level of the gem unlike with Incinerate can just vaal lvl 16 ones in order to get 23%. --- Also, Some of the big changes I did today. By anointing Whispers of Doom and using 21/20% Punishment instead of Combustion alone I got +1.4m damage vs <50% HP enemies. So ~+700k DPS on average in my bodyswap setup without counting improved damage from bodyswap which isn't much +~100k or something. And I'd argue bigger burst vs <50% HP enemies is more important when you're on a time limit with flasks or the AN ramping up e.g. Soul Eater or one of the touched-ones. EDIT: oh right, I did that with Vaal RF on both old version and new one so maybe it's not as big of an increase anymore, too lazy to test old anointment without vaal rf again. Still I'm guessing I get more than usual increase in DPS because of Malediction ascendancy bonuses and that's before I slotted in my new shiny Megalomaniac gives additional 40% Punishment effectiveness and Culling Strike. Granted the Megalomaniac that got replaced also had pretty big DPS numbers on it. But what's also cool is that Punishment debilitates for 2 seconds on hit so I'm not sure if there's even a need on debilitate mastery for me now. I guess it can be ok vs hexproof stuff that awakened hextouch fails to curse? But not sure if it's worth the point anymore. Also funny now how I have corpse explosions from bodyswap, culling strike, % overkill damage from punishment and % overkill damage from herlad of ash. Although I've no idea if/how all of that stacks and in my case punishment overkill probably doesn't do much because it's physical damage. EDIT: Man, after playing a few maps with it feels like I have 30-40% culling strike lol, everything evaporates so fast after reaching 50% HP and that's with me playing only 160-200+ quant maps with Wellspring of Creation node (50% more hp on enemies). EDIT2: Argh, killed Lunaris-touched so fast wasn't able to swap the flask/rarity gem sigh, dropped only 1 divine. Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 8 sept. 2022 14:56:36
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A couple of item corruptions I acquired during the past day. Since the boots are abundant on market and cheap it's not hard to find decent double corruptions for them at small price, leaning into that curse theme with these ones. As for the helmet, I dont need to get enlighten lv 4 anymore - can remove it entirely and slot Arctic Armour there. The shock is also adding some 100+k DPS. I've a sneaking suspicion that 8 divs I paid for the helmet might have been a steal on my part, but not sure. Either way, very satisfied with buying both. Also, I'm thinking of getting into Threads of Hope jewel territory after all as well. I can remove 10 points at the bottom left for that. The only problem is that I wont have a jewel slot left for a rare one. So Corruption Blood immunity will have to come from flask / passive point unless I'd be able to get the right corruption on large / small cluster - which is another gamble money sink. Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 9 sept. 2022 03:38:15
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No one likes running the lab but keep your eyes open for the belt enchantment. There are 2 that are good for us.
15% Increased AOE when you have Arcane Surge 30% reduced Effect of Curses on you while on Consecrated Ground The first synergizes well if you have Arcane Heroism, since our Arcane Surge uptime is excellent The second synergizes well when you get the Bottled Faith bigger AOE of consecrated ground. I picked this up today. It had the tiny bonus of knocking me up to another level of Vaal Haste which is now at level 14 |
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There is a pack of monsters that I don't encounter often but when I do they are so annoying because they chain silence.
I just picked up a corrupted jewel to cover not being silenced. |
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"I've been running vaal temple with 13-16 vessels strats and after getting silenced quite often on opening the vessels and finally dying once I also said enough is enough went for silence immunity. Actually I haven't thought about it but if I will go for Threads of Hope jewel I'd need to roll not only immunity to corrupted blood but also Silence immunity on my large/small clusters... Maybe I'll just save up enough currency to get threads of hope with one of those corruptions to make it a bit easier. As for the belt enchant, you won't pay me enough to ran labs more than for mandatory ascendancies. Everything else after that I buy on TFT. Belt enchants are particularly expensive at ~8 divs though, so I won't be going for it for some time yet. Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 9 sept. 2022 10:53:37
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" keep your eyes on the trade site too. I picked mine up for only 2 div this morning. Every so often one pops up that has the enchant we need. |
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so i have request can someone look at my build and tell me what to do to stop dying. Its so anoying sometimes im pretty tanky but then random rare monster showed up or some random shit and one shots me when i have 3.5k hp and shield. Also there is way to deal with ground dmg or i just have to avoid it? Here is my build budget for now cuz im borke Flasks Btw pob in first side is up to date? Thanks for the help in advance Dernière édition par Manners__#6119, le 10 sept. 2022 19:31:11
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^ You'd want to improve that chaos res either going into Asylum node/mastery (I'm a big fan, no need to have curse res on rings) or via items and also more importantly, anoint The Stampede boots with Inexorable or what else, how do you even generate endurance charges at the moment?
Also, try to fit in Purity of Elements aura for immunity to all element ailments, you won't need as much ele res on your gear which leads to easier time to get chaos res / offensive mods on your rare items. You can easily retire Tempest Shield especially at the moment it gives you insane overcap of spell block so in reality all it does is shock immunity for you. You'd definitely want Uncompromising node on small mana reservation cluster for that to work though and if there'e still mana reservation issues consider Circle of Anguis ring with good Herald of Ash mana reservation numbers to make it work easier as well similar to my ring. EDIT: Your stun avoidance is also only at 50% chance, you'd want to fix it asap by getting another med cluster with Unwavering Focus. And just in general I'd recommend checking AndyLovesHisBge's character gear/tree for some potential tips as well. EDIT2: As for ground degens, you do want to avoid them - seems like it's the weakest part of defences. I like to use Soul of Abberath to ignore most of fire degens aka burning ground and incendiary AN death effects + Taste of Hate flask to make cold degens much easier to deal with - still an annoyance but much milder one than it used to be for me. I do have Aegis which gives more cold max res too though. In addition I've been using Wellspring of Creation atlas tree notable too, mostly so that I could stack eldritch altars easier and counteract some of the Warth of the Cosmos drawbacks. Dernière édition par MrCinos#7558, le 11 sept. 2022 04:52:43
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